Default path for iOS SDK Home does not appear in Titanium Studio - ios

I'm trying to set up Titanium Studio in a MAC machine. I got the followings installed.
Titanium Studio - 3.2.3
Xcode 5.1.1
But in the location where the path to iOS SDK Home has to be given, it appears as "Not specified".
I have the 2 options, "Refresh" and "Update". Refreshing does not give any result and when I click on "Update" it says no updates are available.
What could be the issue?

Try ti setup or appc setup command (recommended) in terminal it will configure everything required

Please see the following from Appcelerator Q&A
It might be the run configurations that have had their iOS version
blanked out. If you edit the run configuration that you are compiling
under, you should hopefully see that there is nothing set in the iOS
version. Set the value to what you want.
reference : iOS7 SDK not found
Hope it helped you!!

Check the node version:
node -v
AppCelerator is currently NOT compatible with node v6.x, use Node Version Manager :


Xamarin downloading and updating error on MacOs Sierra VM

I have a MacOS Sierra VM on VMWare and I'am having problems to download from the Xamarin repositories.
When I first installed Xamarin on Mac, I did the manual install of all downloads from xamarin because the installer gave me an error.
I need to update to Xamarin.IOS 10.4.0 but it gives me an error on automatic installer and I cant download anything.
The manual installer on this page:
don't show the Xamarin.IOS 10.4.0 version that I need, the last it shows its 10.3.1
Im new on Mac Os but I have internet on my VM and I don't know what to do.
Any ideas?
Any help is worth. Thank you.
I found a manual installer on this url:
I installed it whitout problems. I dont understand why this link isn't on:
i found it by myself.
The automatic installer of updates still dont working but this resolve my problem of the Xamarin.IOS version.
Use Xamarin Studio for updates. Even if it fails to complete downloads, you can find all those URLs later in ~/Library/Caches/XamarinStudio-6.0/TempDownload/index.xml.
I also have problems with automatic updates and all the links to the latest versions are almost always missing on Xamarin's Downloads page.

Installing Appcelerator Studio OS X El Capitan

I've been using Appcelerator Studio a lot, never seen this problem before. I recently did a fresh installation of OS X, then installing Xcode (7.3.1) and Command Line Tools for Xcode 7.3.1.
When installing Appcelerator Studio (build: everything is going great, the CLI gets installed. When starting up Appcelerator Studio, I have to configure SDKs, hence I am only interested in iOS at the moment, I uncheck Android in the Platform Configuration. The following is that Configuring SDK encountered a problem:
An internal error occurred during: "Configuring SDK". java.lang.NullPointerException
I continuing, and go to Preferences>Studio>Platforms>iOS, where the iOS SDK home says Not specified, I click refresh - nothing happens.
I run xcode-select -p and the correct path to Xcode Developer folder is printed.
Anyone having a clue of solving this?
I've check all the version statuses, also tried to reinstall and deleting all information that can impact to this.
Share the directory hierarchy where you have stored Android SDK and Platform screen folder. Also try to follow the guidelines of Titanium to integrate iOS, but remember to clean the hidden folders in root directory of your OS X system.
I believe the problem might be with your Xcode. Are you having multiple Xcode's installed?
Use sudo xcode-select -switch <xcode_folder_path> switch between Xcode's.
Then,run appc ti info -t ios and check whether CLI is able to identify the selected Xcode. If your Xcode is listed here, then studio should be able to identify it.

Multi-device hybrid apps: Use Xcode6 and iOS8 SDK

we want to use the new Xcode6 and iOS8 SDK to build our mda apps. I installed the sdk on the mac, but i cannot build at the moment using the new sdk, because it seems like the new devices and emulators are not displayed in Visual Studio. It is also not possible to choose an old device, because it says that it cannot find the emulator I've specified (I think they renamed the emulator devices). I switched back now to Xcode 5.1.1, but we would really want to use the new sdk to get the new features.
Do you have any plans when we can use the new Xcode?
There was an update made today to vs-mda-remote which should add in support for XCode6. Please make sure you get the latest version by running sudo npm install -g vs-mda-remote --user=$USER from your machine. This should get your build to pass. If you run into further issues, please email to discuss further.
There was a plugins release for September recently. If any of your current plugins seem to be flaky, you may want to consider updating them manually by editing the config.xml file.

System image arm eabi v7a of Android 4.4(API 20) is not noticed

I was trying to set up the environment to develop and debug a simple android app with the use of Android Virtual Device Manager. I had followed all the steps from google's website.
Moving to the next step, as I had selected the target to be 'Android 4.4W - API Level 20' details in the wizard 'create new android virtual device(AVD)', the CPU/ABI field was grayed out saying 'No system image installed for this target'.
I had opened ANdroid SDK Manager to check if the mentioned target is holding a valid system image.
It had been updated with the latest packages from the respective repositories while contacting few of the repositories was a failure.
In the end, I had a surprise that my Android 4.4W (API 20) is not having its respective system image installed.
When I actually checked the folders that I had downloaded, I couldn't also notice the System Images sub folder under the SDK folder.
Can someone please help me out with this?
Start up Android SDK manager. Under "Android 4.4W (API20), make sure "sources for android sdk" is installed. If not, check the box and installed.
P.S. - I had the same problem.
After installing the image you have to restart eclipse. Otherwise it can't see the image.
Got the same issue. If you're running SDK Manager on Windows 7, run it with the admistrator privileges. That solved the problem in my case.
Open SDK Manager -> Tools -> Options
Check Force https://... sources to be fetched using http://...
You will see sources for android SDK, install it.
Close SDK Manager and open it again, you wil see ARM EABI

Titanium SDK 3.2 [ERROR] : Invalid "--ios-version" value "7.0" 7.0.3

When I upgraded to titanium SDK version 3.2, I had an error when running on iOS says: titanium Invalid "--ios-version" value "7.0" Accepted values: 7.0.3, is there any possible way to solve this ?
I had the same issue.
I were able to solve it by changing the tiapp.xml node
Hope this helps
minimum iOS version to work with Ti sdk 3.2.0 is 7 so you need to set iOS version to 7.
you can do that by right clicking on your project root folder then choose Run As-> Run Configuration option where you can set ios sdk.
Not really a fix. I have changed my project's sdk version to 3.2.0.GA (updated) then build my application via cli and execute the following command on the project directory:
titanium build --platform ios --ios-version 7.0.3
App build successfully (no errors encountered) and it opens the iOS simulator v7.0.3.
Update: Issue no longer encountered after updating titanium-studio to 3.2
Same issue.
Work fine with ti SDK 3.2.0
Ti SDK : 3.1.3.GA
Ti: 3.2.0
Alloy: 1.4.0 or 1.3.0
OS: mac os x 10.9.1
Same issue here.
Problem seems to be solved when building with the 3.2.0 SDK, however then other issues emerge.
I figured this out by just loading the xcode project from the 'build' folder and seeing the actual error that xcode was throwing. it told me that I had a 'module' that no longer supported 'NavigationGroup' class. I also installed the latest xcode updates and the latest Ti.Studio.
You need to change your sdk version in order to make it work with 7.0.3.
From the console:
ti sdk select 3.2.0.GA
You can find more info in the CLI documentation
Also make sure you update your tiapp.xml file as #Anand suggested
An update for Titanium SDK 3.1.3 has been released, the thing is 3.1.3 only supported up to iOS simulator 7.0, but now Appcelerator added support for 7.0.3.
Open ti.xml file
Under Build Properties, find the Titanium SDK field.
Select 3.2.0.GA
If it is not an option, go to menu option
Help > Check for Titanium Updates
