We're developing a Youtube gadget for a brand from Europe, and basically https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/1727240?hl=en&ref_topic=4601817 states that:
Before your gadget can appear on your channel, it needs to be reviewed
by YouTube. We recommend that you include a YouTube Tech Producer in
your process before starting development. When planning the
development for your channel, allow 3-5 business days for initial
review before development begins. We also require 3-5 business days
for final review, not including additional time required for any
There's just no way to get in touch with Youtube Tech Producer. We tried to phone Google, tried Youtube help forms, support forms - no one knows a thing, as if the doc is deprecated.
Does anybody know how to get in touch with Youtube so that we can setup the custom channel gadget?
I'm creating a fullstack project for a school that have a active Youtube channel. My project is suppose to help maintain and combine videos and information from Youtube into the website.
The problem is - every API request, as noted in the documentation, is limited to 50 units of data at max. This Youtube channel has been going for years, and now i'm stuck without any access to the pre-latest-fifty videos on the channel.
Recommendations anyone?
I hope someone from the youtube team could help me with this issue, or even be provided with an alternative online, instead of hand-scraping or bruteforcing my way to the data
I am hoping to pull live stream donation information every 5 minutes onto my server. I am making a script to check that information for the names of the crew and send them payments automatically. Is there a way with the YouTube Data API to handle donation information?
None of the YouTube apis support this functionality. The main issue is that the YouTube apis are more then ten years old. They just give you basic access to the videos on YOuTube.
What you are looking for would be access to data used in the YouTube web app that being donations which is a relatively new future, and again part of the web app. Not just video data. Its just not something YouTube has released an api for yet.
Try and submit a feature request Issue tracker
As DalmTo mentioned, the YouTube Data API v3 doesn't have such feature.
However I recommend you to try out my open-source YouTube operational API. Indeed by requesting https://yt.lemnoslife.com/lives?part=donations&id=VIDEO_ID you will get in item["donations"] the donations currently displayed in the YouTube live chat. Especially may interest you:
Donation timestamp: donation["timestampUsec"] (example: 1654111675007219)
Donator channel id: donation["authorExternalChannelId"] (example: UC_PkX-rSBPWJqoK2zRRalfQ)
Donation amount: donation["purchaseAmountText"]["simpleText"] (example: 100,00\u00a0$US)
Donation message: donation["message"]["runs"][0] (example: FOR JUSTICE!)
I am very new to coding and tech talks but I am working with a client who needs help on how to get their OTT app on major ISPs'set-top boxes. Anything around app SDK for specific ISPs, examples on how Dysney+ or Netflix get their app on boxes, which ISP uses which language, which technology do ISPs uses to charge application on their boxes (qml, HTML, ? ) would help me a lot! Apologies if my question is very generic but I don't understand much on this subject.
Thank you very much in advance for your time and help.
When you mention 'ISP' set-top boxes, I assume you're asking how to get the app on the box people get when they sign up for cable TV. For example, if you want your client's app pre-installed on the Comcast Xfinity set-top box, you should contact Comcast so they can provide instructions to make your request.
If you're referring to how you can get your client's video app on common OTT devices such as Roku, you should search that device's website on how to create a developer account. For example, here are details on how to create a Roku channel (app) that people can download onto their Roku device at home.
When your channel is tested and ready to deploy, you publish it using the Developer Dashboard. If the channel is a public channel that will be offered on the Roku Channel Store, it will be reviewed by Roku during the certification process. If you are updating an existing channel, you will also publish it using Developer Dashboard.
Prerequisites and guidelines for creating a public channel
To assure success in creating a public channel, you will need to:
Create your design assets following Design and User Experience Guidelines.
Go through the Pre-certification Check List.
Package your Roku channel.
Publish your channel (this page).
Does YouTube offer an API for third party platforms for ad creation and execution? I know YouTube has an ads reporting API available through Google Ad Words but I'm trying to find if we can build an ad serving API. I searched here and found someone said no but I can find little info on why or where they got this info.
The use case is for clients to create and launch YouTube ads from a third party platform via an API connection.
As far as Google Ads is concerned, you cannot build or mutate any video campaigns over an API. This has been an ongoing feature request for about as long as video campaigns first were introduced, but is still not available. See the latest answer on one of many corresponding threads in the Ads API forum.
Of course, you can also buy YouTube inventory over DV360. The current APIs (namely the obsolete BidManager API and the newer DV360 API) currently do not support the creation of TrueView line items, but there is write functionality in closed beta that should eventuelly support this use case. I'm not aware of any timeline for general availability, though.
i'm planning to create some app that use youtube-api.
Is it legal to use Youtube Data API to create youtube-like app that aggregrate youtube videos from any channel? even it is not my channel or my video? Can I (legally) monetize those app with Admob?
Your question is answered in the first paragraph of the YouTube API Terms of Service.
1. Is it legal to use Youtube Data API to create youtube-like app that aggregrate youtube videos from any channel?
The terms don't prohibit it, as long as the client is compliant with the ToS. So, yes, it is legal.
2. Can I (legally) monetize those app with Admob?
It depends.
You agree not to use the YouTube API for any of the following commercial uses unless You obtain YouTube's prior written approval: [...] the sale of advertising, sponsorships, or promotions on any page of the API Client containing YouTube audiovisual content, unless other content not obtained from YouTube appears on the same page and is of sufficient value to be the basis for such sales.
I'm not an expert in law questions, but what this says (imho) is that you may advertise your application if it does not solely contain YouTube content. In other words, your application has to extend the functionality of https://youtube.com, not recreate it.
In any case, you may not block or in any way alter in-player ads.
Based on the short concept of your app you posted in the question, I would say:
You may build "youtube-like app that aggregrate youtube videos from any channel", but
you may not advertise it, since it does not feature original content.
if you plan to publish this on app store please review the IOS Guide Lines
5.2.3 Audio/Video Downloading: Apps should not facilitate illegal file sharing or include the ability to save, convert, or download media
from third-party sources (e.g. Apple Music, YouTube, SoundCloud,
Vimeo, etc.) without explicit authorization from those sources.
Streaming of audio/video content may also violate Terms of Use, so be
sure to check before your app accesses those services. Documentation
must be provided upon request.
And this SO question