uninitialized constant Name_of_controller::Savon - ruby-on-rails

I am using savon gem to interact with a SOAP API.
client = Savon.client(wsdl: "http://karvymfs.com/CP_STP_SERVICE/STPService.svc?singleWsdl")
xmlkarvy = "<file>...........</file>"
#response = client.call(:stp_upload, message: {"FundCode" =>"AXF","UserID" => ".............", "Password"=> "..................", "ARNCode" => "..........", "IPAddress" => "..............", "XMLFile" => xmlkarvy , "Branch" => "?"})
Works absolutely fine in IRB but when the same code is used in a controller I get the error.
uninitialized constant ControllerName::Savon

write following before controller class
require 'savon'
This is mentioned in the gem documentation too.


When attempting to retrieve Google Contacts via PeopleV1 API in Ruby Rails, why do I get "ArgumentError: unknown keyword: person_fields"?

I'm having a hard time integrating Google Contacts into my Ruby (version 2.2.10) on Rails 5 (version 5.1.5) App.
When I execute the following code block, I receive "ArgumentError: unknown keyword: person_fields".
people = Google::Apis::PeopleV1::PeopleService.new
people.authorization = auth_client
response = people.list_person_connections('people/me', page_size: 10,
person_fields: 'names,emailAddresses')
To rectify the problem, I tried using the following gem versions:
gem 'google-api-client', '~> 0.11'
gem 'google-api-client', '~> 0.8'
gem 'google-api-client'
I still receive the error no matter which version of the gem I use.
Below is the code in its entirety:
require 'google/apis/people_v1'
require 'google/api_client/client_secrets'
client_secrets = Google::APIClient::ClientSecrets.load 'client_secret_1088824912015-f8asojku302s0mvcijgj7takse8pg8rg.apps.googleusercontent.com.json'
auth_client = client_secrets.to_authorization
auth_client.update!( :scope => 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/contacts.readonly', :redirect_uri => 'http://localhost:3000/oauth2callback', :additional_parameters => { "access_type" => "offline", "include_granted_scopes" => "true" } )
auth_uri = auth_client.authorization_uri.to_s
# To exchange an authorization code for an access token, use the fetch_access_token! method:
auth_client.code = #auth_code#
people = Google::Apis::PeopleV1::PeopleService.new
people.authorization = auth_client
response = people.list_person_connections('people/me', page_size: 10, person_fields: 'names,emailAddresses')
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Just to clarify for any future readers, Ray Baxte linked to docs corresponding to version 0.9.19 of the google-api-client gem - the current version is 0.27.1
I'm using 0.26.0 and the correct argument is person_fields - this obviously changed somewhere between 0.9.19 and 0.26.0
I follow the documentation in the generated API method definitions:
The correct attribute is fields not person_fields. See docs here.

keep getting 'client' method undefined when running rails app

trying to add this to my rails project https://github.com/adelevie/parse-ruby-client
so i first obviously bundle installed the gem, then i created a parse.rb file in config/initializers with this code :
require 'parse-ruby-client'
client = Parse.create :application_id => 'API_KEY',
:api_key => 'API_KEY',
when i call client anywhere i get a error that its undefined
In your example client is a local variable. By the time you try to access it, it has already left the scope. What you should do is create or use a globally visible object. One example:
require 'parse-ruby-client'
::MyParse = Parse.create :application_id => 'APP_ID',
:api_key => 'API_KEY',
You can access such object as MyParse in the code.
Another example:
require 'parse-ruby-client'
MyApp::Application.configure do
config.parse = Parse.create :application_id => 'APP_ID',
:api_key => 'API_KEY',
And use it like this:

Get HTTP error RestClient::Unauthorized (401 Unauthorized): Using 'rest-client' gem in rails

i have use the Ruby Gem rest-client for request on a url of a website. and i get the following error...
RestClient::Unauthorized (401 Unauthorized):
app/controllers/api/v1/channels_controller.rb:199:in `streaming_link'
help me to fix it.
my controller method is bellow
def streaming_link
url = URI.encode("http://eboundservices.com/hash/hash_app.php?code=orientplay")
result = RestClient::Request.new({:user => "hashapp", :password => "PlayFair00",:method => :post, :url => url}).execute
return render :json =>{:success=>true,:result=>result}
I was also struggling with rest-client and a 401 until I recognised, that it was because of the digest authentication the service needed. Rest-Client currently did not support digest auth.
Instead I switched to httparty, which supports it and with this it worked. Maybe it's the same with your 401.
#auth = {:username => 'hashapp', :password => 'PlayFair00'}
options = { :digest_auth => #auth }
response = HTTParty.get('http://eboundservices.com/hash/hash_app.php?code=orientplay', options)

Searching location by IP using Geocoder gem not working properly with rails 4

I have added geocoder gem in my rails application but it is not responding properly when i am searching location by IP.
The problem is that it's returning nil array.
Geocoding API's response was not valid JSON.
But sometimes it's working, I don't know why.
What I have done:
gem 'geocoder'
:timeout => 20,
:lookup => :google,
#:ip_lookup => :google,
#:api_key => "xxxx-xxx",
:units => :km
def current_location
if Rails.env.development?
geo_data = Geocoder.search('')
geo_data = Geocoder.search(request.remote_ip)
[geo_data[0].city, geo_data[0].country_code ].compact.join(', ')
was getting the same error
used this
" Geocoder.configure(ip_lookup: :telize) " it solved the problem.
source - https://github.com/alexreisner/geocoder/issues/770

rails twitter_oauth library uninitialized constant

I'm trying to use the twitter_oauth gem : http://github.com/moomerman/twitter_oauth
In my model I have:
require 'twitter_oauth'
And within a function I have:
def example
client = TwitterOAuth::Client.new(
:consumer_key => 'xxxx',
:consumer_secret => 'xxxx',
:token => "xxxx",
:secret => "xxxx")
return client
This seems fairly straight forward, but I can't seem to find out why I'm getting this error:
(Event being the name of the model)
uninitialized constant Event::TwitterOAuth
I can't seem to locate any conflicts with the TwitterOAuth namespace, any other thoughts?
Decided to use Grackle instead, seems to work fine
