Get docked message object in Outlook 2013 - outlook-2013

Getting a currently open new email message (when un-docked from the main Outlook window) requires the following code:
Outlook.Application oApp = new Outlook.Application();
Outlook.Inspector inspector = oApp.ActiveInspector();
item = inspector.CurrentItem;
Outlook.MailItem oMsg = item as Outlook.MailItem;
How do you do this when the new message is docked within the main window of Outlook? This happens when the user clicks the Reply button within the message they are currently viewing.

If you want to return the new message as an object (like Outlook.MailItem), you should try this:
Outlook.Application oApp = new Outlook.Application();
Outlook.MailItem oMsg = explorer.GetType().InvokeMember("ActiveInlineResponse",
System.Reflection.BindingFlags.GetProperty |
System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance |
System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public, null, explorer, null) as Outlook.MailItem;
You should be able to attach a file to the currently docked Outlook message as required.


trying to update signature of a message to be sent

Trying to update signature of a message to be sent (named mailItem, was created by Outlook OOM)
Following code does not seem to work (PP3 is an existing signature)
Redemption.RDOSession rdosession = Redemption.RedemptionLoader.new_RDOSession();
Redemption.RDOMail rdomail = rdosession.GetRDOObjectFromOutlookObject(mailItem);
Redemption.RDOSignatures signatures = rdosession.Signatures;
signatures.Item("PP3").ApplyTo(rdomail, false);
What is wrong?
Do you mean mailItem does not see the change? This is to be expected as Outlook does not know it needs to refresh.
Try to create an item from the scratch using Redemption, apply the signature, and only then open it in Outlook using Namespace.GetItemFromID

Docusign API and printing documents

I am able to create an e-signature with a pdf on the docusign api that I have setup within the Docusign sandbox. However, one of the requirements for my project is to pre-populate the pdf on docusign and then render it into a browser for printing.
Whenever I create the document within the envelope for e-signature, all of the passed-in fields are in the document. However, if I only create the document, then try to view it, all of the fields I am passing in are blank.
How can I have these passed in fields to stay persistent within the envelope document and then show that document within a browser?
Without seeing your code it's hard to say what you're doing wrong.
I can tell you how it should be done. Not sure what lang you're using. in C# you can do this:
// Add the tabs model (including the SignHere tab) to the signer.
// The Tabs object wants arrays of the different field/tab types
// Tabs are set per recipient/signer
Tabs signer1Tabs = new Tabs
SignHereTabs = new List<SignHere> { signHere },
TextTabs = new List<Text> { textLegal, textFamiliar, textSalary }
signer1.Tabs = signer1Tabs;
Recipients recipients = new Recipients
Signers = new List<Signer> { signer1 }
(you can find the full code example and all the other languages in our code example on the Developer Center)

Upload fail for DrievItems in Drive of SitePages List

Upload fail for all the DrivesItems in Drive associated with SitePage list in a sharepoint site.
Graph API request:
UploadSession uploadSession = GraphCLient.Sites[{SiteId}].Drives[{DriveId of SitePages List }]. Items[{DriveFolderID}].ItemWithPath(driveItem.Item.Name).CreateUploadSession().Request().PostAsync().Result;
The uploadSession will be created sucessfully but chunkuploadprovider gives error.
Error response: Code: accessDenied Message: The caller does not have
permission to perform the action. Inner error
Code Snippet:
private void UploadItem(OneDriveJsonStructure driveItem)
MemoryStream memStream = (MemoryStream)driveItem.Content;
byte[] buffer = memStream.ToArray();
DriveItem item = null;
using (System.IO.MemoryStream ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream(buffer))
UploadSession uploadSession = this._SharepointOperations._GraphCLient.Sites[this._SiteId].Drives[this._DriveId].Items[this._DriveFolderId].ItemWithPath(driveItem.Item.Name).CreateUploadSession().Request().PostAsync().Result;
var provider = new ChunkedUploadProvider(uploadSession, this._SharepointOperations._GraphCLient, memStream);
var chunkRequests = provider.GetUploadChunkRequests();
var readBuffer = new byte[buffer.Length];
var trackedExceptions = new List<Exception>();
DriveItem itemResult = null;
foreach (var request in chunkRequests)
// Send chunk request
var result = provider.GetChunkRequestResponseAsync(request, readBuffer, trackedExceptions).Result;
if (result.UploadSucceeded)
itemResult = result.ItemResponse;
item = result.ItemResponse;
if (itemResult == null)
UploadChunkResult result = null;
// Retry the upload ...
foreach (var request in chunkRequests)
// Send chunk request
result = provider.GetChunkRequestResponseAsync(request, readBuffer, trackedExceptions).Result;
item = result.ItemResponse;
item.Permissions = driveItem.Item.Permissions;
Permission Provide to Client App from Azure AD:
Graph Permission:
Sharepoint Permissions:
Even after all these permissions it gives this error message:
"The caller does not have permission to perform the action".
Which permissions are needed to perform this action?
Upload for driveItems of other drive execute sucessfully.
Now that uploading for driveItems of other drive execute successfully, your code should be OK.
So the key to the issue lies in the user's SharePoint permissions.
Please check if the user account can upload files into the target folder in your SharePoint site.
If the user doesn't have the permission to do that, you need to use an admin account to grant edit permission to the user.
Detailed steps:
Next to the folder name, click the Ellipsis…
On the file popup window, click Share.
On the Share dialog box, click Shared with, and then click
Click Stop Inheriting Permissions.
Add the user into an SharePoint Group which has Edit or Contribute
permission. (If you don't want to modify the default SharePoint
Group, just create a new one)
A quick method: Share this folder (with edit permission) with the user.
Next to the folder name, click the Ellipsis…. On the file popup window, click Share. On the Share dialog box, follow the screenshot.
Note that we can't upload any documents into Site Pages document library. Using API is also not supported.

How to fetch mail by id with barbushin imap class

I'm currently working on the imap class by barbushin. It's the only php class over the internet I can find regardless to any encoding issue. Thanks to the coder.
I have a list of messages in a table. Each message sending a message id as GET (say $mid). When a link clicked, the page turned into a view page. It should open that message and display the relevant content right? But it is not. Every message has the same content (the 1st content). The code is designed for gmail but I use it for my client. And it's work.
This is a code:
define('EMAIL', '');
define('PASSWORD', '*********');
define('ATTACHMENTS_DIR', dirname(__FILE__) . '/attachments');
$mailbox = new ImapMailbox('{}INBOX', EMAIL, PASSWORD, ATTACHMENTS_DIR, 'utf-8');
$mails = array();
// Get some mail
$mailsIds = $mailbox->searchMailBox('ALL');
if(!$mailsIds) {
die('Mailbox is empty');
$mailId = reset($mailsIds);
$mail = $mailbox->getMail($mailId);
The original is here:
Finally, I found my way home. According to the script there's a line says "mailId". Which is straight forward what is it about.
It was set to the first array by reset(). So the only thing I need to do is extract the message id from it ($mailId is an array of ids). So I simply add an array behind it.
While $_GET[uid] is a message id sent from a previous page.

how to get url from browser in blackberry?

In BB when user typed any URL into the browser and hit enter.... then is it possible to get/track/fetch that url..???
shuld i implement any ineterface in my application.......that can track, when user opens the browser and passes a url.
I just want to tell that my application will run in the background......and from background I want to get the URL from BB's native browser. Means when user open the browser and pass a url, I have to get that url and check whether my Application should block that or not.
My application need is -
1) get the url, whatever user have typed in the browser field of the browser...
2) send that url to the server, in the form of xml
3) check response from the server......
4) if response value is "yes" then do nothing...
5) but if response value is "no" then block that URL ( regiseter that - URL into HttpFilterRegistery )
I have develop the code to add my own menu-item into the Browser.
By clicking on that custom-menu-item, I am receiving the URL successfully. But this doesn't meet my requirement actually.
As I told earlier, I want to track the browser application pro-grammatically through a third party application. So Is there any way, whenever Browser app comes to foreground, we can get the menu-item instance of the Browser (native application). So that I can run the custom menu item pro-grammatically.
I have used the following code:
Screen screen = Ui.getUiEngine().getActiveScreen();
System.out.println("\n\n**** " + screen.getClass().getName());
Menu menu = screen.getMenu(1);
for (int i = 0, cnt = menu.getSize(); i < cnt; i++)
System.out.println(" menu item : " + menu.getItem(i).toString());
I am successfully tracking the applications whichever comes to foreground through a background thread of my application, but even then My third party application's thread can't get the menu-instance of the foreground-native applications. It always return the instance of my application's screen...
output of the above code :
** mypackage.AppDemoScreen
menu item : Show Keyboard
menu item : Switch Application
menu item : Full Menu
you can use ApplicationDescriptor , and here is an example to add a new menu item with with the ability to avoid duble the custem menu item , also the code to recept the data from the browser and send it to the class you want
