Stop deleting and downloading apps again to gain free access - ios

I want to offer my app free for a period and then charge to continue using it. I understand that the way to do this is to force the user to buy an In-App product after the free period. However, if I simply record the date that the user starts using the app in the standardUserDefaults and use this to calculate when the user must buy the upgrade the user could simply delete the app when the time arrives (I assume the sandbox is also deleted) and download the app again for another free period.
First question. Is my reasoning so far correct?
Second question. Is there any way of accessing the date that an app is first downloaded?
Assuming the answers to these questions are Yes and No I have come up with the following solution.
Upon downloading the app the user is first forced to "buy" free an In-App product which then will have the date it was added to the transaction queue. This In-App product would then be downloaded for any subsequent download and I could use the date of this product as my reference date.
As I can find no reference to this problem or solutions I really wanted confirmation that this was a sound way to proceed or if there was another more standard way of dealing with the problem.
Thank you

You are not allowed to limit you app for free for a limited period:
11.9 Apps containing content or services that expire after a limited time will be rejected, except for specific approved content (e.g.
films, television programs, music, books)
If you want to risk it, you could save the date (encrypted) in keychain to make it more persistent. Just so you know, user are able to access their keychain data if they iCloud keychain sharing and are on a Mac. So if they delete the correct key or rest there device your app will fall back to the free/trial mode.

This does not seem entirely consistent with:
Communicate the value of your products to your users. Users want to
know exactly what they’re going to buy. Combine information from the
App Store, such as product prices and descriptions, with additional
data from your server or the app bundle, such as images or demos of
your products. Let users interact with a product in a limited way
before buying it. For example, a game that gives the user the option
to buy new race cars can allow users to run a test lap with the new
car. Likewise, a drawing app that lets the user buy additional brushes
can give users the chance to draw with the new brush on a small
scratch pad and see the difference between brushes. This kind of
design provides users an opportunity to experience the product and be
convinced they want to purchase it.
One way of letting the user interact with a product feature in a limited way is to let them use it a few times before requiring that they pay to use the feature.


iOS In App non-renewed subscription bought multiple times

I'm trying to implement the in app purchase mechanism for my app and have a hard time to figure out the right way.
My app provides a service which can be used for as many items the users wants. He can add more over the time as he wish. The service is a yearly service.
From what i understood in the documentations it should be a non-renewing subscription.
The issue is that let's say a user bought the service for item A.
After a week a wants to add a second item to the service,item B. Then when he buys it ios pops up a window and says he already bought it and asks if he wants to renew.
This window isn't correct ! he hadn't bought the service for item B but for item A. This would confuse my users very much and i really need to avoid this.
I've looked and found also no solution to switch subscriptions, for example between a product called "Manage 1 item" to product called "Manage 2 items" which could have been a solution.
Another solution would be to create multiple in app products with the exact name and description and manage which one to buy from within the app. Would that be ok with apple ?
How should i handle in app purchase for my application needs ?
Thank you,
First of all, have you read iOS In App guide? This should be first stop for you. Secondly, you cannot have two In App products with the same id, so I don't get why adding second product would prompt user about already purchased product? Could you clarify that? In general, if I buy your product, you should keep data about my purchase and i.e. block this feature, so I it will be enabled once again only when I cancel subscription/my subscription expired.
Not sure about non-renewing, but it seems quite fit for situation, I guess. You can always consider buying consumable and store somewhere information how long you enable some features. Plus, when user buys a subscription he/she cannot get money back (except few scenarios, like mistake), so once you decide you don't need it, you cancel it. This way you can detect in receipt if product expired or not, but user cannot just swap in middle time from one product to another.

Generic In App Purchase Products Implementation

Consider following example. Let's say we have an app in which professional writers write stories from a web based UI. And then these stories become available for user of the iOS app as in app purchase items.
As you may know we need to create in app purchase products in advance. But in our situations it means that for each of the story created by the writers we will have to create a new IAP product and wait for Apple to approve it.
To circumvent this, I am planning to create generic "consumable" products in IAP like story worth $1.99, story worth $2.99, so on, so forth. Then in the Application UI I will show the list of stories of created by the writers and show corresponding prices for the stories as specified by the authors when they created the story. Once the user taps on the buy button, I will show the purchase for the generic consumable product of the same price and complete the in app purchase process.
Now the question is will Apple approve of such implementation? Does it fit with their IAP policy? I am asking as I couldn't find a guideline for a workflow such as this.
Another approach to implement this is by implementing an in app credit/currency system, like games use. Where people buy credits/coins and then they purchase items with coins. This is a tried and tested approach but it doesn't fit in my analogy of the app, hence the question.
What you want to achieve is perfectly feasible, the only thing is your purchasable content has to be dynamic. You will have to download the product IDs from a server rather than having them hardcoded in your app.
To refer to your example, I can imagine a table view being fed with a list of objects that would have the SKProduct ID stored on them. You would have to do this because, at the time of writing, you can't retrieve all the available product IDs for your app from Apple servers. I know it's a pain in the ass they didn't implement this feature but to be honest, if they haven't already I don't think they will ever do.
This is the method I'm referring to: initWithProductIdentifiers
You provide it with a NSSet with all the identifiers you want to retrieve, but if you provide an empty set or a nil, it doesn't reply with all the existing. You can file a bug with a Apple if you feel this doesn't work as it should. Please check this SO answer if you still have any doubts: link
Another important thing to note is, you will have to upload your products manually. Apple doesn't expose any API in order to have the process automated. This means, every time a writer uploaded something to your server, you would have to log in into iTunes connect and create a product. Plus, you would be limited to 10,000 products because that's the maximum amount of different products you can register with Apple. I'd also recommend you to have a quick read to the iTunes Connect guide, which has some important information like the one I just mentioned: iTunes Connect
Regarding 3rd party frameworks, like the aforementioned UrbanAirship, they will just save you from having to implement receipt validation on your servers. Apart from that, I don't see any major advantages.
Said this, I'd recommend you to reconsider your business model. Is it really worth it all the hassle of uploading the products one per one? Or is it better to go the subscription way, in which your users pay a fixed amount of money for downloading a number of articles per month. You could have different tiers, like, basic, premium (unlimited downloads) an so on and control the delivery of the articles from your servers. That's up to you, but for me the answer is pretty clear.
For delivery dynamic content you should be using a Subscription, not a consumable. Using a subscription solves your problem by allowing you to charge for each update AND distribute new content at the same time.
You can looking into 3rd party services like UrbanAirship that will significantly reduce the amount of time you spend trying to dynamically deliver your content, track subscriptions and expirations, etc.

In app purchase - method to allow full control of adding products from personal server = allowed?

I have a very strait forward question (and yes I've looked though apple documentation to see if this has an answer but no luck... I may have accidentally missed it though)
Here's my plan:
The problem I've been trying to find a workaround for is that if the admin would ever want to add a product, he would have to log into iTunes connect to add it and also add it in a custom control panel. We, obviously, don't want to make him suffer that so I've been looking for a solution but I need you guys to tell me if it's allowed by apple. Basically I will take over most of the product handling on our servers and will only go to apple with the transactions. This means that apple will not have an in-app purchase set up for ALL the products... only one for each length of subscription (1 month, 3 month... etc) and a few consumable in-app purchases for the various prices of the issues/singles
Side note: I will be selling monthly issues that contain multiple singles for each day of the month. The user will be able to download a full month or a single day at a time if they like.
DEFINITION OF CONSUMABLE PURCHASE - products must be purchased each time the user needs that item. For example, one-time services are commonly implemented as consumable products.
So I will store all the information in our server about the products and if someone chooses to buy a single month's issue that was set to 4.99 (on our server, not apples) then the app will run the in-app purchase with apple that is listed for the 4.99 tier. Whenever a person opens the app for the first time, their app will send some information to our server and they will have a row set aside for them where all the information about their purchases will be recorded so that they can restore them if they switch over to another device.
If you guys think i'm safe in doing this, please let me know so that I can proceed. Also, if this method helps anyone, feel free to use it!
I think your restore process might be flawed. You talk about the app sending some information up to your server, but what is that information? There is no reliable way to uniquely identify a user across different devices.
If you want to continue on this path you'll want to make sure that your recovery and failover process is very solid. Try out every imaginable scenario. From an app store submission point of view, you'll want to consider a token/coin-based approach. Of course, Apple's guidelines are fairly loose and subject to change so it's always possible you'll get rejected, but tokens are certainly more solid than simply using the same generic in-app purchase.
In a token system, you would set up in-app purchases for different numbers of tokens that the user can purchase as a sort-of virtual currency only valid within your application. Then users can spend these tokens on any items that you dynamically create.
Server-side this means you'll need some way to store how many tokens a user currently has and a way to uniquely identify a user across devices, which is a fairly uncertain proposition. Instead of storing the number of tokens each user has, you could implement some sort of hashing algorithm that generates a hash from an in-app purchase receipt and then sends it up to your server. If the app crashes or the network dies after purchase but before sending your hashes up, next time they open the app you can recalculate all of the hashes, send 'em up, and if the server doesn't recognize a hash it just adds it to the database. Then if a user wants to restore their purchases you simply recalculate the hashes on the device using the in-app purchase receipts you'll receive and then send them up to your server and ask the server to figure out for each of those hashes, how many tokens the user has left. You could think of it like a gift card system, where each hash is one gift card.
Again, app store rules change and if apple thinks you're trying to game the system and not provide a useful experience they have the right to reject you. It could be worthwhile to open a Developer Technical Support request and see if an apple engineer can provide you with a better solution or tell you if the reviewers are likely to accept your application.

In App Purchase: dynamically add non consumable items

I'm developing an app where the user can purchase digital maps, charts and so on. I'd like to wrap these in in-app-purchases. The thing is that I don't know beforehand how many charts there will be, as I'm getting them from another source from the net. There could be hundreds.
I have a server that periodically gets the charts from that source and stores them locally; there may appear new charts in the future or disappear existing ones. All this without manual intervention.
There are three distinct types of charts.
My first solution was to create three consumable items and let the user buy these; this was working fine but unfortunately Apple rejected it, since they require charts to be "non consumable".
But I'm quite at a loss how to implement what I want with the non-consumable type. If I create these three types as non-consumable, and the user buys one, he will get all the other charts in that group for free, since a non-consumable item can only be bought once.
The only solution I can think of is to create a non-consumable item for every single chart. But that's something I want to avoid at all costs: as it is now, the charts are periodically fetched from the remote source without any manual work on my side. I'd like to keep it that way. I don't want to manually create a new non consumable purchases every time a new chart appears.
Any ideas how to make this scalable?
I can't completely spell it out for you with code but you can handle this problem two ways:
You do not sell non-consumable items such as maps. You sell currency. With that currency you purchase maps. The maps you feed dynamically whenever the user hits your store front. That way you only need to track a few purchase options.
The other option:
The company I worked for initially set this up very simply. Our app would launch and we would reach out for a php script that handed us back the app store IDs that we had sitting in it. At that point we'd verify them and use the valid returns. This option allowed us to change our in app purchases through iTunes Connect and then in the script and everything was great.
This is an older post, but I just had the same question and found out there is now a way to dynamically provide non-consumables by hosting the product identifier list on your own server:
Every product you sell in your app has a unique product identifier.
Your app uses these product identifiers to fetch information about
products from the App Store, such as pricing, and to submit payment
requests when users purchase those products. Your app can either read
its list of product identifiers from a file in its app bundle or fetch
them from your server.
If your app has a fixed list of products, such as an in-app purchase
to remove ads or enable functionality, embed the list in the app
bundle. If the list of product identifiers can change without your app
needing to be updated, such as a game that supports additional levels
or characters, have your app fetch the list from your server.
There’s no runtime mechanism to fetch a list of all products
configured in iTunes Connect for a particular app. You’re responsible
for managing your app’s list of products and providing that
information to your app. If you need to manage a large number of
products, consider using the bulk XML upload/download feature in
iTunes Connect.
Apple Developer In-App Purchasing Guide
I think your limit on items is something massive like 10,000 or so.
Pre-create a big number of items, add some code to check your website to see what your highest chart number is and make sure the users can only buy charts that you have.
The app downloads the chart names and corresponding product id from your server and then you're just buying a product.
Apple doesn't care if the actual product is already in the app and unlocked by the purchase, downloaded from their server or provided from your website.
Whether you have these purchased directly via IAP or through some kind of in-app "currency" you could simplify the amount of work you'd need to do in the future by using a naming system which would guarantee a unique map name for each item you want to sell. For example:
NSString *myMapName = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#%#%#%#", app_identifier, map_type, top_left_corner_location, scale];
This way if your server passes that information for a new map, there's a programmatic way to know what the IAP identifier should be— just make it the value of the string myMapName.
In the case where you use currency (which sounds easier than the alternative option, and is what lots of big apps out there seem to be doing) you just need to make a hash with some data in your map so that people can't guess the code you're storing in their keychain/plist and magically get all your maps without paying :)
In the case where you actually have individual IAPs for each map, sadly you do have to make an IAP for every possible map once. (But you can hire some kid to do that part for minimum wage, right? It's just data entry) They can be basic shells, though, with the actual info provided via your server as described above, once it's verified that the map has actually been purchased.
Hope this helps!

Need advice tackling many In-App Store products (StoreKit)

I'm about to take my first foray into In-App purchases, and I'm not quite sure how to handle my situation. At top is my situation, with some actual questions in bold at the bottom. Any advice would be appreciated.
I'm designing an app that will have a LOT of in-app purchase content. Every day, around 20 or 30 new items will be generated for sale. 3 or 4 days worth of items will be for sale at any given time, and after that they go away.
So we're talking a lot of items. Way too many to add to submit to Apple for a unique ProductID each day.
Of all these hundred items, there are actually only 4 or 5 different types of item. So I'm thinking I'll need to make 1 SKProduct for each type. Under the hood (and invisible to the user) the will actually be buying a credit good for 1 item of type X. After the transaction goes through, I send the receipt AND the requested item to our server. Our server stores that and sends the file back. If they want a 2nd file, they need to buy a 2nd credit and repeat the process. Of course to the user it will be presented like they're buying Item 1, Item 2, and Item 3 directly.
To make this even more complicated, we also want to offer a 3 month subscription (at a significantly higher tier) for those who don't want to buy their items ala carte.
1. Does this sound like a good approach?
Will Apple be okay with this? If not, what possible alternatives do I have?
2. Optimally we'd like to allow people to re-download items they've already paid for.
Would a good approach be to make each credit non-consumable, and since I've already stored the receipt info on the server I can match it to whatever item they should get? If this is too complicated or against Apple's rules, we may just make the item consumable since the item is only good for a few days anyway...
3. Is there anything else I'm overlooking here?
Thanks for any insight you guys can provide.
Take a look about what the iOS Development Program License Agreement says about treating In App Purchases like credits:
2.1 You may not use the In App Purchase API to enable an end-user to set up a pre-paid account to be used for subsequent purchases of
content, functionality, or services, or otherwise create balances or
credits that end-users can redeem or use to make purchases at a later
2.2 You may not enable end-users to purchase Currency of any kind through the In App
Purchase API, including but not limited to any Currency for exchange,
gifting, redemption, transfer, trading or use in purchasing or
obtaining anything within or outside of Your Application. “Currency”
means any form of currency, points, credits, resources, content or
other items or units recognized by a group of individuals or entities
as representing a particular value and that can be transferred or
circulated as a medium of exchange.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but if your approach does not unlock/add functionality or change the behavior of the app by buying an In App Purchase, my guess is that this could be problematic when trying to get Apple's approval.
Hope this helps,
