How to tell what app is running my iOS 8 Extension - ios

How can I tell what app has summoned my extension. The docs are silent on this afaict. Is it possible?

Nope. This behavior is by design.


How to get the name of the active app from the background app in iOS13 using Swift 5?

I want to get the name of the active app from the background app in iOS13 using Swift 5. But I'm unable to find a place where such functionality is documented. Is it impossible to get it?
Is it impossible to get it?
Yes. You are sandboxed (unless you’ve jailbroken the device). You cannot learn what apps are running.

watchOS Show App When Message Received [duplicate]

I know that an apple watch app can launch its parent application in the background to pass data back and forth but can it work the other way around? Can my iOS app launch the related watchOS app?
For a bit more insight, I'm trying to accomplish this so that I can monitor data periodically for the sake of notifications. The 70 seconds apple gives me to keep an app active and pulling data from healthKit isn't conducive to an app that provides alerts to users based on changes in behavior.
I apologize if this is a basic question. I'm new to watchOS development and haven't been able to find the answer to this anywhere. =/
No it cannot happen.
At the moment communication between the Watch and the Device is limited to the Watch App initialising communication with the iOS app and not the other way around.
This might help:
Yes, you can. Try the startWatchApp(with:completion:) func in HealthStore. However, it can only be used in a workout app that enable the background mode of "workout processing".
Unfortunately I think I found the answer here How to programmatically open Apple Watch companion app from iOS app.
It doesn't look like it can be done. If anyone finds otherwise, let me know!

Is it possible to send information from the iPhone to the Apple Watch?

I made some researches and I found that it was possible to call the iPhone from the Apple Watch Extension (with the method openParentApplication) but I didn't find anything talking about calling the Apple Watch from the iPhone app (like openChildApplication).
Is it possible ? If it is, can you please tell me how ?
Thanks in advance
It is possible with CFNotificationCenter and Darwin notifications. You need to look at MMWormhole.

iOS8 extensions - what happens on iOS 5/6/7?

I have an application that was developed to support older versions of iOS as well, but I recently started on working on a Today extension in iOS8. Now my question is, what will happen to my app in the store? Will it ignore it and make it iOS8 exclusive? If not, I wonder what happens when a user runs it under iOS 7 for instance?
I have found absolutely no answer to this, has anyone been luckier than me on his research?
Thanks in advance,
Your extension functionality will not be available for lower versions(iOS7 and lower), However the app still run without any problem in lower versions.It has been explained in WWDC-14 session 217 Creating Extensions for iOS and OS X, Part 2.

Open an application from another (iOS)

I read that there is nothing like NSWorkspace for iOS
Equivalent of NSWorkspace for iOS
Unfortunately, I wanted a button in my app that can run some others applications (in background). Is it possible without NSWorkspace ?
Your first problem is that you can't run applications in the background in the same way that you can on the Mac.
But, assuming that just launching an app is enough, the answer is: it depends. The other app would need a URL scheme defined. Not all do, unfortunately. Then you just call [UIApplication openURL:].
