LaTex items left alignment in resume writing - alignment

I am trying to write a resume with LaTex. Does anyone know how to left flush items? The code I use is
\documentclass[11pt, letterpaper]{article}
\usepackage[letterpaper, margin=0.75in]{geometry}
#1 &
#2 \\
{\textbf{Teaching Inc.}}
{\textbf{Chicago, IL}}
{\emph{Look and See}}
\item This is A
\item This is B
And I get a results like
My question is, how can I left flush those items to align with the horizontal line. No indent and make them similar to the right flushed "Chicago, IL" and "vision". Thank you!

The left indent is created by your first itemize environment. Since you don't use the item symbols, you should remove it and everything would be flushed to the left.
With this code there is no left indent :
\documentclass[11pt, letterpaper]{article}
\usepackage[letterpaper, margin=0.75in]{geometry}
#1 &
#2 \\
{\textbf{Teaching Inc.}}
{\textbf{Chicago, IL}}
{\emph{Look and See}}
\item This is A
\item This is B
If you really want to keep the items, a lot of solutions are proposed here : How to disable indentation of LaTeX list items?
NOTE : this question should be on


How to remove the spacing in the itemize function in a table

I am trying to use the following code in the table using latex
\caption {Table}
\textbf{Text}& \textbf{Text} & \textbf{Text}\\
Text & \begin{itemize} \item{Text} \item {Text} \item \end{itemize} & Text \\
How to make the Text using the itemize to align to the left and remove the spacing between each bullet points as shown in the photo
How to remove or decrease the row spacing in the table
The following code should align the itemize text to the left and remove the spacing between bullet points:
\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=*, noitemsep, topsep=0pt]
\item Text
\item Text
To decrease the row spacing in the table, you can use the following command in the preamble:
Or you can adjust the number in the argument to set the desired row spacing.
You need to load enumitem to gain access to addition options. Then, either apply settings in-place for a specific list or clone itemize with additional settings.
In settings, you have to negate vertical spacing added by environments. But then, this messes up with the lists which you want to mix with a regular texts. So, one workaround is to clone itemize into two separate lists you use with or without surrounding text--you can still apply global settings common for two lists. Here's an example:
nosep, nolistsep,
Regular text with a regular itemize:
\item Text
\item Text
\item X
\caption {Table with custom itemize}
\textbf{Text} & \textbf{Text} & \textbf{Text}\\
Text & \begin{soloitemize}
\item Text
\item Text
\item Text
\item Text
\item X
\end{soloitemize} & Text text
\item Text
\item X
Text \\
Regular text.

Aligning numbered paragraphs

I am trying to cross reference some numbered paragraphs. I am using \numpar but the first one always is off aligned. (\item didn't work)
Here is what I did:
\section{First section}
\numpar\label{A1} blablabla1
\numpar\label{A2} blablabla2
\numpar\label{A3} blablabla3
\section{Second section}
Statement \ref{A2} = 2 must be true.
which results in:
I need all numbers to be aligned without affecting on unnumbered paragraphs. I am open to other commands instead of \numpar if any. Any advice is appreciated.
Why don't you use enumerate? It is done for that kind of problem.
\section{First section}
\item \label{A1} blablabla1
\item \label{A2} blablabla2
\item \label{A3} blablabla3
\section{Second section}
Statement \ref{A2} = 2 must be true.
If required, you can customize the appearance with the enumitem package.
For instance, to increase the indentation, load the package, and start enumerate with :
Many options in the enumitem package and it can certainly fit your needs.
Note that \item will indent anything that is after it. If you dont want this behavior, close the enumerate before your paragraph. Then you can restart the enumerate, but you must take care of the item numbering (see below).
\section{First section}
\item \label{A1} blablabla1
This paragraph will be indented
But this one will not.
% This insures that item numbering will be coherent
% set it to the value of the last item
% If using the enumitem package, there is a simpler way with 'resume'
% \begin{enumerate}[resume]
\item \label{A2} blablabla2
\item \label{A3} blablabla3
And another non indented par
\section{Second section}
Statement \ref{A2} = 2 must be true.

Latex Includegrapichs and itemized linespace

I want to make a \newline after the \item[L1] to make it seem like a header to the picture and not on the bottom left side. Help?
\includegraphics[width = 0.6\linewidth]{L1.jpg}
Use \mbox{} to set a blank entry for \item[L1], followed by a paragraph break (an empty line) and then you can set your image.
\section{A section}
\item[L1] \mbox{}
\includegraphics[width = 0.6\linewidth]{example-image}
Of course, there are multiple other ways of achieving this. More detail in the question might provide more specific solutions.

columns with itemize

I'm trying to make alignment points in a list environment. The following code gives me an error, but it almost compiles to what I want, just missing the bullet points. I must be misunderstanding something about align and/or tabular and how they work with linebreaks. Guidance appreciated!
\item Topic Apple: &Something to say about it \\
\item Topic Watermelons: &Something different
How about this?
\item Topic Apple:
\item Topic Watermelon:
\end{itemize} &
\item[] Something to say about it
\item[] Something to say about it
\end{itemize} \\
Yours will actually work if you change {ll} to {p{width}l} or {p{width}p{width}} but I found that if you don't have itemize in the second column, your text ends up vertically top aligned while the itemized text in the left column is center (or maybe even slightly bottom) aligned vertically so it doesn't look good.
I tried using the array package and m{width} which provides a vertical center alignment but that was still different than whatever itemize is using. I'd say just play with the width argument inside of p{} to get the spacing/width you want. If your right column spills on to another line, you may need a "dummy" item in the right column.
Anyway, based on all the jimmy rigging that might be necessary if things spill onto two lines, I'm assuming my solution is potentially hackish but it looks like it provides what you want for the most part.
the \item[] for the right column is to create the same itemize alignment with no bullet. If you want bullets on the right, just remove the empty square brackets and you'll have them.

Latex: stretchable curly braces outside math

I am producing some latex beamer slides (but I think it is not a beamer specific question per se).
I have the following:
\item Issue1
\item Issue2
\item Issue3
Now, I want to have a right curly brace (i.e. '}') behind the items spreading over issue1 and issue2. And of course I want to write something behind that curly brace.
In a perfect world I would write something like:
\left .
\item Issue1
\item Issue2
\right \} One and Two are cool
\item Issue3
This does not work because I am not in a math environment and I can not put the whole snippet inside a math environment because itemize would not work in that case.
Is there a clean solution or a hack to produce my desired result?
I'd use tikz and make an overlay.
First include the proper packages (you may not need to include tikz since this is a beamer question):
Then when you make your list, give names to the places after each item:
\item Issue 1
\tikz[remember picture] \node[coordinate,yshift=0.5em] (n1) {};
\item Issue 2
\tikz[remember picture] \node[coordinate] (n2) {};
\item Issue 3
(Note: I shifted the y value up by 1/2 of a line maybe more would be better.)
Because we used remember picture we can refer to these places in an overlay:
\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
\path (n2) -| node[coordinate] (n3) {} (n1);
(n1) -- (n3) node[midway, right=4pt] {One and two are cool};
The path is there to deal with items that do not have the same width. This edit comes from ESultanik's answer.
The result is:
Side note: You can remove all of the remember picture options and add the following to automatically add remember to all pictures:
\tikzstyle{every picture}+=[remember picture]
You could (ab)use a table instead:
\textbullet Issue 1 & \multirow{2}{*}{{\LARGE \}} One and Two are cool} \\
\textbullet Issue 2 \\
\textbullet Issue 3 \\
removed dead Imageshack link
Here is Geoffs code with some small adaptions (just for other beamer users)
\item The long Issue 1
\tikz[remember picture] \node[coordinate,yshift=0.7em] (n1) {}; \\
spanning 2 lines
\item Issue 2
\tikz[remember picture] \node[coordinate, xshift=1.597cm] (n2) {};
\item Issue 3
\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
(n1) -- (n2) node[midway, right=4pt] {One and two are cool};
} % end visible
Ressult (2nd slide of that frame):
The adaptions are:
added the visible command (because I think it is useful to blend in the brace later)
made the items more complex so the use of xshift became necessary (I figured out the xshift value simply by try and error so thats a drop of bitterness) Edit 2018-12-23: manual try-and-error shifting can be overcome by using this method: (n1 -| n2) -- (n2) instead of (n1) -- (n2).
One way to get around this would be to use a math environment like align, put the bullet points by hand (with \bullet ), and then use the resources of the math environment for big braces and such.
I did something similar once. I let the list be in a column to the left, and in the right column, I did the $\right\}$-thing so that it was as tall as some \mbox or something (which I decided with \vphantom or something similar). Unfortunately I don't have time to dig it out... I actually don't have time to be at SO at all right now ;)
I tried my idea, below. It doesn't work: unfortunately, the vboxes produced by the itemize environment all have width \textwidth.
The UI of my suggestion is nice, and by redefining \item it should be possible to get the item vboxes be of reasonable width. Or calculate a reasonable width for the vboxes containing the items. But since there are functional solutions already, I won't spend anymore time on this.
\item Line 1
\begin{groupeditems}{Lines 2 and 3 together!}
\item Line 2
\item Line 3
\item Line 4
