iOS storyboard: few buttons and one segue - ios

In my app first screen content few button (it is password screen) and user must press few buttons and go to next screen.
How I can create one segue for all button with same behavior?
Or, I must create one IBAction and programmaticaly call push method?


how to inactivate segue in Swift

Hi guys i made an app and what i want to do is
when you click "select" button in navigation bar item, i want to make it to click multiple items and the code for that is just to enable collectionView.allowsMultipleSelection = true which works.
click to view an app image
but at the same time i want to make if the user didn't click the select button but the item, i want to show next view controller.
so now, whenever i clicked the image, it directly shows the next view controller since i connected them in storyboard. i want to inactivate it when the "select" button is clicked.
how? do i have to use the prepare func? and not use the storyboard? please tell me the simplest way to do it
One simple way of solving this:
Connect the entire view controller that contains the images with the other view controller through a segue.
Add an identifier to this segue, which you will use later.
Create a function that segues to that view controller when an image is pressed. - Up to here is just another way of implementing the code that you have implemented
Create a boolean variable, which is set to false when the select button is on ( and the opposite )
Add an if check to your function in number 3. that only segues when the boolean variable is true.
This ensures that if the select button is pressed, you don't segue when images are clicked.

How to transition to a view controller with gesture swift iOS

I have a problem with implementing a button which should redirect my current view to another view when tapping on it.
I have a central view and I already implement the gestures on top, left and right to move to others views.
But on this central view I want to add a button that allows me to redirect towards my right screen without using gesture from right to left with my finger.
I added an IBOutlet action for this button, but I do not know what method to implement for switching back to my right screen (not the top or left screen).
If anyone can help me thank you very much!
If you create a segue in Interface Builder and give it an identifier. You can then perform this segue (what you call "a transition") by calling
performSegue(withIdentifier: <String>, sender: self)
Of course you will need to replace <String> with your segue's identifier
One can create a segue by control dragging from one view controller to another view controller
One can give a segue an identifier by
clicking on the just created segue (this is a line between the view cotrollers in the storyboard)
opening the Attributes Inspector (press: altcmd4 or click on: View > Utilities > Show Attributes Inspector)
filling in the textfield next to the label "Identifier"

Swift - Remove View Controller from Navigation System

The best way that I can describe it is through and image, so i drew it out HERE. So, what happens is that in my table view, I press a button to add/edit information. When i am done, I press "Finish" at the bottom, which performs a simple segue back to the table view.
The Problem: Once back in the table view, the "back" button will now take me to the edit info page(which I just left) rather than the VC that came before it.
Is there any way to remove the Add/Edit info VC so that when I press "+" and "Finish" The back button will ignore the Add/Edit page?
Thank you for your help.
EDIT: . As you can see, when you press a button on the Table VC (lefT) it will take you to the right VC. Then, when you press finish at the bottom, it will perform a segue(no code, just a control-drag segue). The problem is still that the text message VC's back button will now direct back to the right VC, rather than the one preceding it (left)
I suppose you have a UITableView inside a UINavigationController since you have a back button, so:
User Tap Edit button: Push EditViewController in your UINavigationController
User Tap Finish from EditViewController: Save data, pop manually EditViewController and call reloadData of your UITableView
You would have to embed your complete sequence of view controllers in the navigation controller. This would maintain a stack of all the views that you would segue to. It will also give you a bcak button to go back to previous view. Alternatively, you can call the method popViewController() on navigation controller object to programmatically go to previous view. I hope that helps.

(iOS) Segue changes the implementation (.m) file, but not the actual screen view

For my iOS application, I have a login screen and a register screen, each with their own UIViewController (LoginController and RegisterController respectively). On the register screen, I have added a back button that performs a segue to the login screen.
When I click the back button, the implementation file seems to change (from RegisterController.m to LoginController.m), but the actual screen does not change. I have added the code NSLog(#"In LoginController"); at the top of my LoginController.m file (after [super viewDidLoad];), and when I click the back button on the register screen, my log prints "In LoginController" every time I click the back button, but the screen never changes.
I created the segue similarly to other segues in my application that work correctly. I used the storyboard, held control on the button and dragged the segue to the LoginController.
Does anyone know why this is happening?
EDIT: So I have changed my segues to unwind segues, so that I can get back to the original view of the navigation controller. I have an unwind segue from LoginController to TutorialController, but when I try to unwind from RegisterController to LoginController, the view does not change (but the unwind method in LoginController is called).
So I figured out the problem.
In performSegueWithIdentifier, I had sender:self instead of sender:self.backBtn

Method for a custom back button

I am working on an iOS app for iPhone using Objective C in Xcode. I have a custom toolbar and a custom back button.
If I use
[ vigationController popViewControllerAnimated:YES];
Then the button does not do the back action and go back to the previous screen.
How do I navigate to the previous screen if I click the custom back button?
Make sure that you have already add selector to your button.
Then check event of the button, event should be 'touchUpInside'.
These are the most common mistakes.
