Method for a custom back button - ios

I am working on an iOS app for iPhone using Objective C in Xcode. I have a custom toolbar and a custom back button.
If I use
[ vigationController popViewControllerAnimated:YES];
Then the button does not do the back action and go back to the previous screen.
How do I navigate to the previous screen if I click the custom back button?

Make sure that you have already add selector to your button.
Then check event of the button, event should be 'touchUpInside'.
These are the most common mistakes.


Custom back button is tons slower than native back button

Why is there a pregnant pause between custom back button touch up
and an action delivered?
back button was setup using abbood recipe here
How can I have a UIBarButtonItem with both image and text?
but it's not specific to this method of back button setup.
I remember it was always slow.
The problem is probably that when you put a custom button inside a UIBarButtonItem you have a button within a button. So the runtime has to figure out what exactly the tap belongs to and what kind of tap it is.

Detecting when back button is tapped in navigation bar

I need to resignFirstResponder() on a text field when the user taps the back button in the navigation bar of the navigation controller, otherwise I get some error. The back button works as it should (the previous view gets shown) but I don't know where to do resign first responder. It's too late if I do it in viewWillDisappear() (I tried), and prepareForSegue() doesn't get called, so I need to somehow do it as soon as the back button gets tapped or at least before viewWillDisappear(). How do I detect that event?
Note: See first comment on question for simpler answer
You could combine NotificationCenterand this post: Execute action when back bar button of UINavigationController is pressed to make a custom back button (that looks the same). Just post a Notification in the action for the back button, and add an observer for the Notification on the textfield whose action calls resignFirstResponder. You would also need to make an image or draw an image in CoreGraphics for the arrow.

iOS storyboard: few buttons and one segue

In my app first screen content few button (it is password screen) and user must press few buttons and go to next screen.
How I can create one segue for all button with same behavior?
Or, I must create one IBAction and programmaticaly call push method?

Add Back Button to Toolbar in iOS

Is there some way to add a button (not in a navigation view or something like that) that will perform back (meaning, going back to the previous view before the last segue) in an iOS app?
It doesn't have the shape of a back button (it will be fine with simply the word "Back" on it).
I want to put something like that in a bottom toolbar.
Just put a simple button and in its action do:
[self.navigationController popViewControllerAnimated:YES];

How to add a button on UIPageViewController

I have created an iPad app, using UIPageviewController in Xcode 4.2 (iOS 5). Now, I want to add a button, at the left-bottom corner of the page, which will appear on every page.
The problem is, while clicking the button, a page transition takes place, and the button click event is not called.
You need to take control over the Gesture Recognizers. Decide which one gets the click, take a look at this post
