Automatically update iOS binary (IPA) from the app with objective-c codes - ios

I am creating a free iOS applications. I want to make clients to be able to download new version of my application from setting page of my app by pressing a button named download new version.
I had see this accepted answer that looks good for me:
Actually I am wondering whether this solution only works for ad-hoc apps or I can use BetaBuilder to create a IPA for my final apps that should install on non jailbreak devices too?
Also is there a way that I call this URL from my app with objective-c codes so that app itself download the IPA file and install it on the device?

You can update app by providing link of app's new version only if you have generated ad-hoc or enterprise distribution build. Also your app can not download the new version on its own. You need to open browser with new version link and rest of the process will be handled by iOS.


Creating an iMessage App/Sticker App that Allows to Save Stickers, Xcode 9, Swift |&| Replacing an App with One on iTunes Connect

I want to create an iMessage app that allows the user to save stickers, so when a new release of the iMessage app comes out with entirely different stickers the user would be able to use the stickers from the previous version, and so on.
I would also like to know if you can replace an app on iTunes Connect with a different project than the original was built on.
create a game for iOS
a few months later, create the same game for iMessage and iOS but with a new project, and the identifications, profiles and certificates the same as the original.
Not sure if the community can help you with the first part of your question, because it depends on your implementation. Sure it's possible, but you won't be able to use the native UI within iMessage.
Secondary part of your question with regards to updating an app on iTunes Connect: You can always update an app if you use the same bundle ID ( and make sure the version and build code are correct. (i.e. increasing) Besides that it does not matter what project / base you are using, if you correctly sign and build the IPA and upload it to iTunes Connect:

Accessing an Application from a Web Browser for Android and iOS

First and foremost, I am not the developer behind this application, however I am looking for a solution to this problem as I work at the company that runs the application and I've been tasked to do so. This is not a focused code-line question, but more so an application question.
Background: The application is an educational tool that simulates a physical science laboratory that is programmed using Flash. It is accessed from a Learning Management System (LMS) web browser - i.e. Blackboard, Canvas, etc. - through a link to the object. There are multiple simulated labs that are each their own object.
The main problem: The simulators/labs are able to be accessed on an Android device (phones & tablets) by prompting a download of a .apk file once the link is clicked on that device where they will have a menu that localizes all the simulators. This is to centralize all the simulators into one menu app. Now, when you attempt this process on an iOS device, it's obviously incompatible (.apk vs .ipa). We can create a runnable .ipa file for each individual simulator, but this is not efficient at all when attempting to execute on a mass scale (think district-wide access).
What I want to find out is the most efficient way to adapt the application for iOS since it utilizes Flash. The same process would be desired (click the link and it prompts a download of the menu app that holds the sims/labs).
Thanks in advance.
You need to enrol for apple developer program to distribute builds. Normal subscription consider distribution thought App Store, and it seems not your case. There is Enterprise subscription - it allows to create .ipa, that can be installed on any device, but distributed locally (Ad-Hoc). While assembling Ad-Hoc build in latest Xcode you can select opportunity to create distribution manifest as well (Xcode will provide description how to use it). Then you can upload manifest and iPad file to you file server, and share link to manifest with you user. Opening manifest on iDevice will launch installation of application.

Change screenshots in meta data of app in itunes

I am trying to change the screenshot of app published in itunes without creating new version of it?
When i log in to itunes and see my app meta data, I am not able to find edit option for screenshots.
I am new to mobile app as the current app was done by another developer.
Mine is web app not native mobile app.
If I create new version does it make users to log in again?
Should i upload the build again for the project?
I would like to know the impact of creating a new version like how long does it take to see the new screenshots.
You can't change screenshots of a live app, you need to create a new version. (
Officially web apps are not allowed on the store. Make sure your new version adheres to the store rules, specifically 4.2.
If you replace an existing (native) app with a new web app, I'm 100% sure that users need to log in again.
Yes, you need to create a new version / build and upload it to iTunes Connect. Then you can upload new screenshots as well. After that, you can send the app to review, which usually takes 1-2 days.

Add new language to iOS app

I would like to translate an iOS app which is only available in Chinese on Chinese store. I'm not the owner of the app. I have succeeded in installing it by switching to Chinese store.
My intend is to just add the new language localization files by translating original Chinese files.
It seems that I can't just add new files (even resources) to existing IPA without breaking the signature
I have my own official Apple developer certificate, can I add the new files and resign the IPA with it ?
I have also tried to decrypt the IPA using clutch to resign it with my own certificate, but installing it on my device fails.
I want to use the application on iOS 9. I have used clutch on an old iPhone 4 with iOS 7 to be able to jailbreak it easily.
No you can't do this. According to Apple no one can reverse engineer the app code. It's highly secured. So you can't do whatever you are trying to do with the IPA .
I got it working.
First step is to decrypt the binary with Clutch.
Second step is to add expected resources.
And finally, the application has to be resigned.
For those who would be interested, you can find my work on

ios Application - Manually Installation for a Custom Application

I am currently developing an iOS application for iPhone and iPad and i need to manually install the application without the need for xcode.
Is any way to install the custom application manually like the way i do with android. For example to copy the package to the phone and install it?
The idea is to update the application after every bug fix without the need of xcode because the client does not have a mac.
If I understand your question, then my answer will help you.
As your client doesn't having mac and assuming that you have created a build of app u want to install with valid distribution certificate.
Just upload your build here - (You can upload provisioning profile too)
It will give you a link. just send that link to your client and let hih/her open that link in iDevice's safari browser. Then simply hit install button to install app.
Use TestFlight.
EDIT: If you want to client to know update about app, then I will suggest to go for TestFlight as you can mention the version and also can add comment about each build updated there and client can read it by logging in that app from it's device.
Easy way, Make its .ipa file upload it on here -, it will give yoy url, this url give yor client and open it on safari, your application will install in client iphone without Xcode.
They can do it via iTunes or iPhone Configuration Utility. Refer the link
