ios Application - Manually Installation for a Custom Application - ios

I am currently developing an iOS application for iPhone and iPad and i need to manually install the application without the need for xcode.
Is any way to install the custom application manually like the way i do with android. For example to copy the package to the phone and install it?
The idea is to update the application after every bug fix without the need of xcode because the client does not have a mac.

If I understand your question, then my answer will help you.
As your client doesn't having mac and assuming that you have created a build of app u want to install with valid distribution certificate.
Just upload your build here - (You can upload provisioning profile too)
It will give you a link. just send that link to your client and let hih/her open that link in iDevice's safari browser. Then simply hit install button to install app.
Use TestFlight.
EDIT: If you want to client to know update about app, then I will suggest to go for TestFlight as you can mention the version and also can add comment about each build updated there and client can read it by logging in that app from it's device.

Easy way, Make its .ipa file upload it on here -, it will give yoy url, this url give yor client and open it on safari, your application will install in client iphone without Xcode.

They can do it via iTunes or iPhone Configuration Utility. Refer the link


Flutter, build for IOS : Cant see the login page on Iphone

Im using Flutter on Windose to create an app for Android & IOS.
I use Codemagic to build and sign my app for Apple. The first version was ok and is live on the App Store.
But I need to implemant Sign In with Apple for the next version.
Im using this package :
it, and it works good on android, a webpage opens and I can login and get back user session..
For Apple, compilation is fine, it is pushed on Apple servers and I get the app on Testflight, but impossible to make it works, the login page is never called.
As I understand, I need to ad the "Sign in with Apple" capability.
But without XCode, I cant figure how to do that!!
Is it possible to edit the info.plist, or another file, to add this capability?
I have build and change already all the certificates, profiles... on apple console, to add the Sign In with Apple, but same result!
Thanks by advance!
with Codemagic you can connect to a build machine and use Xcode to update project settings and push the changes back to the repository.
Install VNC Viewer on your machine
Start a new build (I'd recommend using Mac Pro instance type as Xcode requires more resources)
When the build has started, click Explore build machine above the build steps to see the instructions for setting up VNC access. Use the given Host, Port, Username and Password on your VNC client to establish the connection.
read more here

Downloading and Installing IPA from server if user clicks on button on Iphone

I am working on an app where I deploy the .ipa file and manifest.plist on my server and from there I try to install the app to my iphone.
The app is initially installed but I need to check if a latest version is available on the server. I have done this part and now wish to install the latest .ipa from the server directly to my phone without redirecting user to the html page of the server
Found some links on stack overflow, especially this:
Download and install an ipa from url on iOS
I have done this:
let endPointURL = NSURL(string: "itms-services://?action=download-manifest&url=myUrlString")
I get unsupported URL exception. Can anyone tell me how I can achieve this? Is there any other way to directly start installing the upgrade without navigating to the actual html page?
It's just for testing purpose. Only registered devices are allowed to do this.
Only single way is there to download your app and its app store. You can give app store link and it will redirect user to appstore.
And if you want to test just use test flight it's easiest way.
Your linked question also tells that. Just for testing purpose it's possible now.
I found this same issue before.
A workaround for this is to new up a webview (you can hide it if you wish) and then give the request to the webview to perform. When the request loads you will then be shown the popup asking if you wish to download the app.

mobileconfig installation without using Safari

Regarding iOS 8 profile install...
I'm trying to figure out how to design the simplest flow for VPN profile install while using Apple guidelines as entry point, but can't find any clue of clean VPN install implementation without using Safari.
My Q is: How to build the correct structure for a fast VPN profile install.
Pls find a cool reference: ZenMate iOS app. Can you assist?
Thanks :)
Currently, the only way to install mobileconfig files are using Safari or Mail app on iOS.
To install the mobileconfig, you have some choices like:
Put the mobileconfig files on the web and open it by Safari
Send the mobileconfig by email and open it by Mail app
Package (or download) the mobileconfig files to your bundle and host a HTTP server by your app, then open the localhost link by safari through openURL: function.
Or, the iOS 8 way, using the new framework Network Extension to establish the VPN connection. And after trying the ZenMate iOS app, I believe it's what they use.
You can refer following resource for installing mobileconfig file:
Downloading "mobileconfig" file from an App
Installing a configuration profile on iPhone - programmatically
Or this link for using Network Extension:
Connect to VPN programmatically in iOS 8

How to install my app to client's iPhone without iTunes Connect

Recently i got an order to create a iOS app. The problem is that the man made the order is really far from me and he want to test the app before i publish it to iTunes. He is not a developer himself. How that could be done?
Its very simple.
In one word: TestFlight
You can use below link. The only thing you need to do is to make zip of your build and drag it to the area provided in site. It will provide a link which you can open on test device on browser and all the things would be done!!
You can try This for wireless installation

Automatically update iOS binary (IPA) from the app with objective-c codes

I am creating a free iOS applications. I want to make clients to be able to download new version of my application from setting page of my app by pressing a button named download new version.
I had see this accepted answer that looks good for me:
Actually I am wondering whether this solution only works for ad-hoc apps or I can use BetaBuilder to create a IPA for my final apps that should install on non jailbreak devices too?
Also is there a way that I call this URL from my app with objective-c codes so that app itself download the IPA file and install it on the device?
You can update app by providing link of app's new version only if you have generated ad-hoc or enterprise distribution build. Also your app can not download the new version on its own. You need to open browser with new version link and rest of the process will be handled by iOS.
