TFS Workitem Formula - default value from two fields - tfs

Some work items have estimate time, completed time and remaining time but out the box they do not have any defaults.
When editing the Work Item templates using Powertools you can set a default and you can also set a formula (although it seems to be a dropdown list).
How would you set the "remaining work" default value to be Estimated - Completed?

The field formula that is displayed in the field definition window is for other purposes. You can use it to set the forumula that is used by TFS Reporting Services.
It is not possible to set a calculation for remaining work in the workitemtype. You could accomplish this by writing a custom TFS event that is raised when you change the completed work.
I hope this answeres your question.
Jeroen Niesen


querying tickets with * mark JIRA JQL

i need to extract churning tickets using JQL. Normally churning tickets have a * mark after the ticket number. Is there any way to identify that?
Example for Churning ticket ABC -128 *
The star after the issue means that this issues were added after the sprint started.
You can check this documentation:
Issues added after the sprint starts are indicated with an asterisk.
Not sure if the issue has an attribute like "Sprint date" which identifies the date that the issue added to sprint. For the next ones, you can create a custom field and fill that field with the current date on the issue sprint event. Thus, you can filter it on JQL.
Other than that, there is no way to understand the issue is added to the sprint before/after it starts.
Can you define "churning" and normally Jira doesn't have a * next to issues.
Perhaps there is some app that does this?
You can sort issues by their last modified date if that helps

TFS 2017 not displaying "Remaining Work" in backlog

Our Setup:
1: Using TFS 2017
2: Using Agile process templates
In our web portal for our TFS backlog, we're unable to display the values of the "Remaining Work" field - the field is displaying as a column option, but none of the values are showing.
However when you create a custom query the data is there. We've checked that we're using the correct column header that is specified in the Work Item Type.
Does anyone know why this wouldn't be appearing when selecting the backlog?
User Stories/PBIs don't have a Remaining Work field by default. What you're seeing in the backlog view is the sum of the values of the Remaining Work fields on any child work items.
If someone went and modified the process template and put the Remaining Work field on your user stories, that would explain what you're seeing. You're filling in a field on your User Story, so it appears in the query view. But in the backlog view, it's summing up all of the remaining work on the child Tasks, of which there appear to be none, so you get no value there.

State transition controlled by Effort value

I need to check if the value of the effort field is greater than 5. If this condition is true the item has to be approved, so in that case the next state has to be another than if the effort is less or equal 5.
Is there any opportunity to set this condition?
Can't be done
There is no such rule and since field Effort is a double typed field, it's not possible to use a list of allowedvalues (which would have worked for an integer field). Tools like the TFS Aggregator won't help either, as they can only act post-changed, there is no pre-validation support for Work Item changes on the server side.

How come "content_created_at" is later than "content_modified_at"

For some files the content_create_at field is set to a date that is later than the content_modified_at field. How can that be? Is this simply because these are the dates set by the client?
I have read
John is right. There is (likely) some client that is setting one or the other field. In general we recommend setting both the fields when you set them, so you don't provide confusing dates to other systems.

How can I get a report of all work items added to an iteration after a given date?

I need to produce a report, similar to the Unplanned Work report included with the MS Agile Process Template, but which lists me all work items which were added to an iteration after a given date.
The work item may have already been created before that date, so I can't used the created date.
Can anyone give any guidance on how I can go about this? If I can achieve it in Excel then that would be perfect...
Ok, took some work. Interesting enough though to put some effort in it ...
First screenshot is a Pivot table connected to the Analysis Cube. The most left colum shows the ID of a workitem. The second column shows the ChangeDate. In the row header I have included every iteration that I am interested in. What you see happening in the Excel sheet is items moving from one sprint to the other. For example, workitem 27 was created for iteration 1 at 14-3-2011. On 13-4-2011 it was moved to iteration 2. On 12-5-2011 it was moved to iteration 3. etc.
If I narrow down the filter to a specific iteration I actually see items entering the iteration and leaving the iteration. If I also change the ChangeDate filter, I can focus on items entering after a specific date, as you requested. Again, you can see item 27 enter iteration 2 at 13-4 and leave at 12-5. You can juggle around with the columns to get the view you want.
Finally, the options I used to get this view from TFS.
Hope this exceeds your expectations :-)
