How can I get a report of all work items added to an iteration after a given date? - tfs

I need to produce a report, similar to the Unplanned Work report included with the MS Agile Process Template, but which lists me all work items which were added to an iteration after a given date.
The work item may have already been created before that date, so I can't used the created date.
Can anyone give any guidance on how I can go about this? If I can achieve it in Excel then that would be perfect...

Ok, took some work. Interesting enough though to put some effort in it ...
First screenshot is a Pivot table connected to the Analysis Cube. The most left colum shows the ID of a workitem. The second column shows the ChangeDate. In the row header I have included every iteration that I am interested in. What you see happening in the Excel sheet is items moving from one sprint to the other. For example, workitem 27 was created for iteration 1 at 14-3-2011. On 13-4-2011 it was moved to iteration 2. On 12-5-2011 it was moved to iteration 3. etc.
If I narrow down the filter to a specific iteration I actually see items entering the iteration and leaving the iteration. If I also change the ChangeDate filter, I can focus on items entering after a specific date, as you requested. Again, you can see item 27 enter iteration 2 at 13-4 and leave at 12-5. You can juggle around with the columns to get the view you want.
Finally, the options I used to get this view from TFS.
Hope this exceeds your expectations :-)


How to get power charts and reports for tfs

I want to get some different reports and charts from Tfs activities and history (most based on task tags and assigned users). for example after 3 monthes I want to know how many hours a user moved her tasks to next iteration, ...
Is there any tools for this?
No such a tool can exactly achieve that. There is an extension Team Capacity Management, but seems it's not apply for you.
If you want to know how many hours a user moved her tasks to next iteration, then you need to get the planned hours then subtract the completed hours in current iteration. Alternatively you can add tags on the work items which moved to the next iteration, then create a query which filter by the tags to get the sum of hours.
Create a query 'RemainingWork' with the column Assigned
to and Remaining Work added in "next iteration" (e.g.: iteration
2 here) to filter the moved work items from pervious iteration with the tag.
Save it in Shared queries
Add Chart for Work items widget in your project dashborad, then
configure the widget. Then you can see the hours a user moved tasks
to next iteration in the chart:

Delphi Rbuilder: Calculate value across multiple pages of data not just first and last page

I am using Rbuilder within a application constructed with Delphi. I have a report already built that displays a list of items but then at the bottom I have some subtotal fields as well as a total field. The subtotals and totals are defined as variables which then total up the cost of the individual items.
Unfortunately both the subtotals and totals only give me calculations for items on the first and last pages of data. Lets say there are 5 pages of data that prints out. Page one the totals are accurate.
Page two totals are accurate. Page 3 totals include ONLY the totals from page 1 and page 3. Page 4 total includes page 1 and page 4 and so on. I have been trying to play around with timing settings as well as moving my code calculating the total to different operations (ongettext, onprint, oncalc, etc)
Has anybody ever run into this?
Ok, so I kept working at this and eventually found the problem.
At the report level I changed the report from TwoPass to OnePass. That ended up giving me very close to what I wanted. I ended up having to write some more code to get exactly what I wanted but changing the number of passes worked.
I was trying to display a running total page by page. And as I changed pages it would update the value.
Onepass worked.

Automatically updating Data Validation lists based on user input

I have a very large data set (about 16k rows). I have 10 higher level blocks and within each block I have 4 categories (10 rows for each) which use Data Validation lists to show items available in each category. The lists should automatically update based on user input. What I need your help with is that I want to use the same data set for each block and preferably a least calculation/size intensive approach. I have put together a sample file that outlines the issue with examples.
Sample File
Thank you for your help in advance.
Okay, I've found something, but it can be quite time consuming to do.
Select each range of cells. For instance, for the first one, select B3:B18 and right click on the selection. Find 'Name a Range..." and give it the name "_FIN_CNY". Repeat for all the other ranges, changing the name where necessary.
Select the first range of cells to get the data validation, and click on "Data validation", pick the option "Allow: List" (you already have it) and then in the source, put the formula:
$G$4 is where the user will input. This changes as you change blocks.
_CNY is the category. Change it to _CNY2 for the second category.
Click "OK" and this should be it. Repeat for the other categories.
I have put an updated file on dropbox where you can see I already did it for the data of _FIN for categories CNY, CNY2 and INT and did the one for _GER as well. You'll notice the category of INT for _GER doesn't work, that's because the Named Range _GER_INT doesn't exist yet.

TFS 2008 Cube Report between two points in time

In TFS 2008, I'd like to be able to create a pivot table/chart to show the difference in a specific field between two given points in time. The reason is we put our initial estimates in at the beginning and then update it to the total number of hours we did against the item when we finish. An obvious answer to this, would be two separate fields, one for initial and one for final, but that isn't how it was set up, so the only way I can pull the data is querying against the history of the work item.
I am up for writing a custom SQL query or updating the cube with a new perspective if necessary, but ideally, I'd like to just pull it together with the TFS cube into excel 2007. I was looking at the Work Item History perspective, but I'm just not seeing anything close enough in there.
The Work Item history in the TFS cube indeed exposes the state of the work item fields over time. You can just select the start and end point in the pivot table connected to the cube datasource as the row or column. On the other axis, select the field you want to display. The values in the table will show the values for the fields in both points in time.

How to handle Append Only text fields in a Sharepoint DataSheet view?

We've created a Sharepoint site to track a process. Eventually we're going to make a workflow out of it, but in the meantime there's a list we all have to look at which lists the various dates each piece is supposed to be finished.
So basically My group needs to see and update columns X, Y, Z and Comments while ignoring the other 30 billion or so columns. Which is great in datasheet view because we can easily view our columns, and update them right there without drilling into the item and browsing through all the other crap we don't need.
The problem is the Comments field, in which we really need to see the last actual comment made. Unfortunately whenever anyone saves the record the field is updated with a blank value (unless they entered a comment) and the last actual comment is lost unless you drill into the item.
Is there some way to get the Datasheet view to show all the entries?
I should also note that I know very little about Sharepoint 2007... so detailed answers would be nice!
Append-only comments are implemented with the version mechanism, so in the Datasheet View you're seeing every row update as a new version of the item with a new comment. In normal data views this logic is handled by the AppendOnlyHistory control. I don't know of any way around this behavior for views that aren't history-aware like the Datasheet.
