Special Transition/Effect on the AppStore on iPad - ios

I want to know if there is a Library that produces the same effect as we have on the AppStore when we view an app and see the details of the app.
I want to use it on my iPad application.
(If you want to see the effect, it's only available on iPad)

This may help.
As well as This.
And This
The thing you want to use for this purpose is the UIViewController Transitioning API introduced in iOS7
There are plenty tutorial on custom transition in the web. (see the links)


How can you prevent users from taking screenshots in a React Native IOS app?

I am currently building an IOS app with React Native, and I am looking into how to prevent users from taking screenshots on certain parts of the app.
I read this article on this issue: https://www.netguru.com/blog/prevent-screenshots-react-native, and I learned that there are basically two options. I can either use the paid ScreenShieldKit SDK or I can create an invisible screen animation that somehow covers the content of the app in a screenshot.
I am not looking to pay for ScreenShieldKit, so how can I go about making this animation to cover screenshots on my app, and will it even work?
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
The two options for preventing screenshots on a React Native IOS App
ScreenShieldKit's technology is patented. And more likely than not, it is based on the other solution which you yourself know of (invisible screen animation). So it may not be wise to post the exact code here, as it could very well infringe upon their patent.

Is there a way to make custom browser default in iOS instead of Safari?

Is there a way to programmatically make your app's custom browser the default one instead of Safari in iOS? I remember having seen one project that seemed to do something similar but unable to recollect which one it was? If it was possible, will Apple approve such apps or reject them?
Thanks for ask question
Please do refer this link.
Might be it will help you.
You can use as follow.
1) Install library manually or using pods.
2) Do use as follow.
UINavigationController *webBrowserNavigationController = [KINWebBrowserViewController navigationControllerWithWebBrowser];
[self presentViewController:webBrowserNavigationController animated:YES completion:nil];
KINWebBrowserViewController *webBrowser = [webBrowserNavigationController rootWebBrowser];
[webBrowser loadURLString:#"http://www.example.com"];
Advantage of this library:
iOS 7 & 8 support for iPhone and iPad devices
Safari-like interface
Animated progress bar
Customizable UI including tint color
Portrait and landscape orientation support
Use with existing UINavigationController or present modally
Delegate protocol for status callbacks
Action button to allow users to copy URL, share, or open in Safari & Google Chrome
Sorry for the huge misunderstanding between us.
I am sorry to say that is not Possible to make custom browser default in iOS instead of Safari?

Show a view on main screen while the app is in background in ios

Thanks in advance.
Is it possible to show a capture screen like assistive touch view in ios when we click on application icon.Means i want to show the iPad screen and top on the with transparent background a view need to display.
I want to create an app like this after clicking the app icon i want a screen like this on my main screen and i can able to customize it and capture the selected area. is it possible to do that. and is there any api for that.
i don't think you are allowed to capture the home screen in public api. this question had similar request.
How can I take a screenshot of the iPhone home screen programmatically
UIGetScreenImage() mentioned in the answer is very useful, if you only targeting Jailbroken phones.
However, i found an open source library called "Record My screen", which claim can
Record the display even on non-jailbroken iPhones.
I personally didn't test that, since i believe Apple would somehow find that and pull the app off (that happened to several apps before). If you really interested in it, maybe you can learn something from that library.
Hope that helps you.

How can I inspect elements on native iOS application

I am running an iOS native app on iOS Simulator and would like to inspect the elements on the app to get the ID.
Does anyone knows how this can be done?
Note: Please, this question is for iOS native App not Web based app!
It sounds like you may be looking for something like Firebug or the Chrome Inspector for your native app? I'm not sure what you mean by "ID". Interface elements in iOS don't really have IDs the same way DOM elements have IDs.
You should check out the Spark Inspector (http://www.sparkinspector.com/), which allows you to see the views of your app and modify them at runtime - it may help you see what you're looking for. Full disclosure: I am the author of the app ;-)
There is a new app, called Reveal, that does an incredible job.
Not only you can check view's properties, you can also view all the app in a "exploded" 3D view, change the sizes and properties.
Specially for iOS 7, where the view controller starts from the beginning of the screen (and not below the navigation bar), it can be really useful.
You can download the trial at http://revealapp.com and decide which license you should get.
There are two Best ways for this -
Use Accessibility Inspector which is Apples's inbuilt tool so you don't need any other support .
As you will be using Xcode mostly for you code part, there is an option to play UI recording which capture all the actions and elements that you interact with on native app.
You need to inspect the App's Bundle.
Check this answer on stackoverflow, to get the appID: https://stackoverflow.com/a/8883166/933887
Appium has an inspector for ios applications.
This is the link for appium: http://appium.io/
and in this video you can see the inspector in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQZTRz2W9xg

Recreating the iOS 5 Mail.app sidebar (iPad)

iOS 5's Mail app has a nifty little swipe gesture that brings up the sidebar in portrait mode. Now it seems like that gesture would be useful in other apps that use the master/detail layout, but as far as I can tell Apple hasn't released any sample code or documentation to show how the effect was created.
I've thought about how to replicate the effect in my own app but I'm not super experienced in view programming. Has anyone managed to recreate this effect in their own apps or would anyone know how to do so?
Here's a downloadable project that pretty well reverse engineers everything the Mail app is doing with its split view interface: https://github.com/mattneub/Programming-iOS-4-Book-Examples/blob/master/convertedToIOS5/p560p575splitViewNoPopover/p560p575splitViewNoPopover/MySplitViewController.m
Here you go: http://useyourloaf.com/blog/2011/11/16/mail-app-style-split-view-controller-with-a-sliding-master-v.html
