Recreating the iOS 5 sidebar (iPad) - ios

iOS 5's Mail app has a nifty little swipe gesture that brings up the sidebar in portrait mode. Now it seems like that gesture would be useful in other apps that use the master/detail layout, but as far as I can tell Apple hasn't released any sample code or documentation to show how the effect was created.
I've thought about how to replicate the effect in my own app but I'm not super experienced in view programming. Has anyone managed to recreate this effect in their own apps or would anyone know how to do so?

Here's a downloadable project that pretty well reverse engineers everything the Mail app is doing with its split view interface:

Here you go:


How to turn iPhone style table view into iPad style table view (Swift)

I apologise in advance if this is a really simple thing to do, but I have searched and searched for answers and cannot find anything anywhere.
I have made an iPhone app that has a similar sort of interface to the built-in iPhone Mail app. It has a table view, and when you tap on an item it segues to the corresponding document. When I build it for iPadOS it works in the same way, as you would expect.
But this isn't how iPad apps are supposed to look. I want my app to look like the Mail app does when running on an iPad, with the table view to the left of the content when in landscape, and the ability to slide it in when in portrait. I simply have no idea how to even get started though. If anyone can help, I'd really appreciate it! Thanks!

Always on top (on other apps) button in iOS

I am new to iOS development and wondering if it's possible to create a floating button which always stays on top of screen even if you have any other app running in full screen mode?
No you can't do that on iOS, Apple isn't allowing this kind of features (like Messenger on Android for example)
I assume you mean something closer to AssistiveTouch. When turned on in accessibility, it will stay on top of the screen, no matter what app you have open. I recommend reading the Apple Docs for further investigating into this, but at the moment, Apple does not let you do this. Your app can't mess with other apps. It's pretty against what Apple's design guidelines allow you to do.
Is there a work around for what you are trying to accomplish with this? Maybe if you expand your question, I can help.

Swift: implementing a new item dialogue like 'add alarm' in clock app

I want to implement an add new item dialogue in my app similar to add alarm dialogue in the clock app (screenshot). Prior to this moment I always used the same storyboard scene design for iphone and ipad with autolayout to make it look good on both devices. But I'm wondering how can I implement a view similar to Add Alarm dialogue - it looks very compact on both iphone and ipad especially because on ipad it's a separate small view that is not stretched across the screen. Can somebody please point me how to implement it? I don't really need the code, just some directions that can help me.
Found it in the apple documentation:

Special Transition/Effect on the AppStore on iPad

I want to know if there is a Library that produces the same effect as we have on the AppStore when we view an app and see the details of the app.
I want to use it on my iPad application.
(If you want to see the effect, it's only available on iPad)
This may help.
As well as This.
And This
The thing you want to use for this purpose is the UIViewController Transitioning API introduced in iOS7
There are plenty tutorial on custom transition in the web. (see the links)

Create custom, iOS 6 like, App Store TabBar (image included)

I'm working on an app originally developed by another programmer. My job is to make the interface more appealing. One really effective way I've found is to customize the tab bar. I've become very fond of iOS 6's App Store for iPad. I was wondering what would be the best way to recreate this (for iPad)? Any help would be greatly appreciated guys!
The app relies heavily on the UITabBar, so I'm trying my best not to change this model. I've checked out TBTabBar, but currently it only supports the iPhone.
I have found some customisation here and here. I don't know if it is working on iPad too, but I hope it helps to get a direction.
