Modify tokenizer in ANTLR - parsing

In ANTLR, how to make output the tokens one by one following like push "enter" in keyboard that I try to a class named like this
public class Hello{
public static void main(String args[]){
System.out.println("Hello World ...");
Now, it is time to parse the tokens
final Antlr3JavaLexer lexer = new Antlr3JavaLexer();
try {
lexer.setCharStream(new ANTLRReaderStream(in)); // in is a file
} catch (IOException e) {
final CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream();
tokens.LT(10); // force load
Antlr3JavaParser parser = new Antlr3JavaParser(tokens);
it gives me an output like this,
publicclassHello{publicstaticvoidmain(Stringarggs[]){System.out.println("Hello World ...");}}
How to make an output looked like this
static ... untill the end...
I've try using Stringbuilder, but it's not working.
Thanks 4 the help..

Instead of just printing out tokens, you have to iterate over tokenstream to get back desired result.
Modify your code like this.
final Antlr3JavaLexer lexer = new Antlr3JavaLexer();
try {
lexer.setCharStream(new ANTLRReaderStream(in)); // in is a file
} catch (IOException e) {
final CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream();
//tokens.LT(10); // force load - not needed
Antlr3JavaParser parser = new Antlr3JavaParser(tokens);
// Iterate over tokenstream
for (Object tk: tokens.getTokens())
CommonToken commontk = (CommonToken) tk;
if (commontk.getText() != null && commontk.getText().trim().isEmpty() == false)
After this, You will get this result.
static ... etc...
Hope this will solve your issue.


JDOM XML Parsing: not entering for loop

I want to parse and print XML tags using jdom2 (not w3c/xml.sax)
the root element is getting printed and the debug till before for loop is also there, but after that, there's blank, no syntax error, am I missing something in the for loop?
this is what my main looks like in the message reader class
public class XMLReaderDOM {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Starting out now");
try {
SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder();
File xmlFile = new File("file.xml");
Document doc = (Document);
Element root = doc.getRootElement();
System.out.println("Document built");
List < Element > listGrpHdr = root.getChildren("GrpHdr");
List < GrpHdr > grphdrList = new ArrayList <>();
System.out.println("root element:" + doc.getRootElement().getName());
System.out.println("Right before for");
for (Element grphdrElement: listGrpHdr){
GrpHdr grphdr = new GrpHdr();
System.out.println("before getting our elements");
} catch (Exception e) {

Continuously output from StandardOutput to text box in Visual C# [duplicate]

I have an external dll written in C# and I studied from the assemblies documentation that it writes its debug messages to the Console using Console.WriteLine.
this DLL writes to console during my interaction with the UI of the Application, so i don't make DLL calls directly, but i would capture all console output , so i think i got to intialize in form load , then get that captured text later.
I would like to redirect all the output to a string variable.
I tried Console.SetOut, but its use to redirect to string is not easy.
As it seems like you want to catch the Console output in realtime, I figured out that you might create your own TextWriter implementation that fires an event whenever a Write or WriteLine happens on the Console.
The writer looks like this:
public class ConsoleWriterEventArgs : EventArgs
public string Value { get; private set; }
public ConsoleWriterEventArgs(string value)
Value = value;
public class ConsoleWriter : TextWriter
public override Encoding Encoding { get { return Encoding.UTF8; } }
public override void Write(string value)
if (WriteEvent != null) WriteEvent(this, new ConsoleWriterEventArgs(value));
public override void WriteLine(string value)
if (WriteLineEvent != null) WriteLineEvent(this, new ConsoleWriterEventArgs(value));
public event EventHandler<ConsoleWriterEventArgs> WriteEvent;
public event EventHandler<ConsoleWriterEventArgs> WriteLineEvent;
If it's a WinForm app, you can setup the writer and consume its events in the Program.cs like this:
/// <summary>
/// The main entry point for the application.
/// </summary>
static void Main()
using (var consoleWriter = new ConsoleWriter())
consoleWriter.WriteEvent += consoleWriter_WriteEvent;
consoleWriter.WriteLineEvent += consoleWriter_WriteLineEvent;
Application.Run(new Form1());
static void consoleWriter_WriteLineEvent(object sender, Program.ConsoleWriterEventArgs e)
MessageBox.Show(e.Value, "WriteLine");
static void consoleWriter_WriteEvent(object sender, Program.ConsoleWriterEventArgs e)
MessageBox.Show(e.Value, "Write");
It basically amounts to the following:
var originalConsoleOut = Console.Out; // preserve the original stream
using(var writer = new StringWriter())
Console.WriteLine("some stuff"); // or make your DLL calls :)
writer.Flush(); // when you're done, make sure everything is written out
var myString = writer.GetStringBuilder().ToString();
Console.SetOut(originalConsoleOut); // restore Console.Out
So in your case you'd set this up before making calls to your third-party DLL.
You can also call SetOut with Console.OpenStandardOutput, this will restore the original output stream:
Console.SetOut(new StreamWriter(Console.OpenStandardOutput()));
Or you can wrap it up in a helper method that takes some code as an argument run it and returns the string that was printed. Notice how we gracefully handle exceptions.
public string RunCodeReturnConsoleOut(Action code)
string result;
var originalConsoleOut = Console.Out;
using (var writer = new StringWriter())
result = writer.GetStringBuilder().ToString();
return result;
Using solutions proposed by #Adam Lear and #Carlo V. Dango I created a helper class:
public sealed class RedirectConsole : IDisposable
private readonly Action<string> logFunction;
private readonly TextWriter oldOut = Console.Out;
private readonly StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
public RedirectConsole(Action<string> logFunction)
this.logFunction = logFunction;
public void Dispose()
which can be used in the following way:
public static void MyWrite(string str)
// print console output to Log/Socket/File
public static void Main()
using(var r = new RedirectConsole(MyWrite)) {
Console.WriteLine("Message 1");
Console.WriteLine("Message 2");
// After the using section is finished,
// MyWrite will be called once with a string containing all messages,
// which has been written during the using section,
// separated by new line characters

Importing Triples with Tinkerpop/bluebrints into OrientDB

Im trying to import RDF-Triples into OrientDB with help of tinkerpop/blueprints.
I found the basic usage here.
Im now that far:
import info.aduna.iteration.CloseableIteration;
import org.openrdf.model.Statement;
import org.openrdf.model.ValueFactory;
import org.openrdf.sail.Sail;
import org.openrdf.sail.SailConnection;
import org.openrdf.sail.SailException;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.Node;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.Triple;
import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.impls.orient.OrientGraph;
import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.oupls.sail.GraphSail;
import de.hof.iisys.relationExtraction.jena.parser.impl.ParserStreamIterator;
import de.hof.iisys.relationExtraction.neo4j.importer.Importer;
public class ImporterJenaTriples extends Importer {
private OrientGraph graph = null;
private Sail sail = null;
private SailConnection sailConnection = null;
private ValueFactory valueFactory = null;
private Thread parserThread = null;
public ImporterJenaTriples(ParserStreamIterator parser, String databasePath) throws SailException {
this.parser = parser;
this.databasePath = databasePath;
private void initialize() throws SailException {
this.graph = new OrientGraph(this.databasePath);
this.sail = new GraphSail<OrientGraph>(graph);
this.sailConnection = sail.getConnection();
this.valueFactory = sail.getValueFactory();
public void startImport() {
this.parserThread = new Thread(this.parser);
try {
Triple next = (Triple) this.parser.getIterator().next();
Node subject = next.getSubject();
Node predicate = next.getPredicate();
Node object = next.getObject();
} catch (SailException e) {
try {
CloseableIteration<? extends Statement, SailException> results = this.sailConnection.getStatements(null, null, null, false);
while(results.hasNext()) {
} catch (SailException e) {
public void stopImport() throws InterruptedException {
What i need to do now is to differ the types of subject, predicate and object
but the problem is i dont know which types they are and how i have to use
the valuefactory to create the type and to add the Statement to my SailConnection.
Unfortunately i cant find an example how to use it.
Maybe someone has done it before and knows how to continue.
I guess you need to convert from Jena object types to Sesame ones and use the
The unsupported project may have some code for that.
But mixing Jena and Sesame seems to make things more complicated - have you consider using the Sesame parser and getting Sesame objects that can go into the SailConnection?

Tried to read incoming SMS content but getting Error in Blackberry

Hi friends i am trying to read incoming sms but getting warning like this . Invocation of questionable method: java.lang.String.(String) found in: mypackage.MyApp$
Here is my code is
public class MyApp extends UiApplication {
//private ListeningThread listener;
public static void main(String[] args) {
MyApp theApp = new MyApp();
public MyApp() {
invokeAndWait(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
ListeningThread listener = new ListeningThread();
pushScreen(new MyScreen());
private static class ListeningThread extends Thread {
private boolean _stop = false;
private DatagramConnection _dc;
public synchronized void stop() {
_stop = true;
try {
_dc.close(); // Close the connection so the thread returns.
} catch (IOException e) {
public void run() {
try {
_dc = (DatagramConnection)"sms://");
for (;;) {
if (_stop) {
Datagram d = _dc.newDatagram(_dc.getMaximumLength());
String address = new String(d.getAddress());
String msg = new String(d.getData());
System.out.println("Message received: " + msg);
System.out.println("From: " + address);
} catch (IOException e) {
Please correct me where i am wrong.Is possible give me some code to read incoming sms content in blackberry.
A few points about your code:
That invokeAndWait call to launch a thread makes no sense. It doesn't harm, but is kind of waste. Use that method only to perform UI related operations.
You should try using "sms://:0" as param for According to the docs, a parameter with the form {protocol}://[{host}]:[{port}] will open the connection in client mode (which makes sense, since you are on the receiving part), whereas not including the host part will open it in server mode.
Finally, if you can't get it working, you could use instead the third method specified in this tutorial, which you probably have already read.
The error you quoted is complaining about the use of the String constructor that takes a string argument. Since strings are immutable in Java-ME, this is just a waste. You can use the argument string directly:
Invocation of questionable method: java.lang.String.(String) found in: mypackage.MyApp$
//String address = new String(d.getAddress());
String address = d.getAddress();
// getData() returns a byte[], so this is a different constructor
// However, this leaves the character encoding unspecified, so it
// will default to cp1252, which may not be what you want
String msg = new String(d.getData());

Blackberry Java - Fixed length streaming a POST body over a HTTP connect

I'm working on some code which POSTs large packets often over HTTP to a REST server on IIS. I'm using the RIM/JavaME HTTPConnection class.
As far as I can tell HTTPConnection uses an internal buffer to "gather" up the output stream before sending the entire contents to the server. I'm not surprised, since this is how HttpURLConnect works by default as well. (I assume it does this so that the content-length is set correctly.) But in JavaSE I could override this behavior by using the method setFixedLengthStreamingMode so that when I call flush on the output stream it would send that "chunk" of the stream. On a phone this extra buffering is too expensive in terms of memory.
In Blackberry Java is there a way to do fixed-length streaming on a HTTP request, when you know the content-length in advance?
So, I never found a way to do this was the base API for HTTPConnection. So instead, I created a socket and wrapped it with my own simple HTTPClient, which did support chunking.
Below is the prototype I used and tested on BB7.0.
package mypackage;
public class MySimpleHTTPClient{
SocketConnection sc;
String HttpHeader;
OutputStreamWriter outWriter;
InputStreamReader inReader;
public void init(
String Host,
String port,
String path,
int ContentLength,
String ContentType ) throws IllegalArgumentException, IOException
String _host = (new StringBuffer())
sc = (SocketConnection) );
sc.setSocketOption(SocketConnection.LINGER, 5);
StringBuffer _header = new StringBuffer();
//Setup the HTTP Header.
_header.append("POST ").append(path).append(" HTTP/1.1\r\n");
_header.append("Host: ").append(Host).append("\r\n");
_header.append("Content-Length: ").append(ContentLength).append("\r\n");
_header.append("Content-Type: ").append(ContentType).append("\r\n");
_header.append("Connection: Close\r\n\r\n");
HttpHeader = _header.toString();
public void openOutputStream() throws IOException{
if(outWriter != null)
outWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(sc.openOutputStream());
outWriter.write( HttpHeader, 0 , HttpHeader.length() );
public void openInputStream() throws IOException{
if(inReader != null)
inReader = new InputStreamReader(sc.openDataInputStream());
public void writeChunkToServer(String Chunk) throws Exception{
if(outWriter == null){
try {
} catch (IOException e) {e.printStackTrace();}
outWriter.write(Chunk, 0, Chunk.length());
public String readFromServer() throws IOException {
if(inReader == null){
try {
} catch (IOException e) {e.printStackTrace();}
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
int data =;
//Note :: This will also read the HTTP headers..
// If you need to parse the headers, tokenize on \r\n for each
// header, the header section is done when you see \r\n\r\n
while(data != -1){
sb.append( (char)data );
data =;
return sb.toString();
public void close(){
if(outWriter != null){
try {
} catch (IOException e) {}
if(inReader != null){
try {
} catch (IOException e) {}
if(sc != null){
try {
} catch (IOException e) {}
Here is example usage for it:
MySimpleHTTPClient myConn = new MySimpleHTTPClient() ;
String chunk1 = "ID=foo&data1=1234567890&chunk1=0|";
String chunk2 = "ID=foo2&data2=123444344&chunk1=1";
try {
chunk1.length() + chunk2.length(),
//The frist chunk is already on it's way.
System.out.println( myConn.readFromServer() );
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
} catch (Exception e) {
