Getting error in writing a background process for iPhone - ios

For my app i want to make a background process so i did.
But now when try to load the process by script in postinst like this
i am getting error msg:
Could not open job overrides database at: /private/var/db/launchd.db/ 2: No such file or directory
can anyone please help me to get rid of this?
Debian postinst script:
chown root:wheel /Library/LaunchDaemons/
launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/

I see this error message, too.
If you look on your phone's filesystem (e.g. login with ssh), I bet you don't have a folder at /private/var/db/launchd.db.
Just because iOS can't find that database file doesn't mean your daemon isn't loaded (or unloaded). Use the ps -Aef command at the command line (logged into the phone) to check whether your daemon process is running or not.
Inside your daemon's plist file (e.g. /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.mycompany.mydaemon.plist), you can set a Disabled flag (but, you probably won't). The overrides.plist file can override the Disabled setting from your daemon's plist file.
My guess is that this is primarily an OS X feature, and not commonly used by iOS, which shares much of the same codebase.
If you really feel the need to get rid of the message, it looks like simply creating that directory will get rid of it. So, you could add something like this in your postinst script, before calling launchctl:
mkdir -p /var/db/launchd.db/


My docker container keeps instantly closing when trying to run an image for bigcode-tools

I'm new to Docker, and I'm not sure how to quite deal with this situation.
So I'm trying to run a docker container in order to replicate some results from a research paper, specifically from here:
(image link:
I'm using a windows machine, and every time I try to run the docker image (via: docker run -p 80:80 tuvistavie/bigcode-tools), it instantly closes. I've tried running other images, such as the getting-started, but that image doesn't close instantly.
I've looked at some other potential workarounds, like using -dit, but since the instructions require setting an alias/doskey for a docker run command, using the alias and chaining it with other commands multiple times results in creating a queue for the docker container since the port is tied to the alias.
Like in the instructions from the GitHub link, I'm trying to set an alias/doskey to make api calls to pull data, but I am unable to get any data nor am I getting any errors when performing the calls on the command prompt.
Sorry for the long question, and thank you for your time!
Going in order of the instructions:
0. I can run this, it added the image to my Docker Desktop
Since I'm using a windows machine, I had to use 'set' instead of 'export'
I'm not exactly sure what the $ is meant for in UNIX, and whether or not it has significant meaning, but from my understanding, the whole purpose is to create a directory named 'bigcode-workspace'
Instead of 'alias,' I needed to use doskey.
Since -dit prevented my image from instantly closing, I added that in as well, but I'm not 100% sure what it means. Running docker run (...) resulted in the docker image instantly closing.
When it came to using the doskey alias + another command, I've tried:
(doskey macro) (another command)
(doskey macro) ^& (another command)
(doskey macro) $T (another command)
This also seemed to be using github api call, so I also added a --token=(github_token), but that didn't change anything either
Because the later steps require expected data pulled from here, I am unable to progress any further.
Looks like this image is designed to be used as a command-line utility. So it should not be running continuously, but you run it via alias docker-bigcode for your tasks.
$BIGCODE_WORKSPACE is an environment variable expansion here. So on a Windows machine it's %BIGCODE_WORKSPACE%. You might want to set this variable in Settings->System->About->Advanced System Settings, because variables set with SET command will apply to the current command prompt session only. Or you can specify the path directly, without environment variable.
As for alias then I would just create a batch file with the following content:
docker run -p 6006:6006 -v %BIGCODE_WORKSPACE%:/bigcode-tools/workspace tuvistavie/bigcode-tools %*
This will run the specified command appending the batch file parameters at the end. You might need to add double quotes if BIGCODE_WORKSPACE path contains spaces.

Remove docker image if it exists

I have a debian package I am deploying that comes with a docker image. On upgrading the package, the prerm script stops and removes the docker image. As a fail safe, I have the preinst script do it as well to ensure the old image is removed before the installation of the new image. If there is no image, the following error reports to the screen: (for stop) No such image: <tag> and (for rmi): No such container: <tag>.
This really isn't a problem, as the errors are ignored by dpkg, but they are reported to the screen, and I get constant questions from the users is that error ok? Did the install fail? etc.
I cannot seem for find the correct set of docker commands to check if a container is running to stop it, and check to see if an image exists to remove it, so those errors are no longer generated. All I have is docker image tag to work with.
I think you could go one of two ways:
Knowing the image you could check whether there is any container based on that image. If yes, find out whether that container is running. If yes, stop it. If not running, remove the image. This would prevent error messages showing up but other messages regarding the container and image handling may be visible.
Redirect output of the docker commands in question, e.g. >/dev/null
you're not limited with docker-cli you know? you can always combine docker-cli commands with linux sh or dos commands as well and also you can write your own .sh scripts and if you don't want to see the errors you can either redirect them or store them to a file such as
to redirect: {operation} 2>/dev/null
to store : {operation} 2>>/var/log/xxx.log

docker-compose caches run results

I'm having an issue with docker-compose where I'm passing a file into the container when it's run. The issue is that it doesn't seem to recognize when the file has been changed and serves the saved result back indefinitely until I change the name of the file.
An example (modified names for brevity):
jono#macbook:~/myProj% docker-compose run vpn conf.opvn
Options error: Unrecognized option or missing parameter(s) in conf.opvn:71: AXswRE+
5aN64mYiPSatOACC6+bISv8RcDPX/lMYdLwe8zQY6qWtbrjFXrp2 (2.3.8)
Then I change the file, save it, and run the command again - exact same output.
Then without changing anything I do this:
jono#macbook:~/myProj% cp conf.opvn newconf.opvn
And when I run $ docker-compose run vpn newconf.opvn it works. Seems really silly.
I'm working with Tmux and Mac if there is some way that affects it. Is this the expected behaviour? I couldn't find anything documenting this on the docker-compose homepage.
Specifically I'm using this repo from the amazing Jess.
The image you are using is using volume in order to mount your current directory. Basically the file conf.opvn is copied to the docker container.
When you change the file, the container doesn't see that change, but it does pick up the rename (which the container sees as a new file). This most probably is due to user rights of the file and the user rights of the folder in the docker container where this file is mounted. Try changing the file's permissions to 777 before beginning the process and check again.
You can find a discussion about this in the official forum of docker

"docker-compose up" fails with error

I want to work on a project, but I need to use docker for running the app, but the docker-compose up command fails with this error:
System error: exec: "./wait_to_start": stat ./wait_to_start:
no such file or directory
The wait_to_start command is an executable python script in the subfolder backend/.
I need to determine why it cannot be executed. Either it's been searched in the wrong path, or there are access right problems, or maybe the wrong python version is used.
Can I debug it with details, or login with SSH and check the files on the virtual machine? I'm too unexperienced with Docker...
You can either set the "workdir" metadata to make sure you are in the right place when you start a container or simply call /backend/wait_to_start instead of ./wait_to_start so you remove the need to be in the proper directory.
Do debug with docker-compose I would do this:
docker-compose run --entrypoint bash <servicename>
That should give you a prompt and let you inspect the file and working directory, so see what's wrong.

iphone reboot programmatically

I have code
The reboot command works in the terminal, but even if I run the app as root, the operation is still denied. Has anyone found any way that works, or can explain a bit about SBSetting's reboot, which makes me curious?
I have finally found a way to programmatically restart an iOS device without rooting a device!!!!
The command line tool to restart an iOS device is called libimobiledevice:
It is truly amazing. One snag I ran into while installing was trying to install this line:
brew install -v --devel --fresh automake autoconf libtool wget libimobiledevice
However I got around the install problem by running this line:
brew install -v --fresh automake autoconf libtool wget libimobiledevice
After that problem, I followed the rest of the instructions and voila!
Most of the commands can be found on this page:
The magic command that restarts the iOS device is:
idevicediagnostics restart
What is truly amazing about this tool is not only restarting an iOS device but also outputting iOS device logs to mac's terminal app using the following command:
I figured out a way to do it, although it's a bit convoluted. The problem is that even if you setup your app to run as root, when you make system() calls, you're apparently still limited to user mobile privileges. Since mobile cannot call reboot (successfully), this doesn't work.
The way I got around this problem is to take advantage of a new feature that SBSettings supports. SBSettings has a privileged daemon process that runs. It allows you to plug in your own commands, by simply writing a script (or other executable) and dumping it in the appropriate directory (/var/mobile/Library/SBSettings/Commands). Once you then restart the sbsettingsd process, you can get it to run your script by posting a notification. If you name your script
then from within your app, you can execute this code:
#import <notify.h>
Then, you make com.mycompany.reboot a simple shell script like this:
And make sure to chmod 755 on your com.mycompany.reboot script. The full details of this SBSettings command feature can be found here: (see Calling External Functions and Scripts ...)
Anyway, it does require your app to depend on SBSettings, but it's a free app, and most users would probably want to have it anyway. For now, it accomplishes the goal of rebooting (or anything else that requires root access) programmatically, via notify_post().
This answer might feel hacky to some but I have not found a better solution on how to restart an iOS device that has not been jailbroken so here goes my answer:
In order to restart a device from the command line I do some prep work:
Connect device to computer
Add iTunes shortcut to your dock
Select spotlight and search for an application called Automator [must have Xcode installed in order to launch Automator!]
When Automator launches, select the Application option
Select the record button to start recording following actions
Select the iTunes shortcut
Select your device from the Device options
Select the Restore Backup... button
Select the Restore button
Select the stop button on the Automator app to stop recording.
From the Automator application, select File from the top bar and Save your newly recorded app to a location of your choosing
At this point you have an app file that will execute the steps mentioned above. I tend to leave iTunes open as it will always have the iOS device hooked up and ready to be accessed. When iTunes is closed and relaunched, the device takes time to fully connect with iTunes and this tends to break the flow of the Automator app.
At this point I can go into a terminal, go to the location of the app file and run the following command [EXAMPLE]:
(replace '' with the name of your file)
If you are like me and your are running this command in jenkins, you will need to run the following commands:
open [location]/[]
sleep 30
For some reason, the automator app needs the sleep time to complete all the recorded actions.
Also, I am sure you can also write an applescript to do all of this but I hate applescript and took the easy way out!
did you try NSTask: Execute a terminal command from a Cocoa app
This is not possible if the app is running in its sandbox. on a jailbroken phone you might be able to execute the reboot shell command.
