iOS App using GoogleDrive SDK going to production - ios

I am getting ready to launch an iOS App that uses the Google Drive SDK as well as the Dropbox SDK (and other cloud service SDKs). Dropbox has a limit of 100 users, until you apply for production status, where they approve your app and then remove this restriction.
However, as far as I can tell, Google doesn't require this. Am I correct? Is there anything I need to do with Google before submitting my App to the Apple App Store? Also, is anyone familiar with any caps or limits Google Drive may put on accounts using Google Drive?
Thank you!

The limits are based around number of requests, rather than number of users. You can see your default courtesy quota by looking at the details of the Drive API in the developer console:
At the top of the page there is a link for Quota that shows the current limit, and has a link where you can request more if are approaching that limit.


After review, we still get "sign in with google temporarily disabled for this app"

We have a mobile app and our users got a
"sign in with google temporarily disabled for this app"
When they tried to login their YouTube account with iOS (There's no problem with Android devices).
We submitted a verification request long time ago, and we got from YouTube an email (May 26th 2020),(May 26th 2020):
"Hi Adam,
Thanks for working with us on the YouTube API Services compliance review. We have completed your review and do not require any further actions from you at this time.
We may reach out again to re-review your API Client for compliance with YouTube API Services Terms and Policies.
We appreciate your time working with us on this and please continue to comply with the YouTube API Services Terms and Policies."
Since then, nothing had changed and our app hasn't been verified yet, and our users can't connect with their youtube accounts.
What can we do? We are just waiting and we don't even know how to contact YouTube and ask about our specific case/project.
Thanks you,
sign in with google temporarily disabled for this app
Means that your application has not been verified by google. You need to go through the verification process.
You can use a project for development without verification. However there are some limitations (more information here). Basically, you have now reached the limit of 100 users accessing the application.
If you still havent heard anything from google after they say they have verified your application I think the only thing you can do is to submit it again and double check that you are using a client that was created under the project that you requested verification for there's really nothing else you can do.

disallowed_useragent with Google Drive SDK

I am trying to implement Google Drive SDK in my project but nothing seems to go well, i wanted to upload images and create folder on Google Drive but i am stuck with the error ,which i don't know how to get through, as i found nothing related to the following error.
I have strongly followed this link for code
Google has updated its security restrictions for OAuth flow. They are not going to allow native web-views to initiate OAuth flows. You will need to use the OS browsers to do so.
Modernizing OAuth interactions in Native Apps for Better Usability and Security
You may have to wait for google to update the sample code or figure out how to do it yourself sorry i am not an IOS developer so cant be of any help.
The issue is already logged on the issue forum for Google drive 4919

Does google maps need api key for IOS application (and why)

I saw in this link
Mr. Chris uses a google map without a key.[I've tried it and it's working]
but, when i enter google developer
they say [get a key].
(why should i do it? i got confused)
if it's required to run it in my app, how can Chris did it?
pre-Thanks ^^.
Yes Google map needs API key, without API key your request will be failed.
WHY: Every app is unique with its bundle ID, API key provided by google is used to identify the app uniquely.
There are so many paid services are offered by google to used in our app, App id used to manage your account based on request to API made/ package selected by you.
It also helps you to analyse use of google API through your app, which may may help you plan out your furthuer updates/usage to your App.

Google Analytics Reporting SDK for iPhone?

Upon exploring new ideas for apps, I stumbled on one that seemed pretty easy to do once nailed down to the right SDK, etc. I want to use Google OAuth authentication system to report Google Analytics data into my app, from the users account.
A couple days of researched turned up pretty much nothing but on how to add Google ANalytics to YOUR app to track YOUR views, etc.
Where should I begin? Does Google have Sample Code for this?
Google has a complete API for accessing the Google Analytics data. See
There are several iOS apps out there that already use this data to provide graphical and numerical data on your GA account.

Google Places API in iOS application

Let me share my findings before asking the question.
Google Places API documentation says:
"Note: To use the Google Places API you must first request a Maps API
client ID and cryptographic key which you must use to sign your
request URLs. For information on signing URL requests, please see the
URL Authentication documentation within the Web Service APIs home
The Google Places API is still in developer preview.
We need a Client ID (required) and a Signature (required) to use
the Google Places API.
And, to get the Signature, we need a Google Adsense account to get
Adsense publisher id (required).
You can find the requirements to use the Google Places API here.
The Signup page for Google Maps API suggest that, "Your service
must be freely accessible to end users. To use Google mapping
technology in other types of applications, please use Google Maps API
Premier. See this FAQ for more information."
Now, here's what i want to know.
I'm planning on using Google Places API in my iOS application. I don't
want to use Adsense. Can i still access the Google Places API for
free? How?
If i can't access the Google Places API for free, what are the costs
associated with using this service, and the available payment models?
I wasn't able to find any particular resources for this information.
Here's a specific scenario. What if my iOS application is free. The
free version uses Google Places API. But... my iOS application has
some additional features which are exposed using In-app Purchase (paid
features). The paid features do not use Google Places API. Is this
We opened up the Google Places API to all developers this week at Google I/O and simplified the Terms and authentication:
You no longer need to sign your requests, but instead just use a key obtained using the Google APIs console. An AdSense ID is no longer required, but you will need to go though a credit card based identity check in order to upgrade from 1,000 to 100,000 request per day.
You can use the Places API in mobile apps that are free or sold online through a mobile app store such as the Apple App Store or Android Market. For fee desktop apps however will require a Maps API Premier license which will be offered once the Places API graduates from Google Code Labs.
For information on getting started, see the docs:
