Nicescroll in jQuery Mobile popups - jquery-mobile

I have been using the excellent NiceScroll plugin in my jQuery Mobile application. The one issue I have run into is when I use NiceScroll in a popup. When the user hits the Esc key to dismiss the popup the scrollbar remains behind. "Not a problem" I thought - I'll just record the scrollbar object and call its .remove() method from the popupafterclose event for the popup. However, there is an issue - the popupafterclose event does not get triggered for so long as the scrollbar is present (even after the actual popup has disappeared). The jQM docs state
This event is triggered when the popup has completely disappeared from the screen, meaning that all associated animations have completed.
So what I am seeing implies that the orphaned scrollbar that hangs around is equivalent to "all associated animations" not being complete.
As a stop gap solution I am keeping track of created Nicescrolls in an array, checking the Esc key at document level and calling remove() on the last element of that array. This works but feels rather hackish. I would be much obliged to anyone who might be able to suggest a better way.

I made you a working example that don't suffer from this problem.
Working example:
<div data-role="page" id="index">
<div data-theme="b" data-role="header" data-position="fixed">
<h1>Index page</h1>
<div data-role="content">
Basic Popup
<div data-role="popup" id="popupBasic">
<div class="header" data-role="header">
<div class="content" data-role="content">
<ul data-role="listview">
<li>Some link</li>
<li>Some link</li>
<li>Some link</li>
<li>Some link</li>
<li>Some link</li>
<li>Some link</li>
<li>Some link</li>
<li>Some link</li>
<li>Some link</li>
<li>Some link</li>
<li>Some link</li>
<li>Some link</li>
<li>Some link</li>
<li>Some link</li>
<li>Some link</li>
<li>Some link</li>
<li>Some link</li>
<li>Some link</li>
<li>Some link</li>
<li>Some link</li>
<li>Some link</li>
<li>Some link</li>
<li>Some link</li>
<li>Some link</li>
<li>Some link</li>
<li>Some link</li>
<li>Some link</li>
<li>Some link</li>
<li>Some link</li>
<li>Some link</li>
<li>Some link</li>
<li>Some link</li>
<div class="footer" data-role="footer">
<a class="close" href="#" data-rel="back" data-role="button">Close</a>
<div data-theme="b" data-role="footer" data-position="fixed">
Use this:
$(document).on('pageshow', '#index', function(){
or this:
function() {


Bootstrap 4 tabs not working on iOS with "data-target" instead of "href" attributes

Using Bootstrap 4.1 and using an example from the docs, just switching "href" for "data-target".
<ul class="nav nav-tabs" id="myTab" role="tablist">
<li class="nav-item">
<a class="nav-link active" id="home-tab" data-toggle="tab" data-target="#home" role="tab" aria-controls="home" aria-selected="true">Home</a>
<li class="nav-item">
<a class="nav-link" id="profile-tab" data-toggle="tab" data-target="#profile" role="tab" aria-controls="profile" aria-selected="false">Profile</a>
<li class="nav-item">
<a class="nav-link" id="contact-tab" data-toggle="tab" data-target="#contact" role="tab" aria-controls="contact" aria-selected="false">Contact</a>
<div class="tab-content" id="myTabContent">
<div class="tab-pane fade show active" id="home" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="home-tab">AAA</div>
<div class="tab-pane fade" id="profile" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="profile-tab">BBB</div>
<div class="tab-pane fade" id="contact" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="contact-tab">CCC</div>
Tabs are working fine on all desktop browsers I have tried, including Safari, and all Android browsers I have tried as well.
However, on all iOS devices the tabs are inactive, that is, they are not switching, neither the tab links, nor the displayed content.
Anyone have an idea what I am doing wrong, or if this is a bug in Bootstrap 4.1?
According to HTML docs, a <a> is "interactive content" "if it has a href attribute". iOS implementation of this definition is literal and click events are ignored on anchors without href.
The proper way to enable clicks on iOS native devices is to use the id of the .tab-pane as href.
You could do it manually or you could use this lil' snippet which simply copies them from data-target, only on native iOS devices and only if the anchor does not already have a href attribute.
I haven't tested it on an iOS device but it should work:
$(window).on('load', () => {
let iOS = !!navigator.platform && /iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.platform);
if (iOS)
$('[role="tablist"] .nav-link').each((i,e) => {
if (!$(e).attr('href'))
$(e).attr('href', $(e).data('target'));
Note all Bootstrap 4 tabs examples use href attributes. Before asking about or reporting a potential Bootstrap "bug", make sure your markup is valid and not missing anything compared to the Bootstrap docs examples.
Here's a test using your markup:
$(window).on('load', () => {
let iOSdevice = !!navigator.platform && /iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.platform)
if (iOSdevice)
$('[role="tablist"] .nav-link').each((i,e) => {
if (!$(e).attr('href'))
$(e).attr('href', $(e).data('target'))
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
<script src="" integrity="sha384-q8i/X+965DzO0rT7abK41JStQIAqVgRVzpbzo5smXKp4YfRvH+8abtTE1Pi6jizo" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<script src="" integrity="sha384-cs/chFZiN24E4KMATLdqdvsezGxaGsi4hLGOzlXwp5UZB1LY//20VyM2taTB4QvJ" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<script src="" integrity="sha384-uefMccjFJAIv6A+rW+L4AHf99KvxDjWSu1z9VI8SKNVmz4sk7buKt/6v9KI65qnm" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<ul class="nav nav-tabs" id="myTab" role="tablist">
<li class="nav-item">
<a class="nav-link active" id="home-tab" data-toggle="tab" data-target="#home" role="tab" aria-controls="home" aria-selected="true">Home</a>
<li class="nav-item">
<a class="nav-link" id="profile-tab" data-toggle="tab" data-target="#profile" role="tab" aria-controls="profile" aria-selected="false">Profile</a>
<li class="nav-item">
<a class="nav-link" id="contact-tab" data-toggle="tab" data-target="#contact" role="tab" aria-controls="contact" aria-selected="false">Contact</a>
<div class="tab-content" id="myTabContent">
<div class="tab-pane fade show active" id="home" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="home-tab">AAA</div>
<div class="tab-pane fade" id="profile" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="profile-tab">BBB</div>
<div class="tab-pane fade" id="contact" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="contact-tab">CCC</div>
For iOS detection I used this SO answer.

Pop up on listing screen using jquery mobile

I'm working on mobile app.I want pop-up to appear on click of icon(carat-r). Actually i'm not gettin where to link. Below is my code. Thanks in advance
<div data-role="page" data-theme="a" data-content-theme="a">
<div data-role="header" data-position="fixed" data-theme="b">
<div data-role="tabs" id="tabs">
<ul data-role="listview" data-filter="true" data-input="#filterBasic-input" data-inset="true">
<li ><a href="#">
<li><a href="#">
If you want to launch a popup when the icon is clicked, but still have the rest of the listitem be a regular link, you should use the split button option on the listview:
You can set the icon to carat-r using the data-split-icon attribute.
In your markup:
<ul data-role="listview" data-filter="true" data-input="#filterBasic-input" data-inset="true" data-split-icon="carat-r">

How would I include a slidshow in my Rails website?

Hello I am working a basic rails app, and I want to include a welcome page with a slideshow. How would I implement this in a Rails app? I am new to Rails, and I tried using Jquery, but it didn't work. I am also using bootstrap on my website.The problem is that the images wont load and I only see the arrow buttons and no images.
Thanks! Here is my code,
<div id="myCarousel" class="carousel slide">
<ol class="carousel-indicators">
<li data-target="#myCarousel" data-slide-to="0" class="active"></li>
<li data-target="#myCarousel" data-slide-to="1"></li>
<li data-target="#myCarousel" data-slide-to="2"></li>
<!-- Carousel items -->
<div class="carousel-inner">
<div class="active item"><img src='pictwo.png'></div>
<div class="item"><img src='pictone.png'></div>
<div class="item">…</div>
<!-- Carousel nav -->
<a class="carousel-control left" href="#myCarousel" data-slide="prev">‹</a>
<a class="carousel-control right" href="#myCarousel" data-slide="next">›</a>
Twitter bootstrap incudes one, as well as provides examples on its usage -

Jquery Mobile - nested list items using same href

I have a list I am creating dynamically. The content looks good BUT each link points to the same page link:
I start with an empty list:
<div data-role="content" class="ui-content" role="main">
<ul data-role="listview" data-theme="b" data-inset="true" id="profile2" class="ui-listview ui-listview-inset ui-corner-all ui-shadow">
I use $('#profile2').append to build the list and use $('#profile2').listview("refresh"); to refresh the list after each new link is inserted.
Here is a sample of code after the list has been generated:
<div data-role="content" class="ui-content" role="main">
<ul data-role="listview" data-theme="b" data-inset="true" id="profile2" class="ui-listview ui-listview-inset ui-corner-all ui-shadow">
<li><div class="ui-btn-inner ui-li">
<div class="ui-btn-text"><a href="#/demo?a=53&b=-7&ui-page=profile2-0" class="ui-link-inherit">
<h3 class="ui-li-heading">Headin1</h3>
<p class="ui-li-desc">Content 1</p></a><
<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-arrow-r ui-icon-shadow"> </span></div>
<li><div class="ui-btn-inner ui-li">
<div class="ui-btn-text"><a href="#/demo?a=53&b=-7&ui-page=profile2-0" class="ui-link-inherit">
<h3 class="ui-li-heading">Headin2</h3>
<p class="ui-li-desc">Content 2</p></a><
<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-arrow-r ui-icon-shadow"> </span></div>
NOTE the href for both links refers to profile2-0
Interestingly, the pages generated for the child links have the same tabindex (0), as well as the same data-url. This is the code for both pages:
<div data-role="page" data-url="/demo?a=53&b=-7&ui-page=profile2-0" tabindex="0" class="ui-page ui-body-a">
I use listview("refresh") to refresh the styling, should this also take care of ensuring the page items are uniquely labeled?
Of course, this should be taken care of by JQM, but I cannot see a way to programmatically set a sub page link when creating the list item to ensure the links are unique.
As it has already been pointed out by Taifun, you probably have a problem in the code generating the list items (that you did not provide).
I tried this code, and did not face any issue:
$(document).on("pageshow", function(){
for(i=0; i<10; i++) {
$("#profile2").append('<li>test ' + i + '</li>');
Hope that helps.

Navbar remian constant for all pages in jquery mobile

I'm new to jquery mobile and need some help to move further in my application
I used NAVBAR with two buttons view and two buttons are navigating fine and displaying different list views & when I click on list view item the page is navigating to another HTML page and displaying related data but the problem is I'm not able to view navbar in next page...
I want the navbar to be constant for all pages like tabgroup activity in android.
anyone please help me with good example and application or show me some good links to achieve this...
<div data-role="page" id="page1">
<div data-role="content">
<div data-role="navbar" id="nav1">
<div class="ui-grid-but" id="list">
<div class="ui-block-a">
<a href="#lv1" data-role="button" id="button1" >
<img src="task.png" alt="Tasks" /></a>
<div class="ui-block-b">
<a href="#lv2" data-role="button" id="button2">
<img src="reminder.png" alt="Reminders" /></a>
<div class="def_content_div" id="dashboard">
<ul data-role="listview" data-inset="true">
<li>List View 1 </li>
<li><a href="#lv2" >List View 2</a> </li>
<li><a href="#lv3" >List View 3</a> </li>
<li><a href="#lv4" >List View 4</a> </li>
<div class="content_div" id="deals">
<ul data-role="listview"data-inset="true">
<li> List View 5</li>
<li> List View 6</li>
<li>List View 7</li>
<li>List View 8</li>
The best way to achieve this is to put your navbar inside a JQM header and use the same data-id for every header. i.e.
<div data-role="header" data-posistion="fixed" data-id="constantNav">
<div data-role="navbar">
You have to include the above code snippet in every listview page. That will give the appearance of a constant fixed nav menu.
Here is an example as requested
I got the solution from
According to codaniel's answer, we need to include the code snippet in every listview page.
And then, we need to add the following class to the "current" nav-button of every page.
class="ui-btn-active ui-state-persist"
For the first front page:
<div data-role="header" data-posistion="fixed" data-id="constantNav">
<div data-role="navbar">
And the second page:
<div data-role="header" data-posistion="fixed" data-id="constantNav">
<div data-role="navbar">
