I am trying to run Octave from the command line. The Octave function uses some functions that are signal processing related (e.g. padarray).
The function version (when run from Octave) runs with no problem. When I run from the command line with the following code, I get the error 'padarray' undefined. How do I get this function to be included?
Here's a simple example of the difference between two pieces of code.
function [] = pad_function()
vec = ones(2,1);
vec = pad_vector(vec);
function padded_vector = pad_vector(vec)
padded_vector = padarray(vec,2);
#!/usr/local/bin/octave -qf
function padded_vector = pad_vector(vec)
padded_vector = padarray(vec,100);
vec = ones(2,1);
vec = pad_vector(vec);
Removing the -f flag in the shebang line removes this error.
The -f flag causes Octave to not read from the initialization file, which I suppose links to the locations of these signal processing functions.
I'm looking at some lua code on github which consists of many folders and files. Next to external libraries, each file starts with:
local _,x = ...
Now my question is, what is the purpose of this, namely the 3 dots? is it a way to 'import' the global values of x? In what way is it best used?
... is the variable arguments to the current function.
function test(x, y, ...)
print("x is",x)
print("y is",y)
print("... is", ...)
local a,b,c,d = ...
print("b is",b)
print("c is",c)
x is 1
y is 2
... is oat meal
b is meal
c is nil
Files are also treated as functions. In Lua, when you, or someone else, loads a file (with load or loadfile or whatever), it returns a function, and then to run the code, you call the function. And when you call the function, you can pass arguments. And none of the arguments have names, but the file can read them with ...
They are arguments from the command line.
Read lua's reference manual, in the chapter Lua Standalone, it says:
...If there is a script, the script is called with arguments arg[1], ···, arg[#arg]. Like all chunks in Lua, the script is compiled as a vararg function.
For example if your lua script is run with the command line:
lua my_script.lua 10 20
In my_script.lua you have:
local _, x = ...
Then _ = "10" and x = "20"
Update when a library script is required by another script, the meaning of the 3 dots changes, they are arguments passed from the require function to the searcher:
Once a loader is found, require calls the loader with two arguments: modname and an extra value, a loader data, also returned by the searcher.
And under package.searchers:
All searchers except the first one (preload) return as the extra value the file name where the module was found
For example if you have a lua file that requires my_script.lua.
At this time _ = "my_script" and x = "/full/path/to/my_script.lua"
Note that in lua 5.1, require passes only 1 argument to the loader, so x is nil.
I have Lua 5.4 embedded in a project and implemented __close metamethod for a userdata, which is a vector of numbers. The project has its own script editor and is able to run the scripts. The implementation of __close is exactly the same as __gc metamethod, which is shown below:
int Vector_gc(lua_State* L)
CVector<double>* vector = *(CVector<double>**)lua_touserdata(L, 1);
delete vector;
return 0;
1) In a script file, when running the following script, there is no problem at all:
local vector=std.rand(5000) --generate 5000 random numbers
2) Similarly, if I run the following script file more than once, again no problem at all:
local vector <close> = std.rand(5000)
3) However, the following script using collectgarbage when run more than once causes crash:
local vector <close> = std.rand(5000)
4) The following causes an immediate crash.
if(true) then
local vector <close> = std.rand(5000)
Am I misunderstanding/missing something about to-be-closed variables?
I am trying to improve my loop computation speed by using foreach, but there is a simple Rcpp function I defined inside of this loop. I saved the Rcpp function as mproduct.cpp, and I call out the function simply using
and the Rcpp function is a simple one, which is to perform matrix product in C++:
// [[Rcpp::depends(RcppArmadillo, RcppEigen)]]
#include <RcppArmadillo.h>
#include <RcppEigen.h>
// [[Rcpp::export]]
SEXP MP(const Eigen::Map<Eigen::MatrixXd> A, Eigen::Map<Eigen::MatrixXd> B){
Eigen::MatrixXd C = A * B;
return Rcpp::wrap(C);
So, the function in the Rcpp file is MP, referring to matrix product. I need to perform the following foreach loop (I have simplified the code for illustration):
foreach(j=1:n, .package='Rcpp',.noexport= c("mproduct.cpp"),.combine=rbind)%dopar%{
Since the size of matrix A and B are large, it is why I want to use foreach to alleviate the computational cost.
However, the above code does not work, since it provides me error message:
task 1 failed - "NULL value passed as symbol address"
The reason I added .noexport= c("mproduct.cpp") is to follow some suggestions from people who solved similar issues (Can't run Rcpp function in foreach - "NULL value passed as symbol address"). But somehow this does not solve my issue.
So I tried to install my Rcpp function as a library. I used the following code:
Rcpp.package.skeleton('mp',cpp_files = "<my working directory>")
but it returns me a warning message:
The following packages are referenced using Rcpp::depends attributes however are not listed in the Depends, Imports or LinkingTo fields of the package DESCRIPTION file: RcppArmadillo, RcppEigen
so when I tried to install my package using
install.packages("<my working directory>",repos = NULL,type='source')
I got the warning message:
Error in untar2(tarfile, files, list, exdir, restore_times) :
incomplete block on file
Warning in install.packages :
installation of package ‘C:/Users/Lenovo/Documents/mproduct.cpp’ had non-zero exit status
So can someone help me out how to solve 1) using foreach with Rcpp function MP, or 2) install the Rcpp file as a package?
Thank you all very much.
The first step would be making sure that you are optimizing the right thing. For me, this would not be the case as this simple benchmark shows:
n <- 1000
A<-matrix(rnorm(n*n), n, n)
B<-matrix(rnorm(n*n), n, n)
MP <- Rcpp::cppFunction("SEXP MP(const Eigen::Map<Eigen::MatrixXd> A, Eigen::Map<Eigen::MatrixXd> B){
Eigen::MatrixXd C = A * B;
return Rcpp::wrap(C);
}", depends = "RcppEigen")
bench::mark(MP(A, B), A %*% B)[1:5]
#> # A tibble: 2 x 5
#> expression min median `itr/sec` mem_alloc
#> <bch:expr> <bch:tm> <bch:tm> <dbl> <bch:byt>
#> 1 MP(A, B) 277.8ms 278ms 3.60 7.63MB
#> 2 A %*% B 37.4ms 39ms 22.8 7.63MB
So for me the matrix product via %*% is several times faster than the one via RcppEigen. However, I am using Linux with OpenBLAS for matrix operations while you are on Windows, which often means reference BLAS for matrix operations. It might be that RcppEigen is faster on your system. I am not sure how difficult it is for Windows user to get a faster BLAS implementation (https://csgillespie.github.io/efficientR/set-up.html#blas-and-alternative-r-interpreters might contain some pointers), but I would suggest spending some time on investigating this.
Now if you come to the conclusion that you do need RcppEigen or RcppArmadillo in your code and want to put that code into a package, you can do the following. Instead of Rcpp::Rcpp.package.skeleton() use RcppEigen::RcppEigen.package.skeleton() or RcppArmadillo::RcppArmadillo.package.skeleton() to create a starting point for a package based on RcppEigen or RcppArmadillo, respectively.
I just installed Visual Studio Code on a different laptop and then proceeded to get the Ionide-fsharp extension. I then tried to run this simple piece of code:
open System
let rec factorial n =
if n = 0
then 1
else n * factorial (n - 1)
factorial 5
But then I get this error and I can't seem to fix it:
open: the term 'open' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet,
function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling on the name,
of if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
It then proceeds to throw a bunch more nonsense at me and repeats the error above for every single line of code I have written afterwards. Please help.
My question is that when I run
wrk -d10s -t20 -c20 -s /mnt/c/xxxx/post.lua http://localhost:xxxx/post
the Lua script that is only executed once? It will only put one item into the database at the URL.
-- example HTTP POST script which demonstrates setting the
-- HTTP method, body, and adding a header
number = math.random()
wrk.method = "POST"
wrk.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
wrk.body = '{"name": "' .. tostring(number) .. '", "title":"test","enabled":true,"defaultValue":false}'
Is there a way to make it create the 'number' variable dynamically and keep adding new items into the database until the 'wrk' command has finished its test? Or that it will keep executing the script for the duration of the test creating and inserting new 'number' variables into 'wrk.body' ?
Apologies I have literally only being looking at Lua for a few hours.
When you do
number = math.random
you're not setting number to a random number, you're setting it equal to the function math.random. To set the variable to the value returned by the function, that line should read
number = math.random()
You may also need to set a random seed (with the math.randomseed() function and your choice of an appropriately variable argument - system time is common) to avoid math.random() giving the same result each time the script is run. This should be done before the first call to math.random.
As the script is short, system time probably isn't a good choice of seed here (the script runs far quicker than the value from os.time() changes, so running it several times immediately after one another gives the same results each time). Reading a few bytes from /dev/urandom should give better results.
You could also just use /dev/urandom to generate a number directly, rather than feeding it to math.random as a seed. Like in the code below, as taken from this answer. This isn't a secure random number generator, but for your purposes it would be fine.
urand = assert (io.open ('/dev/urandom', 'rb'))
rand = assert (io.open ('/dev/random', 'rb'))
function RNG (b, m, r)
b = b or 4
m = m or 256
r = r or urand
local n, s = 0, r:read (b)
for i = 1, s:len () do
n = m * n + s:byte (i)
return n