How can I intercept text messages using cocoa - ios

I intend on writing an app for iOS that would require me to monitor incoming texts from select contacts etc - in short, I need to somehow get the strings from a text message into my app directly. Is anyone able to point me in the right direction here?

Apple doesn't provides any SDK (and doesn't allows developers) to access on the messages.
You can just access to the screen New Message from the app.


Sending a text message without being prompted [duplicate]

Is it possible to send sms via iphone without user intervention? I already know about MessageUI framework and MFMessageComposeViewController class, but this option requires user to click Send button when MGMessageComposeViewController is presented. I would like the device to automatically, without my help send a text message when certain conditions are met. (I have some sensors connected to the device)
No. You can only open a message ready to send but you cannot send it automatically.
If you want to be able to send sms without user's interaction, consider using some third party gateway. TextMagic provides nice api to send sms, but it is not free. At some point it charges you money. But, they have nice and simple api to use.
Look at this,

Delete dial call number from recent call list in ios

I have a some special requirement to delete dial call number from call list. I research a lot on SO but not able to get any answer for this. Is it possible in iPhone?
Apple doesn't allow developers to modify call list or history, since it will violate user's privacy policy. It is not possible to achieve in iOS with iOS public framework, used to submit apps to appstore. It is only possible by using private frameworks... or you can say jailbreaking the device. But you won't be able to submit app to store. It will be rejected.
Simple answer: No you cannot. Apple iOS doesn't allow you to access some of the applications such as Phone and Messages - So it is not possible for you directly access the call log, read messages or whatsoever. What you can do is, you can open the Messages/Phone app with a pre-defined number to call or a message to send for performing user verification actions.
Take the example of Uber app; you can call the driver by tapping on the Contact button, but there is no way that app can access your phone log and delete the recent numbers from the record - unlike Android devices.
It may be possible by jailbreaking, which on the other hand won't let you put your app on the App Store.

Opening app from sms and getting the sms contents in iOS

I am trying to build an iOS application. The basic premise is that the user receives an SMS which has a message, a link to the application, and other details. For example, the message might look like this:
Good morning! Kindly open the application: mylink://here
Additional Info: 123123
Additional Info: 321321
I know that if the user has installed my application, he or she will be able to click the mylink://here and it will open my application. Answers in this question discuss said topic thoroughly. My concern mainly has something thing to do with fetching the additional information from the text message. My application will need the additional informations in the SMS and is there a way to fetch the additional information without having to programmatically go through them in my application?
Since the application is opened via SMS, is there a provision in iOS that provides your application, if opened by an SMS, with the raw SMS text?
I'm a bit new in iOS development and I'm mostly relying on what I am able to research online. As much as possible I do not want to fetch the SMSs (if iOS even allows that), find the one I'm looking for, then parse from there.
Well you can't read or send sms messages... At all. That's a big no-no in standard iOS. However, you could pass some simplified info via url scheme. It could look something like this:
You'll want to read more about it here:
Sorry from Apple side but can't access these on a standard, non-jailbroken iPhone. You should file a bug with Apple, perhaps they'll improve SMS access in the future.
Not possible
Check this
For SMS sending through application allowed but for accessing inbox for sms/email not allowed.
It is only possible when the phone is Jailbreaked. There are many tools to jailbreak your phone.
Once Jailbreaked, an application cal open the SQLite database at
/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db and read the message table.
It contains, the date/time at which the message was received, the sender/recipient phone number and even the clear text of the message.
Refer this Question to read content of sms: Read SMS message in iOS

How to send a text inside an iOS app?

Is it possible to send a text immediately inside an app. I have implemented the sms send. I just want to bypass the screen where the user has to press send.
There is no way to bypass the MFMessageViewController screen where the user has to tap "send." I assume Apple has designed it this way to prevent an app from potentially spamming a user's contact list.
In addition, there is no way to detect income SMS. Both these features are strictly reserved for the native Messages app.
For more information on sending an SMS on iOS check this out.
One alternative is to implement sending and receiving messages within your app using a web service to store and retrieve messages. For example, you could use a messages library like JSQMessagesViewController documented here and for simplicity's sake, you could use a BaaS like Parse.

Sending Image as text message with PhoneGap app

I'm trying to work around the iPhone not having an API in order to send an MMS. I do not want to send a text message from inside the app, I am looking to have it be able to send a text message with an image attached to a certain contact.
I am not very familiar with native iPhone apps so I was going to build the app using PhoneGap and create custom plugins for sending the text message.
The user would find an image/video or something they would want to view on the app, click send to a contact and then normal text message app on the iPhone would pop up with the image already inserted to the body of the message.
Would I be able to write my own plugin for PhoneGap in order to do this operation? If so, what are some good resources to go about learning how to do this?
Thanks, I know this is more of a cry for help on how to do this but after a bunch of research, I can't quite find what I'm exactly looking for.
I have no idea about PhoneGap tbh but I guess where you will fail is this:
Apple did not want you to put photos in the sms app. How do you think you are going to go around this? The only thing I can think of is uploading the image you want to attach to some service like Dropbox and then paste a download link into the sms app.
