Sending Image as text message with PhoneGap app - ios

I'm trying to work around the iPhone not having an API in order to send an MMS. I do not want to send a text message from inside the app, I am looking to have it be able to send a text message with an image attached to a certain contact.
I am not very familiar with native iPhone apps so I was going to build the app using PhoneGap and create custom plugins for sending the text message.
The user would find an image/video or something they would want to view on the app, click send to a contact and then normal text message app on the iPhone would pop up with the image already inserted to the body of the message.
Would I be able to write my own plugin for PhoneGap in order to do this operation? If so, what are some good resources to go about learning how to do this?
Thanks, I know this is more of a cry for help on how to do this but after a bunch of research, I can't quite find what I'm exactly looking for.

I have no idea about PhoneGap tbh but I guess where you will fail is this:
Apple did not want you to put photos in the sms app. How do you think you are going to go around this? The only thing I can think of is uploading the image you want to attach to some service like Dropbox and then paste a download link into the sms app.


Possible to open mail app with search results displayed from app?

I don't want to write my own email app. All I want is to be able redirect to mail with a preconfigured search string to display relevant emails. There doesn't appear to be a way to read or list emails from from within another app. Am I overlooking something? Is there a workaround for this?
I am fully aware of and able to use message UI in my app. What I want is to read, not send, email that has already been downloaded and exists in
The only way that you can use to connect apps with other apps in iOS is thought url scheme.
You can take a look at Url Scheme reference
but it seems like you can't make this action.
you can take a look the extra functionalities at Wikipedia

iOS library to send message to all users

Does anyone know of an iOS library that I can use to send a message to all users? From time to time I need to warn all users about new problems with iOS. Just wondering if there was a library for this.
Never mind. It's so simple. Download a message file in the background and just display it.

How can I intercept text messages using cocoa

I intend on writing an app for iOS that would require me to monitor incoming texts from select contacts etc - in short, I need to somehow get the strings from a text message into my app directly. Is anyone able to point me in the right direction here?
Apple doesn't provides any SDK (and doesn't allows developers) to access on the messages.
You can just access to the screen New Message from the app.

implement own smileys icons for sending and receiving (i have my own designed images ) for iPhone chat application

how to implement own smileys icons for sending and receiving (i have my own designed images ) in my iPhone chat application ,I just need process what to follow for that?
Step by step implementation of smileys icons for sending in the app.
Put all smileys icons in your project resources with a specific unique name.
Now with pen & paper decide a unique code for every smileys icon. Be careful that code should be such that not used in the chatting generally.
When a user select a icon in chat then before sending this message another side scan it & replace it via code(via identifing it's unique name).
And at the receiver side before showing this message to user repalce code with the image.
So there is no need to send images over communication , it will increase the load on message size.
From user prespective , user will feel like that icons sends over the communication but actually it will be from local resoures.
Hope this helps you. Any thing you want to ask, you are free to ask in comments.

Is there a way to display a screen from another app within your own?

I've recently looked into accessing sms messages and found that it is not possible to get them without jailbreaking.
background info
A possible workaround is to access the sms app, and display a portion of it within my own. Is such a method possible? If so how would I go about doing that?
