Performance monitoring tool for mobile safari web application - ios

I am working on a web application. I can test my performance of web app including memory and cpu usage in desktop using chrome Dev tools. I want similar application so that I can measure my web app performance running on iPad and iPhone in safari.
Is such type of tool available?
PS: After some research, People advising for xcode instruments. but I am not able to recognize how I can test using instruments.
Please help.


Tizen Web Application : The screen blinks after adding Unity webGL

I'm working on combining Unity Webgiel with Tizen.
The device I use is a Smart M8 monitor.
My order of work is
Build Unity WebGiel
Creating a Tizen Web Application (Smart TV 6.5)
Overwrite Unity WebGel file on Tizen project (Index.html changed)
Build WGT
Convert to TMG file
Install Tizen OS
It worked fine when running the Tizen Web Simulator Application (Samsung TV) in Tizen Studio.
But when I ran it on the Smart M8 monitor, the screen blinking occurred. This problem did not occur in the Tizen Web Application basic project.
What I'm curious about is
Is there a way to solve the blinking phenomenon?
I want to know how to WGT Unity WebGL, not how to overwrite the webgiel file on the Tizen project.
Please answer me
My order of work is
Build Unity WebGiel
Creating a Tizen Web Application (Smart TV 6.5)
Overwrite Unity WebGel file on Tizen project (Index.html changed)
Build WGT
Convert to TMG file
Install Tizen OS
The screen blinking phenomenon can be seen when there are too much overhead on GPU due to heavy WebGL commands.
I think this phenomenon only happened on the smart monitor, because emulator could use PC's rich GPU resources, whereas smart monitor suffered from the limited GPU resources.
In conclusion, to answer your question 1, you need to reduce the complexity of your app in order to prevent the blinking issue. Hopefully a future Tizen version will fix this issue.

Mobile app (iOS) security dump memory dump (Frida)

We have an issue with releasing our mobile app as user data have been found with the iOS memory, which is odd as we have used secure data storage though out the mobile app. Before we send the mobile app for a re-test we would like to understand in-house to verify our changes have fixed the issue.
Data has been found in the following locations:
After a lot of research we are still unclear how we can download the iOS memory, we are not sure if it's a major test development tool investigate or we can do it with Frida? Our development platform is Xamarin and I would think it would be possible to view the memory using a debugger via the simulator?
Just looking for advise if this is something very simple using a simple commercial
software/mobile app etc Or highly complex with specialist development tool.

iOS cordova app performance profiling

We have built a hybrid app for iOS using Cordova and now we would like to do some performance profiling in the actual device (specifically around Javascript execution time, DB access times etc). Are there any tools available in iOS that can be used for performance profiling of such apps ?
Microsoft has some documentation on measuring the performance of Cordova apps, including on iOS. It involves using Safari on desktop to connect to the Webview on iOS, and use the JavaScript timeline profiler:

Mobile app logging stats tools - Swift

I am developing a mobile GPS tracking app and I would like to know if there are any classes available that output the mobile stats to a view? Memory, CPU etc. Similar to Hi-res-Stats in AS3.
I would like to see usage while the app is used however the only tool I know of is built in to xcode and it wouldn't really be feasible taking my mac with me.

What options for web site development for iPad are available?

I'm developing a site one of the targets of which is iPad.
What options do I have to debug client side (DOM inspector, style viewer/editor, javascript console, network analyzer - all thing every major desktop browser has) when viewing the site from iPad?
I'm not looking for some kind firebug lite, or anything that makes me to debug site from iPad itself. (This would be too tedious.) Instead, what I'm after is some sort of remote debugger for mobile Safary, allowing me to work with sites opened on iPad from a desktop machine, or an iPad emulator with same capabilities. I know there is the emulator that comes in bundle with official SDK, but does it have such means?
It's the first time I'm facing the problem, so not to blame!
This is what I'm aware of:
weinre (But does it really work?)
Check out BugSense and their HTML5 (javascript) installation
