Mobile app (iOS) security dump memory dump (Frida) - ios

We have an issue with releasing our mobile app as user data have been found with the iOS memory, which is odd as we have used secure data storage though out the mobile app. Before we send the mobile app for a re-test we would like to understand in-house to verify our changes have fixed the issue.
Data has been found in the following locations:
After a lot of research we are still unclear how we can download the iOS memory, we are not sure if it's a major test development tool investigate or we can do it with Frida? Our development platform is Xamarin and I would think it would be possible to view the memory using a debugger via the simulator?
Just looking for advise if this is something very simple using a simple commercial
software/mobile app etc Or highly complex with specialist development tool.


What are iOS development limitations in data collection?

I know that iOS's development restrictions are harsher than those of Android, especially those concerning with privacy (ex: application usage tracking). There is allegedly only one iOS application that allows application usage tracking, which is Moment .
I'd like to know if such limitations on data collection in iOS are only imposed on the app store, or even mere iOS development.
Thank you in advance.
#Jiyoun As far as my experience in iOS Development, you've more space for playing in iOS development than publishing app on Appstore. Thats why Jailbreak still exist and still in news.

How to view xcode log file on Windows?

I'm a Microsoft developer who has written a Web API (using .NET) for a multi-platform mobile project (native versions to be written for iPhone, Android, and Windows).
The backend is in SQL Server, and the idea is that the mobile apps will make calls to the API to retrieve/update data. I have tested the API and believe it is fit for purpose.
The iOS developer (located in India) is adamant that the API is slow, unstable and causing errors. We're currently in a bit of a deadlock about the issue and not making much progress.
He hasn't asked for anything specific to be changed, only general complaints about slowness/instability, which he says is causing the iPhone app to crash.
However after some time, he's sent through what he says is an xcode log file which contains errors. Is there any easy way I can view this log file on a Windows computer?
Screen capture in Notepad++

Mobile app logging stats tools - Swift

I am developing a mobile GPS tracking app and I would like to know if there are any classes available that output the mobile stats to a view? Memory, CPU etc. Similar to Hi-res-Stats in AS3.
I would like to see usage while the app is used however the only tool I know of is built in to xcode and it wouldn't really be feasible taking my mac with me.

Debug core data application in production

I developed an application with xcode for ios and it's now in production. I have some bugs I can not reproduce in dev but which happen in production.
How can I explore core data of production ipad and debug it?
Thank you
If you can connect the device via USB to your computer, you can download the app data, this will include the database file. If you can't, you have to rely on 3rd party solutions like iExplorer which can perform the same task. I believe this would only work for apps which are not downloaded via the App Store.
Another option would be to include a button in the app to send the database to a server. A lot of my enterprise apps include this functionality, because it makes issue reproducing a lot simpler. But you would need a new version of the app for this.

Deploying an Intra Business App for Ipad, Details?

Recently I have been tasked with creating an application for a business that basically deals with strange and volatile inventory requirements . I know there are many more robust alternatives but they rather have their hearts set on deploying the field portion of the application using iPad's. I dabbled with cocoa and Objective-C apps in the past, I even wrote a couple of useless apps. I do not think the client side application will be that complicated. However, I'm wondering how I would deploy an update the application on the iPad. Does apple have a service for this or do I have to jail break them ? I looked on Apple's website, however did not find very much information regarding client specific application.
Does anyone have any experience with this ???
You should look at the iOS Developer Enterprise Program for developing in-house apps.
