How to escape Jenkins parameterized build variables - jenkins

I use Jenkins ver. 1.522 and I want to pass a long string with spaces and quotes as a parameter in the parameterized build section. The job only runs a python script.
My problem is that I can't find a way to escape my string so that jenkins passes it correctly to the script.
string: fixVersion in ("foo") AND issuetype in (Bug, Improvement) AND resolution = Fixed ORDER BY resolution ASC, assignee ASC, key DESC
variable name: bar
script name:
When I run the script in the terminal, everything is fine: python --option 'fixVersion in ("foo") AND issuetype in (Bug, Improvement) AND resolution = Fixed ORDER BY resolution ASC, assignee ASC, key DESC'
When I run the same script with jenkins using the parametrized build and try to escape the variable so it end up taken as one parameter by the py script it is oddly espacped by jenkins.
In my jenkins job I call the script: python --option \'${BAR}\'
and it ends up as:
python --option '"fixVersion' in '('\''foo'\'')' AND issuetype in '(Bug,' 'Improvement)' in '(Production,' 'Stage)' AND resolution = Fixed ORDER BY resolution ASC, assignee ASC, key 'DESC"'
I also tried \"${BAR}\", \"$BAR\",\'$BAR\'
What it the right way do acheive it?

python --option "${BAR}"
Alternatively, if you need the single quotes surrounding everything
python --option \'"${BAR}"\'
In the cases you listed, bash will treat the spaces as delimiters. Putting the double quotes around a variable will preserve the whitespace in a string. Example
aString='foo bar'
for x in $aString; do echo $x; done
# foo
# bar
for x in "$aString"; do echo $x; done
# foo bar

I am using Jenkins v1.606 and ran into this same issue!
The issue that I saw passing user defined string params containing spaces into an execution shell would not properly format the string (only with a parameter that had 1 or more spaces). What you have to watch out for is reviewing the 'output' log. Jenkins will not properly display the string param value within the log.
Example (correct format for containing spaces):
docker exec -i container-base /bin/bash -c "cd /container/path/to/code/ && ./gradlew test_xml -P DISPLAY_NAME='${DISPLAY_NAME}' -P USERNAME='${USERNAME}' -P SERVER_NAME='${SERVER_NAME}'"
Jenkins Output of string (notice the string values format):
+ docker exec -i container-base /bin/bash -c 'cd /container/path/to/code/ && ./gradlew test_xml -P DISPLAY_NAME='\''VM10 USER D33PZ3R0'\'' -P USERNAME='\'''\'' -P SERVER_NAME='\'''\'''
In my example, the literal command was encapsulated with <">, followed by surrounding the parameters with <'> to escape the literal cmd string and control the Jenkins string syntax. Remember not to just watch your Jenkins output log as it lead me wrong for an entire day while I fought with this! This should be the same for your issue as well, you do not need to escape with \' or other escape characters. Hope this helps!!


How to use paths with spaces in automator shell script?

I have an Automator workflow which should set the CreationDate of the selected file to a date which I want to enter. Unfortunately my path have spaces. Therefore it doesn'w work.
I've tried several variants like:
SetFile -d \"$1 12:00:00\" "$#2"
SetFile -d \"$1 12:00:00\" \"$#2\"
SetFile -d \"$1 12:00:00\" '$#2'
SetFile -d \"$1 12:00:00\" \'$#2\'
The path is like follows:
/Users/simon/Documents/Steuern/Steuern 2021/Scan_000775.pdf
The shell I use is ZSH with oh-my-zsh installed.
This is the Workflow I have:
Ask for Finder-Object
Get value of variable
Ask for Text input
Set value of variable
Ask for value of variable
execute shell script: "SetFile -d "$1 12:00:00" "$#2""
Can anyone tell me how to write the shellscript to use pathnames with spaces?
That would be very nice. Thank you.
If I'm understanding right, you want:
SetFile -d "$1 12:00:00" "${#:2}"
Explanation: escaping quotes prevents them from acting like quotes (it turns them into normal characters); in this case, you want them to function as quotes, so you shouldn't escape them. Also, "$#2" doesn't get the arguments starting at $2, it gets all of the arguments, and sticks a "2" to the end of the last one. If you want all the arguments except the first, use "${#:2}" instead.

How to escape a $-sign in a dockerfile?

I am trying to write a dockerfile in which I add a few java-options to a script called envvars.
To achieve that I want to append a few text-lines to said file like so:
RUN echo "JAVA_OPTS=$JAVA_OPTS${CERT_DIR}/${HOSTNAME}_truststore.jks" >> ${BIN_DIR}/envvars
RUN echo "export JAVA_OPTS" >> ${BIN_DIR}/envvars
The issue here is, that I want the misc. placeholders ${varname} (those with curly braces) to be replaced during execution of the docker build command while the substring '$JAVA_OPTS' (i.e. those without braces) should be echoed and thus added to the envvars file verbatim, i.e. in the end the result in the /usr/local/apache2/bin/envvars file should read:
export JAVA_OPTS
How can one escape a $-sign from variable substitution in dockerfiles?
I found hints to use \$ or $$ but neither worked for me.
In case that matters (which I hope/expect not to): I am building the image using "Docker Desktop" on Windows 10 but I would expect the dockerfile to be agnostic of that.
first you need to add this # escape=` to your Dockerfile since \ is an escape charachter in the Dockerfile . then you can use \$ to escape the dollar sign in the RUN section
# escape=`
RUN echo "JAVA_OPTS=\$JAVA_OPTS${CERT_DIR}/${HOSTNAME}_truststore.jks" >> ${BIN_DIR}/envvars
that will be JAVA_OPTS=$JAVA_OPTS in your env file

Cannot get Description field of a Jenkins Job or Parameter

Is it possible to obtain the Job Description or the Job Parameter Description in run-time or later like the BUILD_ID or JOB_NAME?
I search for plugins or workarounds and nothing.
This would be Tip/workaround
https://<<yourjenkinsdomain>>/job/<<yourjobname>>/configure (will open the configuration of your job)
https://<<yourjenkinsdomain>>/job/<<yourjobname>>/config.xml (will give the job configuration in an xml format)
You can download this xml via curl at run time or using jenkins cli and use a grep with -B option to find description per value.
Considering you have copied the with name "config.xml"
cat config.xml | grep -B 1 "description"
Will give you description and build parameter name
Grep command
-B NUM, --before-context=NUM
Print NUM lines of leading context before matching lines.
Places a line containing a group separator (--) between
contiguous groups of matches. With the -o or --only-matching
option, this has no effect and a warning is given.
Sample output :
cat config.xml | grep -B 1 "description"
<description>Job description : Automation </description>
<description>mandatory parameter , used for automation</description>
Alternative :
jenkins cli has an option to set value
set-build-description Sets the description of a build.
set-build-parameter Update/set the build parameter of the current build in progress. [deprecated]
you can write a small script and get the values into variables and use them

I want to select multiple choices by using extended choice parameter and from that choices i want to run job by pasing one sting match

enter image description here
enter image description here
As per log i have selected 3 choices[abc,cdf,mno] and i am matching [abc] and want to execute job or execute shell if choices contains [abc] as a sting. but i am unable to get expected output
Run condition [Or] enabling prebuild for step [Execute shell]
[ct_test] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/
+ echo abc,cdf,mno
Strings match run condition: string 1=[abc,cdf,mno], string 2=[abc]
Strings match run condition: string 1=[abc,cdf,mno], string 2=[mno]
Run condition [Or] preventing perform for step [Execute shell]
Finished: SUCCESS
I'll suggest you using list parameter instead of choice selection. I think this will do the trick . First add this to your parameters
Then run this pipeline and see if you outputting what you selected

unix at command pass variable to shell script?

I'm trying to setup a simple timer that gets started from a Rails Application. This timer should wait out its duration and then start a shell script that will start up ./script/runner and complete the initial request. I need script/runner because I need access to ActiveRecord.
Here's my test lines in Rails
output = `at #{( + 60).strftime("%H:%M")} < #{Rails.root}/lib/ STRING_VARIABLE`
return render :text => output
Then my looks like this
~/PATH_TO_APP/script/runner -e development ~/PATH_TO_APP/lib/ParkingTimer.rb $1
echo "All Done"
Finally, ParkingTimer.rb reads the passed variable with
ARGV.each do|a|
puts "Argument: #{a}"
The problem is that the Unix command "at" doesn't seem to like variables and only wants to deal with filenames. I either get one of two errors depending on how I position "s
If I put quotes around the right hand side like so
I get,
-bash: ~/PATH_TO_APP/lib/ STRING_VARIABLE: No such file or directory
I I leave the quotes out, I get,
at: garbled time
This is all happening on a Mac OS 10.6 box running Rails 2.3 & Ruby 1.8.6
I've already messed around w/ BackgrounDrb, and decided its a total PITA. I need to be able to cancel the job at any time before it is due.
After playing around with irb a bit, here's what I found.
The backtick operator invokes the shell after ruby has done any interpretation necessary. For my test case, the strace output looked something like this:
execve("/bin/sh", ["sh", "-c", "echo at 12:57 < /etc/fstab"], [/* 67 vars */]) = 0
Since we know what it's doing, let's take a look at how your command will be executed:
/bin/sh -c "at 12:57 < RAILS_ROOT/lib/ STRING_VARIABLE"
That looks very odd. Do you really want to pipe, the script, as input into the at command?
What you probably ultimately want is something like this:
/bin/sh -c "RAILS_ROOT/lib/ STRING_VARIABLE | at 12:57"
Thus, the output of the command will become the input to the at command.
So, try the following:
output = `#{Rails.root}/lib/ STRING_VARIABLE | at #{( + 60).strftime("%H:%M")}`
return render :text => output
You can always use strace or truss to see what's happening. For example:
strace -o strace.out -f -ff -p $IRB_PID
Then grep '^exec' strace.out* to see where the command is being executed.
