I'm trying to get Syntax Highlighting with Redcarpet working
My appliaction_helper.rb:
module ApplicationHelper
def markdown(text)
render_options = {
# will remove from the output HTML tags inputted by user
filter_html: true,
# will insert <br /> tags in paragraphs where are newlines
hard_wrap: true,
# hash for extra link options, for example 'nofollow'
link_attributes: { rel: 'nofollow' },
# Prettify
prettify: true
renderer = Redcarpet::Render::HTML.new(render_options)
extensions = {
#will parse links without need of enclosing them
autolink: true,
# blocks delimited with 3 ` or ~ will be considered as code block.
# No need to indent. You can provide language name too.
# ```ruby
# block of code
# ```
fenced_code_blocks: true,
# will ignore standard require for empty lines surrounding HTML blocks
lax_spacing: true,
# will not generate emphasis inside of words, for example no_emph_no
no_intra_emphasis: true,
# will parse strikethrough from ~~, for example: ~~bad~~
strikethrough: true,
# will parse superscript after ^, you can wrap superscript in ()
superscript: true
# will require a space after # in defining headers
# space_after_headers: true
Redcarpet::Markdown.new(renderer, extensions).render(text).html_safe
Although the output is displayed in a codeblock (redcarpet):
I can't find the Syntax Highlighting.
I just got into Redcarpet, someone know a solution for this?
Ok i found -> Markdown and code syntax highlighting in Ruby on Rails (using RedCarpet and CodeRay) which pretty much worked (together with some custom css for Coderay).
gem 'redcarpet', github: 'vmg/redcarpet'
gem 'coderay'
class CodeRayify < Redcarpet::Render::HTML
def block_code(code, language)
CodeRay.scan(code, language).div
def markdown(text)
coderayified = CodeRayify.new(:filter_html => true,
:hard_wrap => true)
options = {
:fenced_code_blocks => true,
:no_intra_emphasis => true,
:autolink => true,
:strikethrough => true,
:lax_html_blocks => true,
:superscript => true
markdown_to_html = Redcarpet::Markdown.new(coderayified, options)
Here is a quick way to do it with Rouge:
require 'redcarpet'
require 'rouge'
require 'rouge/plugins/redcarpet'
class HTML < Redcarpet::Render::HTML
include Rouge::Plugins::Redcarpet # yep, that's it.
Of course this requires rouge to be in your Gemfile.
I don't think Redcarpet can do that. In my project I followed the Railscasts episode about Redcarpet which also tackles syntax highlighting. It makes use of Pygments and Albino.
Link to the ASCIIcast version is here.
I'm adding Brakeman to a Rails product but I'm running into an issue. I want it to ignore my Gemfile and Gemfile.lock but when I run it with a command like
brakeman --skip-files Gemfile.lock,Gemfile
it's still touching the files. We use other systems to monitor our gems, but is it not possible to ignore the gem files completely? I can use a brakeman.ignore file of course but would prefer not to. Thanks for any assistance.
I believe this is the check to which you are referring:
Brakeman.notify "Processing gems..."
The process_gems function is defined here:
#Process Gemfile
def process_gems
gem_files = {}
if #app_tree.exists? "Gemfile"
gem_files[:gemfile] = { :src => parse_ruby(#app_tree.read("Gemfile")), :file => "Gemfile" }
elsif #app_tree.exists? "gems.rb"
gem_files[:gemfile] = { :src => parse_ruby(#app_tree.read("gems.rb")), :file => "gems.rb" }
if #app_tree.exists? "Gemfile.lock"
gem_files[:gemlock] = { :src => #app_tree.read("Gemfile.lock"), :file => "Gemfile.lock" }
elsif #app_tree.exists? "gems.locked"
gem_files[:gemlock] = { :src => #app_tree.read("gems.locked"), :file => "gems.locked" }
if gem_files[:gemfile] or gem_files[:gemlock]
#processor.process_gems gem_files
rescue => e
Brakeman.notify "[Notice] Error while processing Gemfile."
tracker.error e.exception(e.message + "\nWhile processing Gemfile"), e.backtrace
The AppTree::exists? function is defined here:
def exists?(path)
File.exist?(File.join(#root, path))
The GemProcessor::process_gems function is defined here:
...lots of code...
I don't see any code that would skip this functionality if a certain switch is provided to brakeman. It also looks like the AppTree::exists? function does not take into account if a file was provided to the --skip-files option.
Unfortunately, I believe the current answer is that you can not ignore the gem files completely.
You could create a PR to do what you want and see if the Brakeman team includes it in the next build:
Let us know if you discover a way to solve your problem.
i have installed and setup Redcarpet gem for markdown with CodeRay gem for syntax highlighting.
My problem is that the
``` ruby
which in markdown would provide a code block,its loaded but not styled properly,actually there is no style on the pre tags.
here is the code in my application_helper.rb
class CodeRayify < Redcarpet::Render::HTML
def block_code(code, language)
CodeRay.scan(code, language).div(:line_numbers => :table)
def markdown(text)
coderayified = CodeRayify.new(:filter_html => true, :hard_wrap => true)
options = {
fenced_code_blocks: true,
no_intra_emphasis: true,
autolink: true,
strikethrough: true,
lax_spacing: true,
superscript: true
markdown_to_html = Redcarpet::Markdown.new(coderayified,options)
then all i do is this
in other words this styling that stackoverflows does when pressing ctrl+K is not there in my case.
There are no attributes of <pre> tag, if you mean that by saying 'no style'. I just recreated your example and I see that Ruby code is colored properly within <pre> block: keywords have their own styles, and everything like that. If you really do have an error, check your gem versions. I have coderay 1.1.0 and redcarpet 3.3.2 and everything looks fine.
I'm using the following code snippet to manually compile a sass manifest with some variable overrides appended.
template = File.read("#{Rails.root}/app/assets/schemes/#{scheme}/css/styles.css.scss")
scheme_variables.each do |key, value|
template << "$#{key}:#{value};\n"
engine = Sass::Engine.new(template, {
:syntax => :scss,
:cache => false,
:read_cache => false,
:style => :compressed,
:filesystem_importer => Sass::Rails::SassImporter,
:load_paths => MyApp::Application.assets.paths,
:sprockets => {
:context => ?,
:environment => MyApp::Application.assets
output = engine.render
The Sass::Engine constructor wants a sprockets context and environment in the options hash. What do I put in for the context? The first thing I tried was...
:context => MyApp::Application.assets.context_class,
...but that gives me the following error "undefined method `font_path' for #" when it hits one of my sass asset helpers.
The second thing I tried was...
:context => ActionController::Base.helpers,
...That fixed the asset helper issue, but throws the following error "undefined method `depend_on' for #" when it tries to work through my glob imports (e.g. #import "mixins/*").
I'm using Rails 4.2 and sass-rails 5.0.3.
Any advice on this would be much appreciated. Thanks!
With using Sass::Rails::ScssTemplate you can render your sass code with this snippet:
template = '...' # Your sass code
logical_path = pathname = ''
environment = Rails.application.assets
context = environment.context_class.new(environment, logical_path, pathname)
template = Sass::Rails::ScssTemplate.new(pathname) { template }
output = template.render(context, {})
If you want to render from a file then just add its path to pathname and its asset path to logical_path.
For me it works with Rails and sass-rails 5.0.4.
I ended up solving this in a slightly different way - using Sass::Rails::ScssTemplate's render method. Basically, I write my altered css string out to a file and pass it into the Sass::Rails::ScssTemplate constructor. I then compile and remove the temp file when it's done. This doesn't feel great, but it's working well for me.
scheme_css_dir = "#{Rails.root}/app/assets/schemes/#{scheme}/css"
css = File.read("#{scheme_css_dir}/styles.css.scss")
variables_str = ''
scheme_variables.each do |key, value|
variables_str << "$#{key}:#{value};\n"
css.gsub!('#import "./variables";', variables_str)
file = Tempfile.new(['styles', '.css.scss'], scheme_css_dir)
abs_path = file.path
relative_path = abs_path[Rails.root.to_s.size + 1..-1]
template = Sass::Rails::ScssTemplate.new(abs_path)
environment = Evrconnect::Application.assets
context = environment.context_class.new(
:environment => environment,
:name => relative_path,
:filename => abs_path,
:metadata => {}
output = template.render(context)
To answer your original question, you need to supply either the current view_context, or create one with ActionView::Base.new.
In Rails 5.x, Sprockets v3.7.x
NOTE: Following method requires: Rails.application.config.assets.compile == true, i.e., set config.assets.compile = true. Check Sprockets README
I manually returned compiled source for sass/js, using the following code.
# For Scss Assets
def pdf_stylesheet_link_tag(name)
if Rails.env.development?
asset = Rails.application.assets.find_asset(name + '.scss')
raw ('<style type="text/css">' + asset.source + '</style>')
raw ('<style type="text/css">' + pdf_asset_contents(name, '.css') + '</style>')
# For Javascript Assets
def pdf_javascript_include_tag(name, *type)
if Rails.env.development?
if debug? # Can be used to check `debug == true` in params for current route
asset = Rails.application.assets.find_asset(name + '.js')
raw ('<script>' + asset.source + '</script>')
javascript_tag pdf_asset_contents(name, '.js')
Above code actually helps to dynamically pass compiled version of sass/js
to Wicked_PDF, which actually helps to load styles and js on Generated PDFs, for Dev Environments.
pdf_stylesheet_link_tag can be used as a helper for templates, in development/stage (where, config.assets.precompile == false), instead of using wicked_pdf_stylesheet_link_tag(which actually requires a path to precompiled source-file).
After overnight trial and errors, I found and want to share todays's way of doing it ("today" meaning: rails 5.2.1 and sprockets 3.7.2).
Work as expected: no need of a temp file, accept #import, allow asset path helpers.
# Compile SASS and return the resulting string
# Pass the file path and name without 'sass' extension, relative to assets/stylesheets
def compile_sass(stylesheet)
# Load file content
path = Rails.root.join 'app', 'assets', 'stylesheets', "#{stylesheet}.sass"
sass = File.read path
# Configure engine
environment = Sprockets::Railtie.build_environment Rails.application
scope = environment.context_class.new environment: environment, \
filename: "/", metadata: {}
scope.sass_config.merge! cache: false, style: :compressed
# Compile
engine = Sass::Rails::SassTemplate.new {sass}
engine.render scope
Other sass_config options can be found here : https://github.com/sass/ruby-sass/blob/stable/doc-src/SASS_REFERENCE.md#options
The following works with rails 5.2.0, sprockets 3.7.2, sassc-rails 1.3.0 and sassc 1.12.1:
template = '...' # Your sass code
environment = Sprockets::Railtie.build_environment(Rails.application)
engine = SassC::Rails::SassTemplate.new
engine.call(environment: environment,
filename: '/',
data: template,
metadata: {})[:data]
Hi I'm using HAML to render my blog articles and I decided to migrate to new Ruby version, new Rails version and new HAML version. The problem is that it seems something changed and I can't identify what's wrong with my code.
Could someone explain me what needs to be changed in order to work with the new version ?
UPDATE : Realized it may be related to Redcarpet and not HAML but not sure :3
As you will see I use this custom renderer to automatically display Tweets or Spotify songs from their links.
Same for code blocks colored by CodeRay.
module Haml::Filters
require "net/https"
require "uri"
include Haml::Filters::Base
class MarkdownRenderer < Redcarpet::Render::HTML
def block_code(code, language)
CodeRay.highlight(code, language, {:line_number_anchors => false, :css => :class})
def autolink(link, link_type)
twitterReg = /https?:\/\/twitter\.com\/[a-zA-Z]+\/status(es)?\/([0-9]+)/
spotifyReg = /(https?:\/\/open.spotify.com\/(track|user|artist|album)\/[a-zA-Z0-9]+(\/playlist\/[a-zA-Z0-9]+|)|spotify:(track|user|artist|album):[a-zA-Z0-9]+(:playlist:[a-zA-Z0-9]+|))/
if link_type == :url
if link =~ twitterReg
tweet = twitterReg.match(link)
urlTweet = tweet[0]
idTweet = tweet[2]
uri = URI.parse("https://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/oembed.json?id=#{idTweet}")
http = Net::HTTP.new(uri.host, uri.port)
http.use_ssl = true
http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE
request = Net::HTTP::Get.new(uri.request_uri)
response = http.request(request)
jsonTweet = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(response.body)
rescue Exception => e
"<a href='#{link}'><span data-title='#{link}'>#{link}</span></a>"
elsif link =~ spotifyReg
spotify = $1
htmlSpotify = "<iframe style=\"width: 80%; height: 80px;\" src=\"https://embed.spotify.com/?uri=#{spotify}\" frameborder=\"0\" allowtransparency=\"true\"></iframe>"
"<a href='#{link}'><span data-title='#{link}'>#{link}</span></a>"
def link(link, title, content)
"<a href='#{link}'><span data-title='#{content}'>#{content}</span></a>"
def postprocess(full_document)
full_document.gsub!(/<p><img/, "<p class='images'><img")
full_document.gsub!(/<p><iframe/, "<p class='iframes'><iframe")
def render(text)
Redcarpet::Markdown.new(MarkdownRenderer.new(:hard_wrap => true), :tables => true, :fenced_code_blocks => true, :autolink => true, :strikethrough => true).render(text)
Thanks for helping ;) !
It seems HAML 4 is now using Tilt as its Filter for Markdown.
I didn't mention it but I was using lazy_require prior to try to migrate my code to Ruby 2 & HAML 4 but in HAML 4 lazy_require doesn't exist anymore.
Instead you have to use remove_filter method to disable default Markdown module prior redefining your own Markdown module.
Here is a basic working code :
module Haml::Filters
include Haml::Filters::Base
remove_filter("Markdown") # Removes basic filter (lazy_require is dead)
module Markdown
def render text
markdown.render text
def markdown
#markdown ||= Redcarpet::Markdown.new Redcarpet::Render::HTML, {
autolink: true,
fenced_code: true,
generate_toc: true,
gh_blockcode: true,
hard_wrap: true,
no_intraemphasis: true,
strikethrough: true,
tables: true,
xhtml: true
I encountered another problem after solving this because I was using RedCarpet instead of Redcarpet (NameError) and had a hard time realizing it :/…
I'm currently using Barby gem with wrapper gem has_barcode to generate a bar code for a string I have : j5xvvcz.
Gemfile gems (mostly for those who are new to this solution)
#for barcode generation
gem "barby", "~> 0.5.0"
gem "has_barcode", "~> 0.2.0"
gem "rqrcode", "~> 0.4.2" #for qr code support
Code i have in my model
include HasBarcode
has_barcode :barcode,
:outputter => :svg,
:type => :code_93,
:value => Proc.new { |p| "#{p.number}" }
Where i render it to screen:
If I try to generate a qr_code or a code_93, it all works, but nor code_128 or code_39 work, getting a data not valid message.
My worries is that code_93 won't get recognized in some devices since it seems it is not so widely adopted (from what i read here 128 would be the best solution for this)
This seems to be something i might be doing wrong, since the code is valid for code_128 aparently as i tested it here.
Anyone knows what might be wrong with my approach?
Apparently mode 'A' for code_128 doesn't suit for smallcaps with Barby.
So i had to had mode B working.
Current published gem version of has_barcode forces mode 'A', so I added a little "home-patch", while adding a suggestion to github.
Here is my final has_barcode.rb file :
require "rubygems"
require "i18n"
require "active_support"
require "active_support/hash_with_indifferent_access.rb"
require "active_support/inflector.rb"
require "barby"
require "has_barcode/configuration"
module HasBarcode
def self.included(base)
base.send(:extend, ClassMethods)
module ClassMethods
def has_barcode(*args)
options = args.extract_options!
##barcode_configurations ||= {}
##barcode_configurations[args.first] = HasBarcode::Configuration.new(options)
define_method args.first do
if options[:type] == :code_128
##barcode_configurations[args.first].barcode_class.new(options[:value].call(self), options[:code128])
define_method "#{args.first}_data" do |opts|
if opts
send(args.first).send("to_#{options[:outputter]}", opts)
def barcode_configurations
My model :
has_barcode :barcode,
outputter: :svg,
type: :code_128,
code128: 'B',
value: Proc.new { |p| "#{p.number}" }
and my view :
<%= my_model.barcode_data(xdim:2, height:60).html_safe %>
Do notice that at current date (2012-12-05) current gem isn't updated with latest changes that allow to pass outputter arguments like xdim and height.
This answer is based on latest code updates (issue related) and my own suggestion, and can be found here
While this solution isn't embedded into the has_barcode gem, i will be using Barby directly:
In my model added :
def get_barcode(number)
require 'barby'
require 'barby/barcode/qr_code'
require 'barby/outputter/svg_outputter'
barcode = Barby::Code128B.new("#{number}")
barcode.to_svg(xdim:2, height:60)
in the view :
<%= my_model.get_barcode(my_model.number).html_safe %>