Not enough permission to change Bug Workflow - tfs

I am using TFS Service (on the cloud solution) and I would like to customize the bug states.
There are many resources explaining how to do that using TFS Power Tools, so I downloaded and installed it.
I am able to open the workflow, but I am not able to change anything because I get the following error message:
Failed to save the 'Bug' Work Item Type to the server. TF237113: You
don't have enough permission to complete the import operation
I am using an administrator user.
Is it possible to make this change on Visual Studio Online?

While you are correct that it is not possible to customise the process template on Visual Studio Online you do have a few options:
Kanban Columns - If you want to you can customise the Kanban columns so that you have 'meta states' that you can use. I know that it is not the same but it could get you there.
Go offline - Currently and for a limited time you can take your VSO account on-premises. The TFS team are holding the version of VSO in parity with TFS 2013 Update 2 so that folks can do this. Be aware of what you loose though. No frequent updates and you have to host your own servers...
Not sure if these options help but they are options...

Making more research I found the answer: it is not possible:


Sync 2 TFS servers?

We have 2 TFS servers, one is inside the firewall, and the other one is outside the firewall. Because of security reasons, we still need to keep it this way. But the question is: is there a way to Sync these 2 TFS servers, say at every night?
Say we have servers TFS1 and TFS2, right now, we only want to Sync from TFS1 to TFS2, not bidirectional synchronization. If possible, we want to have complete synchronization.
I searched some time, but I could not find a good solution. It seems all recommendations are for old version TFS.
Are there any solutions for the latest TFS? existing products? Or, some information about API that we can use to make a tool for this?
There is nothing changed with sync two TFS servers for the latest TFS version. Just as Daniel and many other expert suggested:
TFS generally lives in 1 instance and 1 only. TFS is a production
environment for the development team. It doesn't make sense to have
two TFS systems and have them synchronize to make this separation.
Having your teams work on two different TFS environments at the same
time is a very strange requirement.
Source Link
The best solution in your case, negotiating with your IT team, set up a safe and stable way to allow your top Management users to connect the internal TFS. You could also set up SSL for your TFS server to improve the safety.
It will also save you a lot of time costs for maintaining two servers syncing.
If you insist on syncing two TFS servers take a look at this similar question: Sychronising work between two TFS servers
Another way is using VSTS instead of your external TFS. Microsoft has documentation on this exact scenario which can be found here: Migrate to Visual Studio Team Services : Move from Team Foundation Server (TFS) to Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) and bring your data along.
This link also contains the download link for the migration tooling which you will want to use
Currently the following versions of TFS are supported for import:
TFS 2017 Update 3
TFS 2018
TFS 2018 Update 1

Does TFS support multiple pending changelists like Perforce?

I am used to working with Perforce and I really like the ability to be able to group checked out files under different pending changelists. For example, if I am working on two bugs at the same time and the changes made for them can be grouped separately.
I am unable to find this functionality in TFS. Is this supported? If no, what is the best practice around it?
I am using VS 2015 Professional with TFS Server 2015.
No, it's not supported with pending changelists in TFS for now.
To be a workaround, this is possible using the Suspend/Resume feature in Visual Studio 2012 and above. It will allow you to keep multiple shelvesets, associated to multiple workitems. Only problem is that you can't have all two bugs open at the same time, so you'll have to check them in one by one.
More detail info please refer this link: Suspend your work and manage your shelvesets

TFS 2013 Custom dashboard widget

I have been tasked with creating a custom planning view from TFS.
I have a reasonable amount of experience with the TFS Api but I want to try and avoid having to create and maintain a new application for this.
I have looked at SSRS for TFS but I am unable to access all of the data I need (tags etc.) so this is not an option (as it will invalidate support).
I would ideally like to create a "widget" to appear on one of the TFS dashboards but am not sure where to start. The widget would also need to allow access to the TFS api to gather the data it needs to generate.
Please can someone advise where I may look to start or an alternative approach.
You may want to take a look at where you can find documentation for the TFS API. The REST API works for TFS 2015 and above.
While you can extend the web interface with Extensions ( in Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS), this feature is not yet available in TFS on-premises as of TFS 2015 Update 1.
You can check the published feature timeline for updates, but at this time extensions for TFS are marked as "TBD".
If you're working with TFS2013 + Update2 or a higher version of TFS, it is allowed for Team Administrators to customize TFS dashboard via pinning items to the homepage without writing any code.
For example, if you would like to add a chart into the dashboard, you just need to go to the query’s Charts page and pin it to the home page. See the following image (quoted from this MSDN article)

Can you export history from Visual Studio Online to another ALM system?

I’m beginning to consider moving an on-prem TFS 2012 installation to Visual Studio Online. So, one of the first things I started investigating was how we might export our content back out of VSO in the future if we ever decided we needed to. The more I’m looking, the less I’m finding. It seems there was a temporary time period when VSO first went GA that Microsoft offered that capability if you asked to have it done ( By implication, that would seem to mean that this isn’t something that is a planned feature of VSO.
Making a commitment to house all of my source and ALM data in a repository I’d effectively be barred from leaving doesn’t sound particularly appealing. Am I missing something, or does Microsoft really not have export capabilities on their VSO product roadmap? It would seem that this would be a show-stopper for many organizations from coming onto VSO, which is a perfect application to put into the cloud IMHO.
For code you can use Git. Even if you start with TFVC, you can use Git-TF. Clone with the --deep parameter to get the full history in a new Git repo, then push back to a new project (Git or TFVC).
For work items the TEAM tab in Microsoft Excel is a very capable export facility for work items, though you don't get links (other than parent child), or attachments.
In the original project, create a query that lists all your work items.
Open Excel, go to the TEAM tab and click 'New List', you should get the option to select your project and the query you just created.
In the Work Items tab select the 'Choose Columns' button and select all the columns you want to migrate.
If migrating to another TFS / VSO project, create that project, open another list in Excel connected to the new project.
Cut and paste all the work items from the original project list to the new project list (excluding the Id column).
You're right there's no good solution for this yet. However, if you're using Git as the source-control back-end (instead of TFVC), you can easily pull down the entire repo then push it up into any other source control server (non-VSO) with full history.
For TFVC source-control, or work items (or builds, test results, etc), things aren't so easy.
The answer is not black and white: with the TFS Client API you can connect to both platform and read/write as you please. It is not a trivial task, so someone has created tooling, like Brian says. Another option is using the open source TFS Integration Platform: it is complex but with some help you can do it.
What you really must consider and plan is the data model: moving from an ALM Platform to another is never trivial and the complexity lies in the difference of the underlying model and any customization you made.
As long as you do not customize you on-prem TFS, it is very doable, with a reasonable effort to move to VSO and back. In this context customize means: custom workitems fields, types or workflows, server-side plugins; shortly anything that requires code or schema change. Note that you can still customize builds as this is properly managed.
I expect to see more solutions arriving thanks to the new REST API, but it will take time before we see solid products.
So your original question has a positive answer (TFS on-prem -> VSO) using OpsHub, but know what you are doing and, as I write, it is practically a one way journey.

Setup for Team Foundation and ClearCase with TFS Integration Tool

I want to do daily migration of TFS changes to a ClearCase system. I was going to try out TFS Integration tools but I can't get any of the toolset pieces to work. What are the requirements to run this app? I have VS 2010, TFS 2010 and Sharepoint 2010 installed. The assemblies it's trying to load don't seem to be present in VS2010 and I don't if it requires VS 2008 or not. Anyone ever had this running? I'm migrating from TFS to CC. Not the other way around.
I've been using this tool to sync TFS 2010 changes back into a UCM ClearCase implementation at the client. It has been going poorly. The tool should be clearly marked as Beta or even Alpha. A peek into the code reveal around 100 TODO's and "This needs to be fixed". I have spent a good deal of time trying to iron out some of the issues and have made progress. My suggestion is before using this tool on mission critical projects, spend at least 3-4 weeks evaluating it in your environment. When it works, it works pretty well with moving changes.
I don't know much about how to access TFS2010 elements, besides "check an individual project for pre & postbuild steps either by loading the project in visual studio or manually reading the project file".
If you need Sharepoint assembly, this technote describes the requirements.
And I don't think an automatic import utility exists (from TFS2010 to ClearCase 7.1.x), as this technote mentions:
Change request (RFE) RATLC01005874 had been submitted requesting a conversion utility to export source code from Microsoft Team Foundation Version Control (TFVC) to ClearCase;
however, the decision was made by Product Management to exclude the requested feature from future upgrades and releases due to the significant architectural changes required to implement the solution.
The right approach is to manage to list the content of relevant labels for a given scope, and make a clearfsimport into a ClearCase view, with a full label applied right after it.
You don't need TFS (server), VS or SharePoint installed. You will need a SQL server for the core platform. Then you will need the various assemblies for TFS, which you can get by installing the Team Explorer component (it's on the TFS install media).
We decided to go with the TFS Integration Platform. It allows us to sync TFS work items back into ClearCase when ever we want. It provides the level of integration we needed to keep the traceability. The TFS to CC integration is bleeding edge, but it works enough for what we need. (Syncing work items and user check ins.)
