Multiple marker colors with Gmaps4Rails - ruby-on-rails

I am using Gmaps4Rails to display a google map with markers. I have the map working and it displays one red marker per address saved in my model. I am trying to do something a little out of the ordinary, so here's the brief explanation of my goals:
With most maps, one color per location on the map is fine. For example, if you are listing restaurants on a map, you would make all of the markers for pizza red, Chinese blue, Hamburgers green, etc... Unfortunately, this doesn't work in my case: I need to have multiple colors per location. Imagine if restaurants didn't fit nicely in one category: If one restaurant may serve mexican, pizza and hamburgers - then, you need that location to have a red, blue and green marker. This is where I'm having problems.
The solution I have come up with is to add the base marker, then add each additional marker (new color) several pixels higher, so the user can see the top of each new colored marker.
Is this the best way to accomplish my goals? If so, where do I begin? I'm not sure what to do - Gmaps4Rails makes this very easy, but I don't know what to do beyond the basics.
#locations =[:search]).order('created_at desc')
#hash = Gmaps4rails.build_markers(#locations) do |location, marker| location.latitude
marker.lng location.longitude
marker.infowindow "<b>#{}</b>
<br/><i>#{} #{location.state}., #{}</i>
<p/>#{{|service| }.join(', ') }
<p/>Location Details"
<!-- Google Maps JS -->
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src='' type='text/javascript'></script>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
handler ='Google');
handler.buildMap({ provider: {}, internal: {id: 'map'}}, function(){
markers = handler.addMarkers(<%=raw #hash.to_json %>);

You can do it this way Add hash "picture" to #hash like this.
lat: latitude_of_location,
lng: longitude_of_location,
picture: {
url: "url of image",
width: 36,
height: 36
infowindow: "Add all the details you want to add here"
In the controller you can check the categories of the cuisine served.
Add the image path which has appropriate colors.
Add it to the map just the way you are doing it.
Another option might be to change the latitude and longitude a little bit with the same information. but this does not seem a good solution.


Make map marker direct link onclick for gmaps4rails v2

Instead of showing an infowindow on Gmaps4Rails v.2 I want to go to the url of the object on click.
So, in Gmaps4Rails v.1 it worked like this to add an extra {link: <path>} part to the json of each marker and then set the readjust the event listener.
This is quite similar to Make map marker direct link onclick for gmaps4rails, only here for Gmaps4Rails v.2 (and because it's a complete rewrite I think it's better in a proper question instead of mixing code of the completely different ways of doing this)
I learned that, in order to introduce custom json in Gmaps4Rails v2 I have to
#markers = Gmaps4rails.
build_markers(objects) do |object, marker| object.latitude
marker.lng object.longitude
marker.json({link: object_path(object)})
and to change the event handler I have to add this coffeescript directly after the addMarker call:
markers = handler.addMarkers(#{raw #markers.to_json})
_.each markers, (marker) ->
link = < retrieve link from marker somehow?! >
google.maps.event.clearListeners(marker.getServiceObject(), 'click')
google.maps.event.addListener marker.getServiceObject(), "click", ->
window.location = link
Unfortunately the link json doesn't seem to be added to the marker, or should be accessed some different way.
How should it be done?
#markers includes your link. The problem is that addMarkers call the Google constructor in bulk which doesn't use the un-needed parameters, so your link is lost in your JS each loop.
# return array of marker objects
addMarkers: (markers_data, provider_options)-> markers_data, (marker_data)=>
#addMarker marker_data, provider_options
# return marker object
addMarker: (marker_data, provider_options)->
marker = #_builder('Marker').build(marker_data, provider_options, #marker_options)
#clusterer.addMarker marker
You have to create individual markers in an ERB each loop, and do something with your link. You can also recreate an Array of markers if that fits better into your code. Here is an example below
markers = []
<% #hash.each do |data| %>
marker = handler.addMarker(<%=raw data.to_json %>)
marker.getServiceObject().addListener('click', function() {
console.log("marker has link <%= data[:link] %>")})
<% end %>

Gmaps4Rails v2 remove and add event handler

I using gmaps4rails v2 in my app. I have multiple markers which I send in as a hash. I want to clear the default info window and use a different function on click and hover for each marker. This is what I found from other questions on this site, but it isn't working for me.
markers = handler.addMarkers(<%=raw #hash.to_json %>);
for (var marker in markers) {
google.maps.event.clearListeners(marker, 'click');
The other answers on this site mixed code from v1 and v2 of gmaps4rails.
google.maps.event.clearListeners(marker.getServiceObject(), 'click');
It works fine, see live example:
Infowindows dont appear anymore on click.

Implementing a search function for a marker

I have Markers setup with gmaps4rails.
Now I want to implement a classic search function.
If I find one object, it should directly show the marker.infowindow
How do I open it directly?
I tried:
function focusSearch() {{ lat: <%=#searchy.latitude %>, lng: <%=#searchy.longitude %>});
marker = <>, marker.serviceObject);
But I guess I am going wrong there...
Anyone can help?
If you have an Idea how to directly use the #search:params, I am happy!
Thanks for helping out!
I've created a plunkr with working code here.
Basically steps are:
associate the marker to the original json data where ids are available
search the marker list for the id you expect
trigger the 'click' google map event on the marker which triggers pan + infowindow

gmaps4rails gem v2.0.4 marker changes position every time the page is refreshed

I apologize in advance if this question is stupid/not being asked correctly, this is my first post in stackoverflow and I'm completely new at RoR...
I have a rails application which uses the gem gmaps4rails v2.0.4. The application takes in an address (street, city and country), uses geocoder to calculate the latitude and longitude then plugs them into my marker builder.
Every time I refresh my show page, the marker in google maps changes position...I even tried to plug in the actual latitude and longitude ([{"lat":49.245253,"lng":-123.0651361}]) instead of "raw #hash.to_json" and it still renders the marker in different positions every time I refresh.
does anyone know how to fix this?
Note: I tried to copy and paste that coordinate in google maps as well and the marker is very consistent in its position. My controller.rb and show.html.erb are pasted below. Thanks in advance!!
#hash = Gmaps4rails.build_markers(#branches) do |branch, marker| branch.latitude
marker.lng branch.longitude
<script type="text/javascript">
handler ='Google');
handler.buildMap({ provider: {}, internal: {id: 'map'}}, function(){
markers = handler.addMarkers(<%=raw #hash.to_json %>);
Its a feature to prevent overlapping. Its documented in the code here.
You can customise or remove the behaviour, example:
handler ='Google', { markers: { maxRandomDistance: null } });

How to change the zoom where the markers are clustered in gmaps4rails

I have this test application, where I am using gmaps4rails awesome gem. I am trying to cluster my markers and to do so I do this:
<%= gmaps("markers" => {"data" => #markers,"options" => {"custom_infowindow_class" => "yellow", "do_clustering" => true}}) %>
I have tried to play with the clusterer_maxZoom option, but that doesn't help to achieve what I want.
Right now, you have to zoom out a lot in order to make the cluster image to appear, and I was wondering how can you make that cluster picture to appear before you have zoom out specific X. How can you modify that?
You can see what I mean here: Clusterer example
You could try setting the maxZoom and gridSize properties of clusterer in the Javascript.
For example:
var handler ='Google', { markers: { clusterer: { maxZoom: 16, gridSize: 40 }}});
