How to edit a file with environment variables in jenkins - ant

I'm bit new to jenkins. What I want is to edit config files with environment variables of jenkins. I tried ant scripts, Nant plugin but all ended up with errors. If anyone knows something about this please help. For example lets think we want to replace word "hello" in C:\files\test.txt to "bye". word "bye" should be taken from a environment variable of jenkins. Thanks

Best is to utilize Jenkins EnvInject plugin. With that you can have a build step to manipulate/generate your properties, and then you can add another build step to load these properties into project environment variables.
See this stackoverflow question for a more detailed example.


How can I reference an environment variable in TFS build configuration?

I have set an environment variable on my system named MSBUILD_HOME that points to the directory that contains the msbuild.exe.
I want to reference this environment variable in the TFS build configuration. Specifically, I want to reference it in the Build->Advanced->Path to MSBUILD field of an MSBuild configuration step.
I have tried: MSBUILD_HOME, $(MSBUILD_HOME), %MSBUILD_HOME% but nothing works and I've Googled this to death. What am I missing?
Doh! I just needed to restart the build agent to pick up the changes to the environment. Using $(MSBUILD_HOME) was the right way to reference it.

Use Environment variable in job description

I'm trying to set dynamically a job description with a global environment variable.
But I cannot use $MYVAR or ${MYVAR}.
Does anybody have an idea ?
Thanks !
As a temporary solution, I am using the "Anything Goes" formatter plugin.
In my job description, i'm using :
<iframe src="http:/JENKINS_URL/Docs/DocsJenkins/MY_DATA.html"></iframe>
I created an alias in IIS referencing a folder with some html pages. And i'm setting dynamicaly this pages with my global enviromnent variables.
Hope this tricks can help somebody else.
You should install Environment Injector Plugin.
After installation, go to your job configuration page,then
Build Environment ==> Inject environment variables to the build process ==> Properties Content
Define your environment with KEY=VALUE format:
Then, this variable can be accessed by surrounded by ${}

Jenkins environment variables

I am a novice to Jenkins administration, trying to help a friend set up Jenkins for his startup.
I know there are plugins in Jenkins but not quite familiar on how to achieve his requirements.
He has a spring application which uses dispatcher.xml to reference (one for each environment eg: jdbc_dev, jdbc_test, jdbc_prod.
How do I setup environment variables in Jenkins so the respective is picked when the war file is built ?
I think following plugins will help your friend a lot.
1) EnvInject Plugin:- To inject environment variables depending on the requirements.
2) Role strategy :- To manage authorization and permissions of various users. For eg: Admin,Tester,Developer,guest.
For more info on configuration on this plugin read this Answer
3) JobConfigHistory Plugin:- To revert changes if you screw anything.
Hope it helps.
See Parameterized Build:
Sometimes, it is useful/necessary to have your builds take several "parameters".
The parameters are available as environment parameters variables. So e.g. a shell ($FOO, %FOO%) or Ant (${env.FOO}) can access these values.
[Corrections by me.]
See also the Matrix Project Plugin:
A multi-configuration project is useful for instances where your builds will make many similar build steps, and you would otherwise be duplicating steps.

How to declare a global variable in Jenkins and use it in an MSBuild task within each individual project

I am converting our CI platform from CruiseControl to Jenkins, and can't seem to figure something out that seems like it should be relatively simple to do (Disclaimer - I'm no CI or build automation expert, but this was dumped into my lap and I find it interesting)
In CruiseControl, I am able to declare variables like this:
<cb:define rootdir="J:\SOURCES\" />
<cb:define logdir="J:\SOURCES\buildlogs" />
<cb:define iisdir="J:\IIS\" />
<cb:define artifacts="artifacts\" />
Then use them as part of an MSBuild task
<logger>C:\Program Files (x86)\CruiseControl.NET\server\ThoughtWorks.CruiseControl.MsBuild.dll</logger>
If the root or IIS directories change, it can easily be applied to all projects at once. We have ~60 projects setup, so doing this project by project would be very time consuming. Migrating this to Jenkins, the MSBuild command line arguments now look like this (partial sample but includes what is relevant):
The IIS directory is hard coded. I need that to be something more like this:
Is there a way to do that? I tried the configuration slicing plugin, which is useful, but doesn't fit this need from what I see
You can do this with built-in Jenkins' functionality:
Then you need to expand your variable. This, actually, depends on where you would use it.
For example: %MSBuild% and %IIS_DIR% for "Execute windows batch command" build step. Other build steps (and plugins) may use it differently.
For global variables, you need EnvInject plugin. This allows you (among other things) to setup variables at the Global (node) level, at job level or as a step. You can set variables directly, or from properties file, or from scripts.
Once set, the variables are available as environment variables to the rest of Jenkins and its steps (within scope).
For passing arguments to MSBuild, when you configure an MSBuild step, there is an option to pass "Command line arguments" in the format /p:Param=Value.
The "value" could be an environment variable. On Windows environment you would reference it as %myvar%
So, if you configure a global GLOBAL_IIS_DIR=C:\path\to\IIS using EnvInject, you can then reference it on command line with /p:IIS_DIR=%GLOBAL_IIS_DIR%

Jenkins - How to access BUILD_NUMBER environment variable

Are Jenkins parameters case-sensitive? I have a parametrized build which needs an ant parameter named "build_parameter" to be set before the build. When I try to access the ${BUILD_NUMBER} set by Jenkins, I get the value set for the ant parameter. If the build parameters are not case sensitive, can anyone suggest me a work around to this issue? I cannot change the build parameter name as I will have to change my build scripts (which is not an option). Thanks!
To Answer your first question, Jenkins variables are case sensitive. However, if you are writing a windows batch script, they are case insensitive, because Windows doesn't care about the case.
Since you are not very clear about your setup, let's make the assumption that you are using an ant build step to fire up your ant task. Have a look at the Jenkins documentation (same page that Adarsh gave you, but different chapter) for an example on how to make Jenkins variables available to your ant task.
Hence, I will need to access the environmental variable ${BUILD_NUMBER} to construct the URL.
Why don't you use $BUILD_URL then? Isn't it available in the extended email plugin?
Assuming I am understanding your question and setup correctly,
If you're trying to use the build number in your script, you have two options:
1) When calling ant, use: ant -Dbuild_parameter=${BUILD_NUMBER}
2) Change your script so that:
<property environment="env" />
<property name="build_parameter" value="${env.BUILD_NUMBER}"/>
For Groovy script in the Jenkinsfile using the $BUILD_NUMBER it works.
Use $env:BUILD_NUMBER in PowerShell script
