Announcing the name of participant joining the Conference - twilio

I am building a simple conference using Twilio where a conference is started by Agent using Twilio client and a contact is called and added to this conference. Just before adding this contact to conference, we would like to announce the name of the contact in the conference room (for ex: <Say>Now Joining Sam Carter </Say>). The name of the person is figured out based on their phone number from database.
When a call is connected, the following TwiML is executed which connects the contact to the conference:
<Dial callerId="+1415xxxxxxx" record="true" action="/my/action/url">
<Conference endConferenceOnExit="true" >ConferenceRoom1</Conference>
Is there any way to play a message into conference just before <DIAL> verb is executed. If i write <SAY> verb before <DIAL> then it plays message to the contact, not in the CONFERENCEROOM1.
Are there any events like onConferenceEnter, which can be used to fire another TwiML whenever some participant enters the conference? Please suggest what would be the best way to achieve this behavior.

The short answer to the question is that it can't be done through a Twiml Event however it can be done with a kind of hack using their REST API.
The question has already been asked on SO and the answer is available here:
Use Say verb to all Conference participants
Incase the question/answer is ever deleted/removed i've pasted it below:
Here's something that should resemble a good end-to-end solution.
First, the user dials in and you go through the standard prompts to get the PIN for the conference room and their name.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Gather action="/conference/pin" finishOnKey="#">
<Say>Please the conference pin number followed by the pound key.</Say>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Say>Say your name and then press the pound key.</Say>
<Record action="/conference/name" finishOnKey="#" />
Now, once you have the user's pin and recording, two things will happen; the response from the post to /conference/name will contain the verb, placing the user in the room:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Conference>{conference ID}</Conference>
...and, asynchronous to that, it will use the REST API to initiate a new call back into the conference room.
POST /2010-04-01/Accounts/{AccountSid}/Calls
From = {your conference phone number}
To = {your conference phone number}
SendDigits = wwww{conference PIN}#
Url = /conference/announce?name={name ID}
Now, the next bit gets confusing. Twilio will now be talking to your callback URL for the incoming end of the call, and the URL you specified above for the outgoing end of the call. Your incoming call handler will need to detect that the conference line is calling back into itself and behave differently; it will first need to respond with simple TwiML that allows the outgoing end of the call to enter the pin for the conference room.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Gather action="/conference/announce-pin" finishOnKey="#" />
The SendDigits parameter of the POST will provide the digits that bit of TwiML is expecting. That action should then respond by conferencing in the new call.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Conference>{conference ID}</Conference>
The last piece of the puzzle is the TwiML emitted by the URL you specified in the POST. That's the markup that will run once the loopback call is added to the conference.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Play>/conference/name-recordings/{name ID}</Play>
<Say>has joined the call.</Say>
<Hangup />
That markup runs, plays the caller's name and a message into the conference room, and then hangs up.

For benefit of others, this is how I have implemented this behavior :
An agent has started the conference using Twilio client and he is already in conference. As soon as a participant is about to join the same conference, using REST API, modify the URL of the live conference call.
TwilioRestClient client = new TwilioRestClient(ACCOUNT_SID, AUTH_TOKEN);
Map<String, String> filter = new HashMap<String, String>();
filter.put("From", "client:AGENT1");
filter.put("Status", "in-progress");
CallList callList = account.getCalls(filter);
Call agentsCall = null;
for (Call inProgressCall : callList) {
agentsCall = inProgressCall;
break; //return the first one only..there shouldn't be more
Map<String, String> agentsCallParams = new HashMap<String, String>();
agentsCallParams.put("Url", "");
agentsCallParams.put("Method", "GET");
The above code snippet will update the twiml of existing call as below.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Say>Now joining {name of the participant}</Say>
The above Twiml will update the call to play the message in <SAY> verb and then put the agent back into the conference.
Now, make the participant join the same conference by returning the below Twiml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Hope this helps !!!


How do you access the information gathered on a Twilio phone call?

I have the following code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- page located at -->
<Pause length="2"/> <Play></Play>
<Pause length="1"/>
<Say>If you would no longer like to receive information about the Sacred Heart, press 2</Say>
<Pause length="1"/>
The TwiML URL is:
The code works as expected. You can enter a selection during the phone call.
How to access the information gathered?
Twilio developer evangelist here.
It looks like you are working with a TwiML Bin there, which is great for a static piece of TwiML like this first message. However, there are a couple of issues.
Firstly, you are not giving the user the proper time to enter their input. The <Gather> element is best used with the message nested within it, so that a user can press at any time. You can also set a timeout to better control how long they have to respond once the nested <Say> is complete. The default value of timeout is 5 seconds.
Secondly, if you are just waiting for the user to press a single digit, you can add the numDigits="1" attribute to the <Gather>. This will complete the <Gather> once the user presses a single digit.
Finally, and the subject of your question, you need to give the <Gather> a URL as the action attribute. Then, when a user presses a key, Twilio will make an HTTP request to that URL with the results of their input. You need to build an application that will handle that request and do something with the result of the key press.
So, you should update your TwiML to:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- page located at -->
<Pause length="2"/>
<Pause length="1"/>
<Gather numDigits="1" action="">
<Say>If you would no longer like to receive information about the Sacred Heart, press 2</Say>
and you need to create an application that can receive an HTTP request, in this case at the URL, though you should provide your own URL here.
There are tutorials on how to gather user input in a phone call that will walk through this in more depth with code examples, that you should read next.

Call an URL for get phone number to forward the Twilio call using TwiML

I'm trying to automate call forwarding using Twilio. when the user calls the Twilio number it will play some welcome message then it should call an external API, The API will return a phone number the Twilio should call the number. I'm trying to do with this TwiML. here is my TwiML bin document
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Pause length="1"/>
<Say voice="Polly.Joanna"> Welcome
for example https://getmynumber/samplenumber is the URL that will return a number. How can I achieve this with TwiML?
and is it possible to define a variable inside TwiML? because if i can save the number to that variable using the <Redirect> tag I can achieve this easily.
is it possible?
That'll be difficult with only TwiML Bin but you could try something like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Pause length="1"/>
<Say voice="Polly.Joanna">Welcome</Say>
And then call it via: https://<your TwiML Bin URL>/...?Number=+123456789
This passes custom values into a TwiML Bin, here Number.
If you really need to call an API to get the number to dial you'll need some kind of endpoint to form the TwiML, e.g. a Twilio Function, or any other endpoint.
A version in Python could look like this:
from twilio.twiml.voice_response import VoiceResponse
response = VoiceResponse()
number = '+123456789' # Here you would do an API call
The above basically creates the TwiML you have in your TwiML Bin but with Python. You would need to wrap this in an endpoint to be able to be called and returned. And of course you would need to add your logic to retrieve the number via the API.

Can I associate a Twilio recording with the child called that initiated it?

So here's my issue:
I initiate a Twilio call via the API
When the call is picked up, Twilio reaches out to my Twiml server and gets a response containing the following (notice the "record" parameter of the Dial verb):
<Dial callerId="555-555-5555" record="record-from-ringing">
<Number statusBallbackEvent="completed" statusCallbackMethod="POST" statusCallback="">
The call gets placed and is recorded correctly, but the value of Call Sid for the recording is always the Sid of the parent call. This can be problematic if I use multiple Dial verbs during the course of one call.
Is there a way to figure out which child call initiated the recording?
To grab your child call SID, I'd recommend using an action URL in the verb that originates it. A request to this action URL would return the 'DialCallSid' parameter in Twilio's response:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- page located at -->
<Dial action="/handleDialCallStatus.php" method="GET">
<Say>I am unreachable</Say>
You could then store or use that SID however you would like.
Please let me know if this helps at all.

programmatically set room id in a Twilio conference

Does anyone know the best way to programmatically set the name/id of the conference room in the Twilio noun ?
<Say>Joining a conference room</Say>
My system will dole out new conference room ID's, dynamically, to keep the conferences small but I'm not sure how to associate the assigned user's room id in the to twiml app's code...
Ricky from Twilio here. Wanted to add some example code for anyone who may stumble on this question.
You need to return TwiML to give Twilio the instructions of what to do with a call but you can generate that TwiML however you'd like. For example, here is a simple PHP script that returns TwiML that places callers in a random conference room.
header("content-type: text/xml");
echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n";
<Say>Joining a conference room</Say>
<Conference>Room<?php echo rand(0,2); ?></Conference>

Use Say verb to all Conference participants

I'm setting up a pretty simple conference call system, where the user enters a PIN and is connected to a conference associated with that. I'm also setting it up so they record their name before entering the room.
My plan is to take the recording URL, then get the list of participants and make the REST API call to each caller modifying their call to to the Say "Now entering", then Play the recording url. I think I'm going to have to send them back into the room after that as well, I'm not sure.
I think that modifying each call will take them out of the Conference room, which is not ideal. Is there an easier way to use Say/Play to all members of a conference built into the REST API?
As of July 13th 2018, Twilio now allows you to send a POST request to the Conference (to announce something to the whole conference) or Conference Participant (to announce something to a single caller) resources with an AnnounceUrl property that links to either:
a WAV or MP3 audio file, or
a TwiML document that uses the <Say /> and/or <Play /> verbs.
Along with that property, you can also specify an AnnounceMethod property that lets you specify whether to GET or POST (the default) that URL.
A good place to send the aforementioned POST to play back your recorded name might be in a status callback that's set when you use the <Conference /> verb to put each user into the conference, like so:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Conference statusCallback="/conference/join-callback"
{conference ID}
The old workaround remains below for posterity.
Someone on the Twilio forums was interested in the very same question, and the answer is currently that there isn't a direct REST API call for that.
What you'll need to do is, when a participant joins the conference, you'll use the REST API to make Twilio dial back in to your application. You can choose how to detect that you're calling into your own conference however you like (for example, comparing the outbound and inbound phone numbers for equality); once you've detected that, you can join that call directly to the conference and use the TwiML <Say /> and <Play /> verbs to play back the introduction for everybody.
It's a little bit convoluted, but this way you won't be removing each participant from the conference (preventing them from hearing each other for a moment) and then rejoining them.
Here's something that should resemble a good end-to-end solution.
First, the user dials in and you go through the standard prompts to get the PIN for the conference room and their name.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Gather action="/conference/pin" finishOnKey="#">
<Say>Please the conference pin number followed by the pound key.</Say>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Say>Say your name and then press the pound key.</Say>
<Record action="/conference/name" finishOnKey="#" />
Now, once you have the user's pin and recording, two things will happen; the response from the post to /conference/name will contain the <Conference> verb, placing the user in the room:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Conference>{conference ID}</Conference>
...and, asynchronous to that, it will use the REST API to initiate a new call back into the conference room.
POST /2010-04-01/Accounts/{AccountSid}/Calls
From = {your conference phone number}
To = {your conference phone number}
SendDigits = wwww{conference PIN}#
Url = /conference/announce?name={name ID}
Now, the next bit gets confusing. Twilio will now be talking to your callback URL for the incoming end of the call, and the URL you specified above for the outgoing end of the call. Your incoming call handler will need to detect that the conference line is calling back into itself and behave differently; it will first need to respond with simple TwiML that allows the outgoing end of the call to enter the pin for the conference room.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Gather action="/conference/announce-pin" finishOnKey="#" />
The SendDigits parameter of the POST will provide the digits that bit of TwiML is expecting. That action should then respond by conferencing in the new call.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Conference>{conference ID}</Conference>
The last piece of the puzzle is the TwiML emitted by the URL you specified in the POST. That's the markup that will run once the loopback call is added to the conference.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Play>/conference/name-recordings/{name ID}</Play>
<Say>has joined the call.</Say>
<Hangup />
That markup runs, plays the caller's name and a message into the conference room, and then hangs up.
