NSDictionary - need to obtain value for key subelement - ios

I have created an NSDictionary named "myData"
which contains the following JSON response:
listInfo = (
date = 1392157366000;
dateAsString = "02/11/2014 22:22:46";
id = 6;
address = 542160e0000c;
myLevel = 13;
date = 1392155568000;
dateAsString = "02/11/2014 21:52:48";
id = 5;
address = 542160e0000c;
myLevel = 13;
I need to retrieve each of the [dateAsString] key/value pairs.
I've tried: NSString *dateAsString=[[myData valueForKeyPath:#"dateAsString"][0] objectForKey:#"myData"]; without any luck.
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

I think this will work:
NSArray* dateStringArray = [listInfo valueForKeyPath:#"#unionOfObjects.dateAsString"]
I believe it will give you an array of strings. If you need to stuff that back in a dictionary, that should be fairly easy.
It's not clear what your "myData" looks like... so I used the listInfo array of dicts shown.


Can't get value of NSSingleEntryDictionary

I have an NSDictionary, named "thisList", and I need to get the value of its key "list_collection".
Xcode indicates that the value is a "NSSingleEntryDictionary".
The value itself contains an array with yet another dictionary.
Please take a look at the screenshot:
Now, no matter what I try (objectforKey/valueforKey) or whatever type of object I initialize (NSArray/NsMutableArray/NSDictionary/NSMutableDictionary) I end up with a nil value.
Apparently, I miss some essential knowledge on how to handle this.
My question: how should I initialize an object with the value of the key "list_collection".
Here is a (partial) dump of the json:
Printing description of thisList:
archived = 0;
"chapter_part" = "";
"chapter_title" = "";
comment = "";
"cover_id" = "<null>";
"created_at" = "2017-01-06T12:59:04.000+01:00";
"date_created" = "06 January 2017";
deleted = 0;
id = 141384502;
isMyList = 1;
keywords = (
"list_collection" = {
lists = (
"speech_locale" = EN;
subject = engels;
words = (
word = attitude;
The to me most logical approach would be:
NSDictionary * myDic = [thisList objectForKey:#"list_collection"];
Note: I didn't explicitly initialize 'myDic' here.
To put things in context, here is my code:
NSString * hlists = [json objectForKey:#"lists"];
NSData* data = [hlists dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSArray *wrtsLists = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:data options:0 error:&jsonParsingError];
Lists = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
for (NSDictionary *thisList in wrtsLists){
WordList* theList = [[WordList alloc]init];
theList.title = [thisList valueForKey:#"title"];
[Lists addObject:theList];
NSDictionary *myDic = thisList[#"list_collection"];
>>>>this is where I put a breakpoint. myDic is nil here
Thanks for your insights.
You can simply get "list_collection" array from "thisList" using by this code
NSDictionary *myDic = thisList[#"list_collection"];
In the end, I figured out, that it was an Xcode problem.
The Debug area just didn't correctly display the values of my objects.
I restarted Xcode, and things started to work as expected.
I lost several hours of my life on this. But I learned a lot, thanks to your good advises.
Try this hope it helps You
NSDictionary *myDic = [thelist valueForKey:"list_collection"];

How to put NSDictionary inside NSDictionary into UITableView?

I receive following NSDictionary from my server. I don't know how to access each row and put them in UITableView. I need a for loop or something to access each of them one by one: I get following when I say:
chores = (
"first_due_date" = "2016-03-12";
frequency = weekly;
id = 1;
name = TEST;
parent = Blah;
"previous_chores" = (
"first_due_date" = "2016-03-12";
frequency = weekly;
id = 2;
name = TEST2;
parent = Blah;
"previous_chores" = (
"first_due_date" = "2016-03-12";
frequency = weekly;
id = 3;
name = TEST3;
parent = Blah;
"previous_chores" = (
I guess you can directly use the array without split it like following:
Suppose you have an array with dictionary and inside the dictionary as your data and kiran said:
NSArray *arrChores = [dict valueForKey #"Chores"];
Your array look like 0th index is:
"first_due_date" = "2016-03-12";
frequency = weekly;
id = 1;
name = TEST;
parent = Blah;
"previous_chores" = (
so you can print the name like following in cellForrowIndex:
NSLog(#"=== %#",[[arrChores objectAtIndex:indexPath.row]valueForKey:#"name"])
More easy and less maintain :)
Create a model for Chores.
Looking at the dictionary.
Chores is an array consisting of dictionaries in it.
So you can have array like this
arrChoresGlobal = [NSMutableArray new];
NSArray *arrChores = [dict valueForKey #"Chores"];
Then iterate this array and have a model.
like below
for(NSDictionary *dctChore in arrChores)
SomeModel *obj = [SomeModel new];
obj.first_due_date = [dctChore valueForKey:#"first_due_date"];
[arrChoresGlobal addObject:obj];
Then use this array count in numberOfRows in tableview
return [arrChoresGlobal count];
and in cellForRowAtIndexPath
SomeModel *obj = [arrChoresGlobal objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
Edit :- Longer but systematic way :)

Getting values from key in NSDictionary

I'm using the Edmunds API to return a JSON string of vehicle makes for a certain year.
The resulting NSDictionary looks like this:
makes = (
id = 200002038;
models = (
{ // not relevant
name = Acura;
niceName = acura;
id = 200001769;
models = (
{ // not relevant
name = "Aston Martin";
niceName = "aston-martin";
There are a lot more values in this dictionary...how can I loop through through the dictionary to retrieve each of the 'name' values?
I like valueForKeyPath because you can do so much with it and it's a one line solution. Tested this and it works in my dev setup. If you know your data is in a predictable format, then you can do amazing things with valueForKeyPath.
NSArray *makeNames = [makes valueForKeyPath:#"name"];
Great info on valueForKeyPath http://nshipster.com/kvc-collection-operators/
NSMutableArray *makeNames = [NSMutableArray new];
for (NSDictionary *make in makes) {
NSLog(#"Make name: %#", make[#"name"]);
[makeNames addObject:make];
NSLog(#"Makes array: %#", makeNames);

How to efficiently extract data from JSON dictionary

I have recently used the following code to extract the ID of a location from a Foursquare API call with:
NSDictionary* foursquareJson = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:secureData options:kNilOptions error:&error];
NSDictionary *venuesDict = foursquareJson[#"response"];
NSArray *venuesArray = venuesDict[#"venues"];
NSDictionary *venuesDict2 = venuesArray[0];
NSArray *categoriesDict = venuesDict2[#"categories"];
NSDictionary *idDict = categoriesDict[0];
NSLog(#"ID is %#",idDict[#"id"]);
with original foursquareJson being:
2015-03-30 17:16:40.700 Voyagic[2833:718563] {
meta = {
code = 200;
response = {
venues = (
categories = (
icon = {
prefix = "https://ss3.4sqi.net/img/categories_v2/building/conventioncenter_";
suffix = ".png";
id = 4bf58dd8d48988d1ff931735;
name = "Convention Center";
pluralName = "Convention Centers";
primary = 1;
shortName = "Convention Center";
contact = {
formattedPhone = "+44 20 7222 5000";
phone = "+442072225000";
hereNow = {
count = 0;
groups = (
summary = "Nobody here";
id = 4b6599d4f964a520f8f52ae3;
location = {
address = "Broad Sanctuary";
cc = GB;
city = London;
country = "United Kingdom";
distance = 2167;
formattedAddress = (
"Broad Sanctuary",
"Greater London",
"SW1P 3EE",
"United Kingdom"
lat = "51.49997800145596";
lng = "-0.1289014132864838";
postalCode = "SW1P 3EE";
state = "Greater London";
name = "Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre";
referralId = "v-1427732200";
specials = {
count = 0;
items = (
stats = {
checkinsCount = 3657;
tipCount = 15;
usersCount = 2407;
verified = 0;
but there surely must be a better way of accessing the ID which I don't know about (instead of creating 4 dictionaries and 2 array, which seems somewhat excessive :/ ). Any help would be greatly appreciated :)
Ultimately, the data will need to be accessed through the lists of dictionaries and arrays somehow, it just depends on where you want that to happen. You could use or make a parser for the JSON but that will ultimately still need to map the JSON data similarly to what you are doing. A simple and shorter way of accessing the data would be to not create a new variable in every iteration. Although it really is not much different:
NSDictionary *foursquareJson = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:secureData options:kNilOptions error:&error];
NSDictionary *objectId = foursquareJson[#"response"][#"venues"][0][#"categories"][0][#"id"];
NSLog(#"ID is %#",objectId);
Because of the dialogue in the comments of this answer I figured I should probably include a bit more information about your concern with creating "4 dictionaries and 2 arrays". When you use the JSON Serializer to create native objects from the JSON (first line above) you are creating all of the arrays and dictionaries needed to fully represent and store the entire JSON. The difference in code samples between what you originally posted and what I provided is really not a significantly different. If you are concerned with creating too many dictionaries or arrays you should attempt to filter out the JSON prior to deserializing it into native objects.

NSDictionary array of same key

I'm requesting a SOAP Webservice and I parse the response to a NSDictionary. The XML response has multiple unique keys. Here's an example (already parse on the dictionary):
"typ:partits" = {
"typ:dadesPartit" = {
"typ:aforament" = 1;
"typ:codiEsdeveniment" = 2;
"typ:competicio" = GAMPER;
"typ:dataHoraConfirmada" = false;
"typ:dataPartit" = "08/18/14";
"typ:descripcioPartit" = "FCBARCELONA - CLUB LEON F.C.";
"typ:horaPartit" = "9:30:00 PM";
"typ:jornada" = 99;
"typ:partitActiuMenor" = true;
"typ:temporada" = "2014-2015";
"typ:tipusEsdeveniment" = 0;
"typ:dadesPartit" = {
"typ:aforament" = 1;
"typ:codiEsdeveniment" = 2;
"typ:competicio" = GAMPER;
"typ:dataHoraConfirmada" = false;
"typ:dataPartit" = "08/26/14";
"typ:descripcioPartit" = "FCBARCELONA - REAL MADRID";
"typ:horaPartit" = "9:30:00 PM";
"typ:jornada" = 101;
"typ:partitActiuMenor" = true;
"typ:temporada" = "2014-2015";
"typ:tipusEsdeveniment" = 0;
How can I iterate through these keys?, they are the same :( ...
I tried with "allObjects" but when I receive only one "typ:dadesPartit" object it treats it like an array instead of a NSDictionary.
it is returning one type as both your keys are same,
Try renaming the keys to separate names, and the values associated with those keys will come when u type allKeys
