CMS for rails 2 app - ruby-on-rails

I am currently working on a 7 year old project which is running on Rails 2.3. Are there any CMS's similar to Refinery CMS or Active Admin that still run on this version of Rails?
I'd prefer to use a gem like Refinery or Active Admin rather than creating one myself.

We've used RadiantCMS in our 2.3.x Rails apps, give that a try.


How do I do api in Rails 4? Rails-api gem is merged in Rails 5

I already have a Rails 4 website.
Now I'm building a mobile app and need to get data from the the same database my website is using.
It looks like rails-api gem is merged in Rails 5. But Rails 5 is not production-ready yet and is not supported by such gems as devise.
Docs are all on merged version:
So which gem and guide should I use to create an api for my website at the moment?
There's nothing in Rails 4 that prevents you from building an API. Why not create an API in your existing Rails app under a namespace? There are some gems like Grape that can help, but they're not necessary. There are many tutorials on the topic including some Rails Casts that are still relevant, so it should be easy.
The Rails API gem is a lighter version of Rails that is stripped down to only the core parts that an API app needs. This means you don't have ActionView or server generated templates. It's basically Rails minus anything that an API doesn't need.
By being merged into Rails 5, it simply means that Rails 5 will give you the option to create a stripped-down app that only has what an API app needs (minus ActionView and other cruft).
But everything inside of Rails API is inside Rails and more.
But since you already have a Rails app running, just build the API into it. If you want to create an API only app, then go ahead and create one using either the Rails API gem, a normal Rails app, or even Sinatra.
You can create an api on your own without any gem doing api. Try to follow some examples like: Building a RESTful API in a Rails Application and others.

migrate restful-authentication in rails 4

I want to migrate Rails 2 app to Rails 4. I have successfully migrated in Rails 3. Now I have a big problem with restful-authentication. It's not working for rails 4 so I need to migrate in devise but I don't want any changes with thousands of existing users.
Is it better to migrate in devise or is there some other alternative for restful-authentication?
restful_authentication is no longer being maintained so I recommend migrating to an alternative like devise. With a bit of configuration you can set up devise to work with the passwords that have been encrypted through restful_authentication. There's guide on their github page on how to do it:

is it possible to integrate Refiner CMS into my pre existing Rails application?

I am working in a Rails application, is it possible to integrate Refiner CMS into my pre existing Rails application? if not do i have to create a Refinery project and then integrate my application with it?
Any suggestions would be helpful.
Yeah that should be fine.
Refinery is just a gem. So you can include it in your existing project and run the specific generators you need if you are not already running Devise.

Rails 2.3.11 Administrator Gem

This is my first question here in StackOverflow :)
I've been searching for the best plugin for administrator for my Rails 2.3.11 app.
I can create my own but I have to rush my project so I decided to use these kinds of plugin.
I already searched rails_admin and active_admin. There are both good but I think that's for Rails 3 only. So I need to find some admin plugins for Rails 2.3.11.
Your ideas are much welcome :) Thanks!
Give Typus a try. It works on rails 2.3 and is quite popular, although the author isn't planning on maintaining the 2.3 version anymore.

Rails 3 CMS recommendation

I typically use rails models and typus as my CMS as it gives the most flexibility, plus typus is just brilliant. I'm starting a new rails 3 app, and typus isn't rails3 compatible yet. I'm looking around for a CMS that'll work in rails 3. I still want to be able to write my views in haml (rather than some custom templating lang) and need total customizability.
In googling, I'm not finding much. Does anyone have any knowledge about something that would fit my needs?
Another CMS starting to rise quickly to fill in the gaps for Rails 3 scene is RefineryCMS - Github is one of good CMS
as of yesterday Refinery CMS 0.9.8 supports Rails 3! You can read about the transition to Rails 3.
This makes Refinery CMS the first popular CMS to support Rails 3.
Alchemy CMS works in Rails 3.
The next_stable branch supports Rails 3.1.
Ubiquo supports Rails 3.2 in the edge branch.
You should look into Osmek. With Osmek you can write in any language you'd like, since you interact with your content through an API. Its a revolutionizing concept to content management, and the idea of flexibility.
Lots of helpful Refinery CMS info at
Here is a list of almost all Rails 3 CMS.
I develop a Rails 3 Item & Content Managament called Opal, which may be interesting to some. Here's more info:
login: admin/admin
locomotiveCMS and BrowserCMS both work in Rails 3
