Rails 2.3.11 Administrator Gem - ruby-on-rails

This is my first question here in StackOverflow :)
I've been searching for the best plugin for administrator for my Rails 2.3.11 app.
I can create my own but I have to rush my project so I decided to use these kinds of plugin.
I already searched rails_admin and active_admin. There are both good but I think that's for Rails 3 only. So I need to find some admin plugins for Rails 2.3.11.
Your ideas are much welcome :) Thanks!

Give Typus a try. It works on rails 2.3 and is quite popular, although the author isn't planning on maintaining the 2.3 version anymore.


Is Rails 3.1 ready for production use?

From what I saw on their Github page, the Rails development team has been releasing Release Candidate versions since May, and the most recent tag is v3.1.0.rc6.
I found many comments on Google about new features, but almost no critiques or experience tails.
So, are you using Rails 3.1 already? If so, in production environments? And also, what has been your experience? Are there any gems that absolutely won't work with Rails 3.1?
I appreciate any comments/opinions!
Here is git issues for Rails 3.1: Rails 3.1 issues
you can check that it near to final realease :). As for me I use Rails 3.1 in my work. And we have some projects already in production mode. As for gems, so I havent met gems that do not completely work with Rails 3.1. But anyway you should use most fresh version of your favourite gems or use completely new ones. So have a try on Rails 3.1 - it is stable and have many awesome new features.

How to update rails 3.0.3 to 3.1?

How do I update to Rails 3.1 ?
I am using windows xp with ruby console.
And is there a smart way to update a rails app from 3.0.3 to 3.1 or do I need to rewrite it all?
This question has a lot of useful information which might help you out: Upgrading from Rails 3 to Rails 3.1
It doesn't answer specifically for Windows, but there's a lot of advice and insight that you'll find useful for the upgrade.
The only advice I can offer on top of reading the answers in the above question is to have a bit of patience and not expect it to work straight away. There's a lot of changes in the way 3.1 works so expect to spend some time fixing it up.
Good luck!
I created one vanilla 3.0 site, added it to Git, then created a vanilla 3.1 site and copied it over the 3.0 site, deleting existing files first. A diff then showed me exactly what changed.
I would strongly recommend this and the following two railscasts in the series

Upgrade rails 2.3.8 project to rails 3

I have created a project using rails 2.3.8.. Now i need to move rails 3.x.x ..so how can i upgrade my project also?
please tell some tutorial or link to upgrade this?
Start by using the rails upgrade gem. There are several tutorials out on the web that can walk you through what you need to do.
Most importantly, TEST your app thoroughly after doing so.

Admin Plugins For Rails

I'm looking for a good admin plugin/gem for a Rails 3 application. I have tested rails_admin and it seems very good. Has anybody used any other plugins for Rails 3.0?
Also has anybody had any issues with rails_admin?
A lot of options, at the moment. Check all of them out here.
I have heard both admin_data and typus are good.
Using Rails Admin too. Never had a problem.

List of Ruby on Rails 3.X Resources?

I am looking for NEW Ruby on Rails resource websites (Screencasts, Tutorials, etc) some of what I found are Outdated. So for Ruby on Rails 3.X please.
I have:
http://railsforzombies.org (witch is...AWESOME, a kick-start)
I'd recommend newer Railscasts and great RailsGuides.
I've been reading the RailsTutorial for Rails 3 and think it's amazing.
If you have an existing Rails app to upgrade, you'll probably also want to check out Jeremy McAnally's Rails 3 Upgrade
Peepcode are good too. Not a free resource
