Neo4j with all relations between all nodes - neo4j

I'm parsing a cypher query to a .gexf (xml) file. Entering this query in the Neo4j admin gui returns all nodes with their interconnecting relationships (relations between all b-nodes)
START a=node(52681) MATCH(a)-[r]-(b) RETURN a,r,b
The neo4j webgui seems to make it's own queries since it draws up all the relationships between the b-nodes and not just between the a and b-nodes. The JSON response contains no data of which I can parse an xml file with the relationships between the b-nodes.
I've resolved this so far by doing a seperate query for each and every b-node:
MATCH (a)-[r]-(b) WHERE id(a)=52681 AND id(b)=12345
But that doesn't seem like very good design... I would like to get this done in one query only.
Also, I tend to overcomplicate things.

I don't think there's an easy/efficient way to do this.
Consider that the paths between each pair of nodes are likely variable in size, and therefore something like (a)-[r]-(b) will only get you the results you want if a and b are both one degree away.
If they are, however, all only one degree away (and assuming no self-loops, which would be easy enough to take care of anyway), something like
MATCH (a)-[r]-(b) RETURN a, r, b
...would likely do the trick, albeit in a horribly inefficient fashion. But if your paths between a and b are > 1 level deep, it obviously won't work.
In that case, something like this might work, but again be horrible:
MATCH (a)-[r:*]-(b) RETURN a, r, b
...but if the depth of your paths are anything more than a few levels, well...ouch.
When you start asking questions of the graph that span the entire graph and require working/traversing the entirety of it, the kinds of questions you're asking start to blow up a bit.
So, likely, the resolution you came up with is probably the only way to really tackle this.
That said, I'd love to know if anyone else has a different take on this.
HTH, if only a bit.


Cypher: Find any path between nodes

I have a neo4j graph that looks like this:
Blue Nodes: Account
Red Nodes: PhoneNumber
Green Nodes: Email
Graph design:
(:PhoneNumber) -[:PART_OF]->(:Account)
(:Email) -[:PART_OF]->(:Account)
The problem I am trying to solve is to
Find any path that exists between Account1 and Account2.
This is what I have tried so far with no success:
MATCH p=shortestPath((a1:Account {accId:'1234'})-[]-(a2:Account {accId:'5678'})) RETURN p;
MATCH p=shortestPath((a1:Account {accId:'1234'})-[:PART_OF]-(a2:Account {accId:'5678'})) RETURN p;
MATCH p=shortestPath((a1:Account {accId:'1234'})-[*]-(a2:Account {accId:'5678'})) RETURN p;
MATCH p=(a1:Account {accId:'1234'})<-[:PART_OF*1..100]-(n)-[:PART_OF]->(a2:Account {accId:'5678'}) RETURN p;
Same queries as above without the shortest path function call.
By looking at the graph I can see there is a path between these 2 nodes but none of my queries yield any result. I am sure this is a very simple query but being new to Cypher, I am having a hard time figuring out the right solution. Any help is appreciated.
All those queries are along the right lines, but need some tweaking to make work. In the longer term, though, to get a better system to easily search for connections between accounts, you'll probably want to refactor your graph.
Solution for Now: Making Your Query Work
The path between any two (n:Account) nodes in your graph is going to look something like this:
Since you have only one type of relationship in your graph, the two nodes will thus be connected by an indeterminate number of patterns like the following:
So, your two nodes will be connected through an indeterminate number of intermediate (:Account), (:Email), or (:PhoneNumber) nodes all connected by -[:PART_OF]- relationships of alternating direction. Unfortunately to my knowledge (and I'd love to be corrected here), using straight cypher you can't search for a repeated pattern like this in your current graph. So, you'll simply have to use an undirected search, to find nodes (a1:Account) and(a2:Account) connected through -[:PART_OF]- relationships. So, at first glance your query would look like this:
MATCH p=shortestPath((a1:Account { accId: {a1_id} })-[:PART_OF*]-(a2:Account { accId: {a2_id} }))
(notice here I've used cypher parameters rather than the integers you put in the original post)
That's very similar to your query #3, but, like you said - it doesn't work. I'm guessing what happens is that it doesn't return a result, or returns an out of memory exception? The problem is that since your graph has circular paths in it, and that query will match a path of any length, the matching algorithm will literally go around in circles until it runs out of memory. So, you want to set a limit, like you have in query #4, but without the directions (which is why that query doesn't work).
So, let's set a limit. Your limit of 100 relationships is a little on the large side, especially in a cyclical graph (i.e., one with circles), and could potentially match in the region of 2^100 paths.
As a (very arbitrary) rule of thumb, any query with a potential undirected and unlabelled path length of more than 5 or 6 may begin to cause problems unless you're very careful with your graph design. In your example, it looks like these two nodes are connected via a path length of 8. We also know that for any two nodes, the given minimum path length will be two (i.e., two -[:PART_OF]- relationships, one into and one out of a node labelled either :Email or :PhoneNumber), and that any two accounts, if linked, will be linked via an even number of relationships.
So, ideally we'd set out our relationship length between 2 and 10. However, cypher's shortestPath() function only supports paths with a minimum length of either 0 or 1, so I've set it between 1 and 10 in the example below (even though we know that in reality, the shortest path have a length of at least two).
MATCH p=shortestPath((a1:Account { accId: {a1_id} })-[:PART_OF*1..10]-(a2:Account { accId: {a2_id} }))
Hopefully, this will work with your use case, but remember, it may still be very memory intensive to run on a large graph.
Longer Term Solution: Refactor Graph and/or Use APOC
Depending on your use case, a better or longer term solution would be to refactor your graph to be more specific about relationships to speed up query times when you want to find accounts linked only by email or phone number - i.e. -[:ACCOUNT_HAS_EMAIL]- and -[:ACCOUNT_HAS_PHONE]-. You may then also want to use APOC's shortest path algorithms or path finder functions, which will most likely return a faster result than using cypher, and allow you to be more specific about relationship types as your graph expands to take in more data.

Cypher / Efficiency about relationship cardinality

Using Neo4j 2.X and Cypher, I want to query all Users that I know directly or via a friend.
I would expect something like this:
MATCH (me:User("123"))-[:KNOWS*1..2]-(friend) //does not work of course
I think about the shortestPath function, but wouldn't it be too expensive?
Moreover, if I have this query:
MATCH (a)-[:SOME_REL]->(b)<-[:OWNS_BY]-(me:User("123")) // would load the whole in memory before filtering by knowledge !
WITH shortestPath((me)-[:KNOWS*..2]-(friend)) as path
WHERE path.length <= 2
MATCH (a)-[:SOME_REL]->(b)<-[:OWNS_BY]-(me:User("123")) // would load the whole in memory before filtering by knowledge !
MATCH path = shortestPath((me)-[:KNOWS*..2]-(friend))
WHERE path.length <= 2
Wouldn't it be more (maybe too in the case of a huge graph?) expensive?
Indeed, this would be better, if it worked:
MATCH (a)-[:SOME_REL]->(b)<-[:OWNS_BY]-(me:User("123"))-[:KNOWS*1..2]-(friend)
loading in memory only appropriate path.
I could also use an alternative like this:
OPTIONAL MATCH (a)-[:SOME_REL]->(b)<-[:OWNS_BY]-(me:User("123"))-[:KNOWS]-(friend)
OPTIONAL MATCH (a)-[:SOME_REL]->(b)<-[:OWNS_BY]-(me:User("123"))-[:KNOWS]-()-[:KNOWS]-(friend)
but imagine if I wanted three degrees of separation (for knowledge)... the query would be very redundant.
Is there a good syntax that would lead to a very efficient query?
What should I use?
I'm not sure I completely understand, and I think that your first query would work?
MATCH (me:User{userId:123})-[:KNOWS*1..2]-(friend:User)
WHERE me <> friend
RETURN friend
It's hard to know what to write for the other queries as the OWNS_BY and SOME_REL components seem unrelated to the friend of a friend component, if you could relate the two halves of the query with a concrete example I can explain an optimal approach.
Some key pointers are that you should
Start your queries with what you think will match the minimum set of nodes (to constrain the work that has to be done).
Make sure all query components utilise labels and relationship types.
Create indexes on properties that you will be using in lookups.
An excellent resource for query optimisation is Wes Freeman's Pragmatic Optimisation.
The size of the graph does not need to make the queries more expensive as you will mostly be working on a subgraph which presumably have more fixed sized bounds. Of course if your queries need to span the entire graph then the size will become an issue for speed!

Is it the optimal way of expressing "go through all nodes" queries in Cypher?

I have a quite large social graph in which I execute global queries like this one:
match (n:User)-[r:LIKES]->(k:User)
where not (k:User)-[]->(n:User)
return count(r);
They take a lot of time and memory, so I am curious if they are expressed in optimal way. I have felling that when I execute such query Cypher is firstly matching everything that fits the expression (and that takes a lot of memory) and then starts to count things. I would rather like to go through every node, check the pattern and update the counter if necessary. This way such queries would not require a lot of memory. So how in fact such query is executed? If it is not optimal, is there a way to make it better (in Cypher)?
If you used the query just as you wrote it, you may not be getting what you think you are. Putting labels on node "variables" can cause them to be treated as fresh (partial) patterns instead of bound nodes. Is your query any faster if you use
MATCH (n:User)-[r:LIKES]->(k:User)
WHERE NOT (n)<--(k)
RETURN count(r)
Here's how this works (not considering internal optimizations, which I don't begin to understand).
For each User node, every outgoing LIKES relationship is followed. If the other end of the LIKES relationship is a User node, the two nodes and the relationship are bound to the names n, k, and r and passed to the WHERE clause. Every outgoing relationship on the bound k node is then tested to see if it connects to the bound n node. If no such relationship is found, the match is considered successful. The count() function in the RETURN clause counts the resulting collection of relationships that were passed from the match.
If you have a densely connected graph, and particularly if there are many other relationships between nodes other than LIKES relationship, this can be quite an extensive search.
As a further experiment, you might try changing the WHERE clause to read
WHERE NOT (k)-->(n)
and see if it makes any difference. I don't think it will, but I could be wrong.

Create Unique Relationship is taking much amount of time

START names = node(*),
MATCH names
WHERE NOT names-[:contains]->()
AND HAS (names.age)
AND (names.qualification =~ ".*(?i)B.TECH.*$"
OR names.qualification =~ ".*(?i)B.E.*$")
CREATE UNIQUE (names)-[r:contains{type:"declared"}]->(target)
Iam consisting of nearly 1,80,000 names nodes, i had iterated the above process to create unique relationships above 100 times by changing the target. its taking too much amount of time.How can i resolve it..
i build the query with java and iterated.iam using neo4j and java 1.7 .
I edited your cypher query because I think I understand it, but I can barely read the rest of your question. If you edit it with white spaces and punctuation it might be easier to understand what you are trying to do. Until then, here are some thoughts about your query being slow.
You bind all the nodes in the graph, that's typically pretty slow.
You bind all the nodes in the graph twice. First you bind universally in your start clause: names=node(*), and then you bind universally in your match clause: MATCH names, and only then you limit your pattern. I don't quite know what the Cypher engine makes of this (possibly it gets a migraine and goes off to make a pot of coffee). It's unnecessary, you can at least drop the names=node(*) from your start clause. Or drop the match clause, I suppose that could work too, since you don't really do anything there, and you will still need a start clause for as long as you use legacy indexing.
You are using Neo4j 2.x, but you use legacy indexing instead of labels, at least in this query. Without knowing your data and model it's hard to know what the difference would be for performance, but it would certainly make it much easier to write (and read) your queries. So, that's a different kind of slow. It's likely that if you had labels and label indices, the query performance would improve.
So, first try removing one of the universal bindings of nodes, then use the 2.x schema tools to structure your data. You should be able to write queries like
MATCH target:Target
WHERE target.target_name="TARGET_1"
WITH target
MATCH names:Name
WHERE NOT names-[:contains]->()
AND HAS (names.age)
AND (names.qualification =~ ".*(?i)B.TECH.*$"
OR names.qualification =~ ".*(?i)B.E.*$")
CREATE UNIQUE (names)-[r:contains{type:"declared"}]->(target)
I have no idea if such a query would be fast on your data, however. If you put the "Name" label on all your nodes, then MATCH names:Name will still bind all nodes in the database, so it'll probably still be slow.
P.S. The relationships you create have a TYPE called contains, and you give them a property called type with value declared. Maybe you have a good reason, but that's potentially very confusing.
Reading through your question and my answer again I no longer think that I understand even your cypher query. (Why are you returning both the bound nodes and properties of those nodes?) Please consider posting sample data on and explain in more detail what your model looks like and what you are trying to do. Let me know if my answer meets your question at all or I'll consider removing it.

How to find the nodes that overlap between two sets of nodes

I have a directed graph, and for a given node N, I want to find the nodes who have inbound relationships to N but not outbound relationships from N. It seems like it should be a simple thing, but I'm having trouble getting my head wrapped around the query.
so I've got:
start n=node({id}) match (n)<-[:RELTYPE]-inbound
but can't figure out how to structure the rest of the clause. I'm feeling rather stupid. I could, of course, just do two queries and perform the calculation in my Java code, but it seems like there should be a query that would do the job more efficiently.
Never mind, I"m an idiot.
start n=node({id}) match n<-[:RELTYPE]-someone where not n-[:RELTYPE]->someone return someone;
