With CORBA what is the difference between the -port 1050 -ORBInitialPort 1055 options? - corba

When executing orbd there appears to be two different port options.
orbd -port 1050 -ORBInitialPort 1055
What are the differences between these two ports?

Check the Oracle documentation, a google search should have given you this also


Determine version of mosquitto

I'm looking for a way to determine mosquitto's version BEFORE starting it.
Of course I could start it and subscribe to $SYS/broker/version.
For security reasons mosquitto needs an extended configuration file since version 2.0, which I have to generate depending on the found mosquitto version.
Since I'm starting a mosquitto process programmatically, I don't want to start a process, get the version, quit the process, and restart it with a different config file.
Unfortunately, the mosquitto.exe doesn't contain any version information, so GetFileVersionInfo does not work.
Is there any other reliable information to find out if it's a version less oder greater than 2.0?
What's wrong with mosquitto -h it outputs the version information in the first line and then exit on it's own:
$ mosquitto -h
mosquitto version 2.0.12
mosquitto is an MQTT v5.0/v3.1.1/v3.1 broker.
Usage: mosquitto [-c config_file] [-d] [-h] [-p port]
-c : specify the broker config file.
-d : put the broker into the background after starting.
-h : display this help.
-p : start the broker listening on the specified port.
Not recommended in conjunction with the -c option.
-v : verbose mode - enable all logging types. This overrides
any logging options given in the config file.
See https://mosquitto.org/ for more information.
Also you could just generate a valid 2.0 config file every time as this will still work with earlier versions of Mosquitto.

How to let zabbix know when Java Heap is out of memory on CentOS

My server is running some java processes (Wowza media Server).
And 1 day, it had been error "out of memory java heap".
I want zabbix to detect this issue to send notify email.
Anyone know about this please help, or just give me an idea.
Thank a lot.
I tried to find some commandline to get java heap size,
java -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal -version | grep HeapSize
but this is not what i want.
I want to get the value of heap memory at the time i run the command
You can use JMX to monitor JVM metrics (cpu, threads, memory).
JMX monitoring has native support in Zabbix in the form of a Zabbix daemon called “Zabbix Java gateway”, introduced since Zabbix 2.0.
You can see the documentation here.
As mentioned you can use JVM . For
The interface for the item key "jmx [java.lang: type = Memory,
Does your Host in Zabbix have JMX interface configured? You can see how it should look like in the documentation link, mentioned above. in section: Configuring JMX interface
p.s mostly it is server_ip and port 6969.

docker assigned an ip I can not find ipconfig but it exists

On Windows 7 I installed docker which brings up a headless VM. For the first test I built the largest nginx and ran 8080:80, but then I could not browse it on my Windows.
Attempts by localhost:8080 failed.
Then I performed:
docker inspect [MY-CONTEINER-ID]
I tried to use the ip I found there as 172, obviously another fail
Further I used ipconfig on Windows and I found, but it also failed. Eventually after hours, I accidentally browsed and it worked!
Could you please let me know that how I could find where this is assigned, what the logic is and by which command I could reveal it?
Using the comments by Matt Clark it solved!
I commanded
docker-machine ls
and I got the ip I was confused about. Thank you.

Wireshark is not capturing OpenFlow packets from Mininet

Hi everyone I downloaded the ISO file for investigating SDN features from here: http://sdnhub.org/tutorials/sdn-tutorial-vm/.
1) I run Mininet
sudo mn
to make basic topology
2) Then I run wireshark
sudo wireshark &
3) I tick all interfaces and start capturing
4) In mininet I do
h1 ping h2
5) I apply filter in wireshark "openflow", "of",....
6) But no OpenFlow packet are displayed
Could you help me please what is wrong? Thanks
It would help to know where the controller is running. Is it a remote controller running in your host OS, or a controller running in the Mininet VM? Because you've run the basic topology, I'm going to answer based on the assumption that you're running the simulation over the basic ovs-controller that's enabled by default which runs within the VM.
Looks like you've run Wireshark from your host OS and not on Mininet. You made sure that you're listening on all the interfaces, good. But if the controller was running in the Mininet VM, these interfaces would have nothing to do with the OF packets and hence would not capture them. To actually capture the OF packets if the controller is in the Mininet VM, you've got to run an instance from the VM.
For me, openflow_v4 filter worked.
Try selecting only the loopback interface: lo

Access JVM properties from command line

I have some JBoss 5.1.0 instances running on JDK1.6 on RHEL5. I would like to access heap/permgen/etc information from their VMs.
The JBoss configuration has not explicitly enabled JMX on the JVM for remote access with JConsole/JVisualVM.
I can access JBoss-related information through Twiddle, and, if I had a GUI on this machine, I would be able to access this information by running JConsole/JVisualVM (JDK 1.6 allows the connection of these clients after the app has been started, even without the com.sun.management options).
Is there a way to access this information without restarting these VMs?
The ways I can envisage doing it are:
Using Twiddle to access this information through JBoss' JMX console - if this is possible, what should I be passing in to find the information?
Using a command line client to connect to the running JDK in the same way that JConsole can. I am aware of cmdline-jmxclient but I don't know if it is capable of this.
The solution is to use jstat:
jstat -gccapacity -t 4994 5s
This line prints out the Garbage Collector capacity information, plus a timestamp for process 4994 every 5 seconds.
You need to be the correct user to gain access to the VM, so for me the above command had to be run sudo -u jboss jstat ....
There's lots more information on the documentation page.
