Dynamic Creating Named DataCache programmatically - azure-caching

new DataCache("myCacheName");
I can successfully access existing named cached in my managed AzureCacheService.
Using a name which was not created in the management portal raises an DataCacheException telling me that the cache doesnt exist.
Now I want dynamically create a new named DataCaches.
I can't find anything about this in the msdn documentation. Also Neither the DataCache nor the DataCacheFactory api are offering methods for creating
Isn't this supported? Any hints are welcome

Currently , configuration of named cache related properties within a managed cache (which includes creation of named caches, changing it's properties etc) can only be done via Azure portal from within the 'configure' tab. Doing it programmatically is not supported.


How to assign a copied jira board to project using API?

I'm trying automatize some processes. I create a project using Jira API and can not find possibilities to change the board's setting using API.
How I am doing it using UI. Firstly I copy the board then I walk to my copied board's settings and change its location to desired project. After that I delete the old board of this project. I did not find any method for assign board's configuration. There are only some API methods for getting configuration not setting. Have you got any suggestions for this ?
It doesn't look like there are currently any API methods that would allow you to perform that change. My suggestion would be instead use the Create method to create a new board with the copied configuration, and set the project location during creation.
You could also potentially try use the https://sitename.atlassian.net/rest/greenhopper/1.0/rapidviewconfig/boardLocation PUT method, which is what's called when you change the location from the UI. However that is from the frontend, so your mileage may vary as far as authentication and use in general.

How do i change the firestore database in a copied ios project?

I have created an Xcode project and implemented firebase.
I have copied the project and renamed it.
I have created a new firebase project and i have replaced the Firebase config whatever info.plist.
I have reinstalled the pods.
I checked the code looking for a reference to the database.
And after all this work the new application still uses the old database from the previous project.
When i create a new user it is added in the old project.
Somebody has any clue?
I dont wanna share the code
I'm assuming you're trying to access your database directly using the REST API. GCP checks your credentials to know which database you're accessing.
If you're running your app locally there are a couple ways you could be using to connect to the database. If you're using service account key, authentication will be done accessing the 'GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS' variable in your environment. You might need to change that to a new service key of your new project. Watch out as these keys give full access to your database. You can check other access options here: https://firebase.google.com/docs/firestore/use-rest-api.
If you're accessing a local emulator (which I find unlikely), you can find more info here: https://firebase.google.com/docs/emulator-suite/connect_firestore
If you're having this problem on the deployed app, GCP will use by default the app engine service account to try and access the project's database. You might be constructing your Firestore API referencing the name of another project. This would probably only work if you've done this: google function: accessing firestore database of another project.
1- You have to be sure that you've changed the rules related to the database which is located here:
2- Make sure that once you created the app in firebase you've used the same bundle identifier
3- You can't use two different databases on the same project
4- Don't forget to enable the database and users in the new project

How to create custom AR button

Does someone have any examples how to generate AR URL?
Reading Web SDK documentation, seems that there is no functionality to do that.
Found https://github.com/Roomle/roomle-button but not sure that`s still way to go since it has not been updated for 2 years.
If you are using the Roomle SDK you can use saveCurrentConfiguration to get the configuration id (hash) of the current configuration. Not sure what you used at the moment to obtain a configuration id but you need to call this in order to save it on the Roomle server and open it in another place.
Also make sure to set the configuratorId URL param when linking to the AR site.

Updating acl file using JS in hyperledger-composer

I am working on hyperledger playground. I have found that the access rules for participants can be specified manually on acl file in hyperledger composer. But is there a way that allows me to add rules to this file using JS?
There is an organization. It has some assets, and its number of employees is not fixed. As the admin adds new employees, their access rights on these assets is not known beforehand.
Is there a way such that as new employees are added, I can dynamically create rules for them, modifying the .acl file by script?
see the condition property in the reference doc https://hyperledger.github.io/composer/latest/reference/acl_language. As the condition property accepts code, you can invoke functions that exist within your business network .js files, however these functions are not allowed to invoke the composer runtime API. A summary of those functions not allowed can be found here
If you try to use them it will throw an error.

AWS Mobile Hub User Pool

Where in the Mobile Hub after generating does the code reference the user pool? I have searched the project for my user pool name: testing_userpool_MOBILEHUB_xxxx but can't find it anywhere. Is it stored in a constants somewhere? I am new to Mobile Hub.
You don't mention the language, but...
In iOS, there is an Info.plist file. Look under AWS/CognitoUserPool/Default for the four keys that identify the user pool.
In Android, there is a file in app/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/mobile called AWSConfiguration.java that contains the definitions.
In JavaScript, you will adjust the AWS.config global variable. This is generally set up in a file called aws-config.js within your project.
