Change / move zendesk help button - zendesk

actually how can i change the right 'help' zendesk button
to my custom header or footer 'help' button, i need the trigger like even onclick on js,
Kindly advice

Try the below URL, it should guide you through the process, then just add the part that helped to this thread as URls can change.

To hide the help button put this behind your zendesk code:
zE(function() {
Followed by an onclick="zE.activate({hideOnClose: true});" on your contact button.


Unable to Click via xpath,classname,location or index

I am working to automate an android app which have some screen of webview too. I am unable to click the right element through xpath class, with index or even with giving name text.
If you see these screenshots it is visible that when I inspect element i get link to somewhere else. i tried using getlocation and then pass it for click but it also getting me wrong click.
I tried touchaction class methods but they are not working. My code get pass through appium but the methods tap or press nothing.
I tried this way too but no luck.
WebElement Quiz1 = (new WebDriverWait(driver , 20))
.until(ExpectedConditions.presenceOfElementLocated(By.xpath("//android.view.View[contains(#content-desc,'Die Wish App')]")));;
Any help would be appreciated. Also how can I use webview rather than webelement? and which one is preferable?
You can click on the element which you have highlighted in the screenshot.Below is the locator to identify that element
By.accessibilityId("Die Wish App")

Vaadin: How do I get rid of the grey "Upload" box to the right of the "browse" box?

Upload upload = new Upload("My File");
I want that gone because I have a nice one on the line below.
Thanks community!
The following does the trick:

firefox addon sdk override link preview text

I'm new to developing firefox addons and was wondering if there is a way to override/modify the link preview text that appears at the bottom of the browser when you hover over a link.
I've looked briefly and wasn't able to find any reference describing this.
Thanks for any thoughts.
You can set the status text like this:
Where aDOMWindow is a window like that returned from for example Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow('navigator:browser').
So like do link.addEventListener('onmouseenter'.... a function that does setOverLink
and to make it go away set it to blank string. So just window.XULBrowserWindow.setOverLink('')
But you are doing this on mouse enter of a link and by default mouse out of links will blank it so you may not neede to handle blanking it.
you asked about add-sdk, so the Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow might not make sense, so here's a quick test you can try in sdk:
const { getMostRecentBrowserWindow } = require('sdk/window/utils');

New way to change button label in jquery mobile 1.4

Before, it was done this way
$("label[for='buttonid'] .ui-btn-text").html('newtext');
What is the new way? Button comments here do not seem to cover this issue.
Try this:

How to add fields to a Dialog

Iam new in BlackBerry programming. I want to make a Dialog with 2 inputtext, 2 labels and OK and Cancel button something like this:
Your requirement is nothing but "Custom Popup"
For this the below link will help you:
Check this and change according to your requirement.
