Experiencing (ARC) Semantic Issue? - ios

All day, I have been cleaning up an old project of mine.
I have a lot of needless features that I want to get rid of to avoid the app from getting to cramped (including an intro screen that I would like to redesign).
Anyways, I've created a new project and I've been transferring over bits of code, piece by piece to keep everything clean.
All of the code seems to be in the same place as my previous project, however, I am now receiving numerous Semantic Issue (occasional ARC Semantic Issue) errors upon building the app.
Is there any stupid mistake I am making that someone else has encountered themselves? Or am I doing something frantically wrong. Newbie here, I apologize in advance.
If anyone is willing to take a deeper look into the issue, I'd be happy to send the project. :)

You don't seem to have imported the Core Data headers into your app delegate.
#import <CoreData/CoreData.h>


Returning hundreds of errors when including SwiftyJSON

ErrorI am learning swift at the moment and recently tried to use SwiftyJSON to parse JSON data. However, following a tutorial, when I dragged the SwiftyJSON.swift file into my project window, it immediately shows 100+ errors in the SwiftyJSON file. Because of this, I am unable to use SwiftyJSON in my projects and can't gather data from the web. I am using Xcode 8.2 and learning Swift 3.0.
Has anyone else had this problem, and have a solution to it?
Sorry if this is a really dumb question by the way.
Edit: Error Image Linked
This is a VERY, very easy fix, so don't worrry!
In your SwiftyJSON.swift file, at the very top, there is some weird WebResource text that should either be removed, or at the very least commented out.
Below is what your SwiftyJSON.swift file should look like:
As opposed to:
Hope this helps! Very simple mistake, but easy to miss because its at the top of the huge Permissions comment block!

iOS: #import AnyModule not found after editing class using cocoapods

I have an Obj-C/Swift project setup that imports modules using cocoapods. In any class where I am importing a framework using the #import function I get the error message SomeModule not found. However, when I build/run it compiles fine, and the framework works and functions as expected.
The problem here is that it messes me up when I'm trying to write code below the error (i.e., objects appear as ints because the error above messes up the compiler; function auto complete doesn't work, etc). What's weird, if I cmd+s to save the class, the error messages go away. Then the second I start typing again, they reappear.
I've gone as far as removing all of my cocoapods and reinstalling them, but to no avail. This has only been an issue since installing xcode 8.
Anyone have any insight into this?
Thanks in advance.
Sorry for super late response - the only way I found to get around this was to use the "old" style of framework import; i.e., ... it seems like some Frameworks just don't play nicely with the #import declaration. #pablo-martinez
If someone has a better solution please feel free to share.

I stupidly turned on OBJC Automatic Reference Counting (ARC). Now my code is messed up. Can I undo?

I code in Javascript using the Appcelerator framework.
This AM I decided to open Xcode and turn on ARC based on some online advice.
Well it seems Xcode refactored all my original JS files into something I cannot understand or read.
This project has been something I've been working on for years. My last backup is from 6 months ago, so going back to that one is a very very painful option.
Is there any way to 'undo' the refactoring and bring back my original files. Either in Xcode, OS X or any kind of way. I'll do anything at this point, since I'm suicidal now and stepping outside to get some fresh air and relax :)
Thank you for any advice!!!!! I'll give away all my points to help fix this :)

Adding Cocos2d to existing project

I would like to appologize in advance however I think this question is overlooked. I have a project I have been working on and I would like to incorporate coco2d. How can I implement the coco2d-iphone-2.0 download. All the tutorials I have tried have either been outdated or left me with errors.
I keep getting ARC Semantic Issue and ARC Restriction once I follow steps of other tutorials to add coco2d to an existing project.
Thus, could someone be so kind as to put a step but step approach to adding the latest stable version of coco2d to an already existing project.
Sorry if this seems trivial.
I think the easiest way would be through cocoapods. have a look at this web site http://cocoapods.org/

QR De/Encoder SIGABRT error (switching between de/encoder)

hey guys i have to make an app for my school project which includes reading an creating of QR Codes...
No Problem so far. I started with making a tap bar application so that you can switch between the two settings.
I'm using the ZBarSDK to read the Codes and that works so far...
for creating the codes i am using the kuapay-iOS-QR-Code-Generator and that worke also...
but if i combine them in my app i get the SIGABRT error after switching between the views :/
i hope you can help me i uploaded the whole project, so that everybody can see the problem directly!
Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?01acxgitv27uj9n
I hope you can help me :)
I had the same problem, have you disabled the armv7s architecture in your build settings? Also, have you made sure to connect all your outlets to appropriately declared properties? I'm fairly new too, and I would have made this a comment instead of an answer, but it seems I don't have enough rep to do so/ can't find the link to comment.
