Errors in AVCONV (error count , error y=31 x=16, overread 8 ) - avconv

I have a Dlink camera DCS-932L.
I want to get video -> image.
To do that I execute:
avconv -i http://user:pass#[IP]/video.cgi?user=user&password=pass&channel=0&.mjpg "%d.jpeg"
A few times I get errors like:
[mjpeg # 0x18a1240] error y=31 x=16
error count: 64
overread 8
Is there a way to discard this errors? If I have a bad image doesn't matter. I want that avconv to continues with saving images.


Delay occouring when skipping to another mp3

I am recording incoming stream to mp3 file into 20 seconds parts in sender device. After that i am uploading this files to Google Drive(using RCLONE). Then i am downloading this files to receiver device. I am waiting about a while time (buffering) in the receiver side. Then i start to play this file using VLC-player from command line and listening this song. Having a problem when skipping to another m3 file in media-player occurring an silence about 0.1 seconds. I tried to concatenate those mp3 files into one file, but same problem had occurred again.
How can i handle this problem ?
Here is the part of code;
def Sound(self):
t1=threading.Thread(target=self.read_playlist) # update playlist file continuously
vlc_instance = vlc.Instance()
player = vlc_instance.media_player_new()
while 1:
media = vlc_instance.media_new(self.playlist[i].strip())
Mr. Brad, i am so late for feedback sorry about that. Problem solved with your advice, here what i do:
First i am creating an HLS segment with this command;
ffmpeg -f alsa -i plughw:1,0 -c:a libmp3lame -f segment -strftime 1 -segment_time 1 -segment_format mpegts path/%Y%m%d%H%M%S.ts
This creates a ".ts" files which is the length of 1 second according to timestamp
In the receiver side, i am downloading this ".ts" files to my device. While downloading these ".ts" files, i am waiting to create a ".m3u8" file for example let's say,
buffer time is 3 minutes, then i am starting the download process and waiting for 3 minutes to create ".m3u8" file.
After 3 minutes, i am starting to create ".m3u8" file manually and i am starting mpv-player(python interface) to play the ".m3u8" file. I am updating ".m3u8" file every one second in the receiver side

Scrubbing does not work on playing a network stream video vlcj

We are having the same issue that is descibed here
When we try to scrubbing the video, it does not work, vlcj is buffering every time we scrubbing and we are getting the errors logs below
[163bdd44] core input error: ES_OUT_SET_(GROUP_)PCR is called too late (pts_delay increased to 101 ms)
[163bdd44] core input error: ES_OUT_RESET_PCR called
[2403dc04] core vout display error: Failed to set on top
[164a8284] http access error: error: HTTP/1.1 500 Object not found
[15c5f1d4] core input error: input control fifo overflow, trashing type=3
Does anyone know if using a convention of VLC Configuration we can fix it ?

Passing mono audio data to AVAudioEnvironmentNode

I am attempting to use an AVAudioEnvironmentNode to produce 3D spatialized sound for a game I'm working on. The AVAudioEnvironmentNode documentation states, "It is important to note that only inputs with a mono channel connection format to the environment node are spatialized. If the input is stereo, the audio is passed through without being spatialized. Currently inputs with connection formats of more than 2 channels are not supported." I have indeed found this to be the case. When I load audio buffers with two channels into an AudioPlayerNode and connect the node to an AVAudioEnvironmentNode, the output sound is not spatialize. My question is, how can I send mono data to the AVAudioEnvironmentNode?
I've tried creating a mono .wav file using Audacity as well as loading an AVAudioPCMBuffer with sine wave data programmatically. I find that either way, when I create a single channel audio buffer and attempt to load the buffer into an AudioPlayerNode, my program crashes with the following error:
2016-02-17 06:36:07.695 Test Scene[1577:751557] 06:36:07.694 ERROR:
[0x1a1691000] ScheduleBuffer: required
condition is false: _outputFormat.channelCount ==
buffer.format.channelCount 2016-02-17 06:36:07.698 Test
Scene[1577:751557] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception
'', reason: 'required condition is false:
_outputFormat.channelCount == buffer.format.channelCount'
Checking the AVAudioPlayerNode output bus does indeed reveal that it expects 2 channels. It's unclear to me how this can be changed, or even if it should be.
I stipulate that I have very little experience working with AVFoundation or audio data in general. Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
I hope you have solved this already, but for anyone else:
When connecting your AVAudioPlayerNode to an AVAudioMixerNode or any other node that it can connect to, you need to specify the number of channels there:
audioEngine.connect(playerNode, to: audioEngine.mainMixerNode, format: AVAudioFormat.init(standardFormatWithSampleRate: 96000, channels: 1))
You can check if the sample rate is 96000 for your file in Audacity, or 'Get Info' in Finder.

iOS 7: Strange AVAssetExportSession bug

I have used AVAssetExportSession to join 2 video files. It works fine in iOS 6 but has very strange bug in iOS 7.
Let me explain this bug. I have 2 video files, the first video is 8 seconds duration and the second is 81 seconds duration. In iOS7, it will be fine if I do the second + the first. But if I do the first + the second, it will be error:
Error Domain=AVFoundationErrorDomain Code=-11800 "The operation could not be completed" UserInfo=0x176cb5c0 {NSLocalizedDescription=The operation could not be completed, NSUnderlyingError=0x176ca000 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (OSStatus error -12633.)", NSLocalizedFailureReason=An unknown error occurred (-12633)}
I have checked exportPresetsCompatibleWithAsset and supportedFileTypes. There is no problem with it. Could anyone tell how to fix this? Any help would be appreciated.
Does anyone know this bug :(. I provide 2mp4 files which cause the bug: test 1, test 2. Do join "test 2" + "test 1" is fine, but do "test 1" + "test 2" will cause an error. It only happens in iOS7
I found that you can replace AVAssetExportSession with SDAVAssetExportSession. You can then specify settings instead of using presets which provide different results across different devices.
I had to change __weak typeof(self) wself = self; to
__weak SDAVAssetExportSession * wself = self; on line 172 of SDAVAssetExportSession.m.
I had an "unknown error occurred (-12633)" message.
Found the answer to be adding two samples with same timestamp.
Apparently error -12633 is an InvalidTimestamp.
See this SO post -> AVAssetWriter unknown error
If you are using methods insertTimeRanges or insertTimeRange, you need to ensure that the input time ranges are valid. To be more specific, you should not use the asset's duration for this, you need to get the accurate time ranges from individual asset tracks.
Use command ffprobe -show_frames path_to_file to inspect your video files, which sometimes may be very helpful.

ERROR: shrink of file system cache did not fully complete. Result: 21

its my first day using ios 7
i get this line in log hundreds of times per second.
i didn't get it before with the same code with iOS 6
maybe thats caused by :
[NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:(NSURL *)];
it does not happen when i remove this line
do anybody know what's the meaning of this error ?
