I want to show data in grid format iPad - ios

In my application I have to show data in grid like Asp.net gridControl.I want following features
Sorting on multiple column
Filtering on multiple column
Editable data, update data.
Resizing Column width.
Filtering between 2 dates
Have any example which meet my requirements.

In iOS SDK UICollectionView can be used as Grid View. Using UICollectionView along with search bar sorting, filtering can be achieved.
Hope this helps.

Use UICollectionView or try to use some already made controls


Kendo UI Grid data bind to two table DB

I am trying to figure out two things. First, is it even possible. Second, am I on the correct path?
I am making an ASP.net Kendo UI Grid that just needs a very simple two table, inner join from an Entity Framework model. The issue is that one of the fields is incredibly large. It requires me to set the value to the json object size to max int value just to be able to return a single table result.
Because the resulting set is so large, I do not seem to be able to use a view model. It just returns a size limit error on that as well. Is there a way to return a very large dataset from two tables to a single Kendo UI grid? I have tried every suggestion from every existing answer on Stack Overflow and the Telerik forums.
I don't really think that some user need information which cannot be handled by default json object size.
May be should load first 50-100 characters from that field to grid and if user click on cell load rest of the data.
Another way is using virtual scroll or paging.
If kendo model cant handle your field size, you can add columnt to each row with view large data button and open window with text field loaded from db on click.

display multiple checkbox in a single row of kendo UI Grid

I am working on Kendo UI. How to display multiple checkbox in a single row of Kendo UI Grid ?
each Kendo component accepts a template which is in kendo's own format. You could setup that grid cell any way you want with as many checkboxes as you want.
have a look here for an example on how to do it :
You might want to use telerik's forums for this kind of questions, they are very good at answering and you get replies from the people who actually created it.

Manipulate Kendo Grid Column Design

How to displayed records in grouping,I mean hide the column data if its in same group.Please refer below screen shot.
Is it possible in Kendo Grid(with asp.net MVC)?
Thanks in advance.
You should consider using grid hierarchy or aggregates, whichever suits you best.
Here's a working demo for hierarchy and a working demo for aggregates.

Ui-grid: how can I create multiple ui grids dynamically

I need to display multiple ui grids in my screen. The number of grids are dynamic.
Scenario: I am adding some people in a list and proceeds to next screen where I need to display their details in a separate ui grid. How can I create grid options dynamically?
Wrap up the code and html inside a directive, pass the table data to the directive.See the answer from user CMR here...I hope this helps.
Custom directive for Ui Grid

Can I freeze the header row of a fusion table

I've got data from 50 states that I'd like to display in the table format (I've also got it mapped) but the table height is so large that you can't scroll down without losing the header row. Since there's 13 columns with yes/no information, once you lose sight of that row it becomes difficult to understand what you're reading.
I would love to be able to freeze the header row so that data below it can scroll (in both x and y axes). I thought about using an image on top of the table but that doesn't work when the table is wider than the body block.
Here's the table.
You'll note I'm having trouble with column width too, as I can't get that last column to stretch out.
Also, my backup plan is to allow users to simply download the table, but I can't figure out how to set the link to download the table.
Thanks in advance for any help!
Embedded tables use the Google Charts table visualization, which supports a fixed header if you set the height. See the configuration options for details.
