IOKit/pwr_mgt/IOPMLib.h not found - ios

I've just downloaded an open source project (Siphon link for download the source code) and I am trying to run it on the simulator, but I get this error IOKit/pwr_mgt/IOPMLib.h not found.
What's the problem?
(I've got XCode 5.1 and the app deployment target is iOS 7.1)


Error when trying to open cloned project in xcode: "Could not open file"

I want to create an iOS build for my cordova app. For this i must use Xcode. I cloned the repository and tried to open it using File > open > path but I always get the following error:
The project does not have any .xcodeproj or other xcode-related files in it because it was not developped in Xcode.
What I've tried already:
I also tried opening xcode from the terminal inside the project-directory but that resultet in the same error.
Restarted the Mac and Xcode.
Logged out of my Apple- and GitHub accounts in Xcode and logged in again.
Deleted all of the DerivedData files and iOS Device Logs
I'd be very glad if someone could help me.
If you look at, there are steps how to create a project for iOS.
Here is a snapshot:
Add Platforms
cordova platform add ios
cordova platform ls
Build the App
cordova build ios
That should create an Xcode project.

Parse Issue (Xcode): Module 'fluttertoast' not found

i have flutter code which is used to build ios and android app, when code run in xcode using simulator, it runs fine, but when run in android studio or in visual studio code using
flutter run --flavor stg
get the following error :
Parse Issue (Xcode): Module 'fluttertoast' not found
GeneratedPluginRegistrant.m:131:8 Could not build the application for
the simulator. Error launching application on iPhone 13.
Please help :(
It's lookes likes you are opening incorrect file. you should open
open runner.xcworkspace ,it worked!
also run pod install in IOS directory.

Unable to build iOS after renaming Xcode project flutter

I have an issue guys. For some reason, I decided to rename my Xcode project runner folder before sending to the apple store. Now I wanted to rebuild for iOS with this command: flutter build ios. But I get this error each time:
Expected ios/Runner.xcodeproj but this file is missing.
Application not configured for iOS
I also tried building this with Xcode. I got this error each time:
/Users/apple/FlutterProjects/kashbase/ios/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-Kashbase/Pods-Kashbase.debug.xcconfig: unable to open file (in target "Kashbase" in project "Kashbase") (in target 'Kashbase')
What does this mean and how can resolve this? Any helpful effort will be greatly appreciated.

Xcode Simulator using cached files

I am running a Cordova app and when I open it using Xcode (iOS Simulator) it shows the updated code files in Project Navigator. I then run Product -> Clean and run the code on the simulator but it still uses a previous version of the HTML/JS files.
How do I get the simulator to build again from the updates source files? It seems they are somehow cached and I can't seem to get it cleared.
Use cordova build ios first and then run the app in simulator.

CodeSign error in simulator pod libs

I was implementing a share extension. Out of nowhere an error occurs when I try to build the project for iOS simulator:
CodeSign error: entitlements are required for product type 'Static Library' in SDK 'Simulator - iOS 8.4'. Your Xcode installation may be damaged.
The error appears on most included CocoaPods libraries:
It works perfectly fine on my iPhone 6.
What have I done before the error occurred
I merged a branch into another branch (git).
What have I tried to solve the error
Reverting the branch: no effect
deleting Pods directory and Pod.lock file and install pods again: no effect
I downloaded the iOS simulator 8.3 and I get the identical error (... in SDK 'Simulator - iOS 8.4' ...).
It seems that the Xcode installation was really broken. I deleted Xcode and installed it again. It works, now.
