Single Signon - PingFederate - What might cause a session to expire? - ruby-on-rails

1) First, I know that the clocks between a user system and PingFederate (PF) needs to be within 5 min of each other. Is the time PF sends me in its SAML the time PF is using? Also can I set the difference between the clocks?
2) Second, I am currently logging in to PingFederate but then am following an endless cycle of PingFederate saying I am logged in, and then my Rails app using Devise asking PingFederate again if I am logged in. I checked that a session is getting set for that user. Is there something that could cause the session to expire?

All times sent in assertions in PingFederate (and all other products) are in UTC as defined by the SAML-Core (Pg. 9, Line 310, section 1.3.3) standard. Your "SP" endpoint/application should be using the same when calculating time differences, to be SAML-compliant.
As I've stated in my comments, this is definitely a Rails issue. The assertion isn't "expiring" - your app just isn't creating an authenticated session. SAML doesn't provide for a length of how long the user's authentication is valid for.


Azure AD Sign in + OWIN + MVC/Webforms + Timeout + Refresh Token

I have successfully followed this guide "Tutorial: Add sign-in to Microsoft to an ASP.NET web app", and introduced Azure AD logins to our old WebForms/MVC application. This is working fine in terms of logins/logouts. This is using AD rather than B2C.
The problem we are now facing is our users are being logged out between 60-90 minutes - I think to do with this: "The default lifetime of an access token is variable. When issued, an access token's default lifetime is assigned a random value ranging between 60-90 minutes (75 minutes on average)"
My question is, how do I deal with this correctly?
I want users to be logged in for a period I select.
If they are active I want them to stay signed in.
I want sliding expiration turned on, and I want to be able to increase the access token to longer than 60-90 minutes.
I've seen on the Startup.cs class I can set these two properties on UseCookieAuthentication, but no cookie is created and the settings do not come into affect.
ExpireTimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1),
SlidingExpiration = true
Or another idea is I somehow need to refresh the token on posting the page back.
I've also seen something around caching the tokens.
Please can someone shed some light on this?
I can't find any other documentation on how to implement this correctly and users having to login to an application every 60 minutes that the use all day is proving very frustrating.

iOS - AWS Cognito - "NotAuthorizedException" - Logins don't match

For some reason an account which I've registered using my app and tested before is now giving me an error when trying to log in using its details: "Logins don't match. Please include at least one valid login for this identity or identity pool."
I know the values I am using for it are definitely correct and other accounts are still able to login. What could be the cause of this error?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
What the SDK is trying to tell you is that the identityId in your Federated Identity Pool (and which may be stored in a keychain in your device, and which may be re-established on restart from an existing session) does not match the login in your authentication provider which was returned by the "logins" method.
This can happen in a number of different ways, but this usually occurs because you attempt to log in as another user on the same authentication provider without first logging out.
The SDK recovers by retrying.
(This recovery does not really work because I think it takes 2 or 3 attempts to time out, and the recovery then leaves you in a state where subsequent logins fail with the same error. Restarting the app clears this. I have not fully investigated the defect in the retry/recovery process)
The solution is to prevent the app from logging in on a different ID with the same authentication provider (IdP) without first logging out of that authentication provider.

Yammer - Users login stopped working

A significant number of users are getting the error message of 'GetAccessToken - Unauthorized error: Your network is not allowed to request an OAuth token for this Application' whilst trying to log in to our application.
I have checked and tested, and they are accessing the correct network with the right credentials. This is happening to almost every person, so I don't believe this to be a coincidence.
This has only begun to happen in the past 24-36 hours. Are there any suggestions as to why this error is occurring, has something changed that I may have missed?
Couple of possible scenarios:
It is likely that the new simplified SSO is rolling out for these
users, which means they will use their O365 credentials to login to
Yammer from now on. Every user will need to reauth external apps (I
had to for our own apps also when this change occurred for us last
Tokens also can expire when user's passwords expire, so if
they have a mandatory time interval to reset this could trigger an en masse need to reauth
Make sure your JS Origins are specified in your app details if you are using the Login with Yammer button and/or the JS SDK.
There isn't clear and definitive guidance regrettably from Yammer as to why and when tokens expire. Just that they do e.g. from
Once the token expires, you will need to re-run the steps above to generate a new code and access_token.

Primer on Getting Started

I'm just getting started with D2L and am running into problems.
On the "Getting Started" page, I have completed the first three steps:
1) Acquire an App Key/ID pair from D2L - I have received the App ID and App Key
2) Create a test account in your host LMS - I have created a new user account with the administrator role for testing
3) Choose a client library to work with - I am using the PHP SDK
4) Authenticate with your LMS - This is where I'm running into trouble.
When I use the Getting Started sample:
And enter my host, app ID and app key and hit on the "Authenticate" button, I get a "This application is not authorized on this LMS instance. Ask your administrator to authorize this application" error.
I am an administrator on my D2L host and I'm not sure how to authorize my own app.
I have tried the following:
Navigating to the "Manage Extensibility" page because that's where D2L says my app should be located, but it isn't there.
Enabling the API (d2l.Security.Api.EnableApi) under the "DOME" page to no avail.
What am I doing wrong?
Based on your question and comments, there were two issues here:
First is that the list of App ID/Key pairs appropriate for your LMS get regularly fetched by your LMS from the D2L KeyTool service. The schedule for this fetching is once a day; accordingly, if the scheduled task isn't set up, or if your LMS isn't identifying itself properly to the KeyTool service, or if time hasn't yet elapsed after key granting to the next scheduled run of the task, the App won't yet be in your LMS' Manage Extensibility list. It sounds like you no longer have that issue.
Second is that the Valence Learning Framework APIs' authentication process (requesting and retrieving a set of user tokens for an LMS user) requires several LMS features to be properly set up: (a) the LMS must be configured to support Deep Linking, (b) the LMS must be set up to handle the ?target= parameter on incoming client URL requests, and curate that parameter throughout the user authentication process.
In cases where your LMS is not doing the user authentication but depending upon another, third-party IDP (like Shibboleth), any ?target= parameter passed into the login process must be taken care of by the IDP and properly handed back to the LMS after user authentication. In a situation where you have multiple redirections occurring during user authentication, this can involve successive generation of a target parameter, and each generation must re-URL-encode the previous request URL in its entirety (like sticking an envelope inside another envelope, inside yet another envelope).
If your LMS is not properly configured to support these two points, which you might not notice during other operations, then client calls to the Learning Framework APIs won't work because the calling client won't be able to fetch back a set of user tokens.
To solve the second of these issues, you may have to contact D2L's Customer Support desk -- they can verify, and adjust as necessary, the LMS configuration part of this authentication chain. If you're integrating your LMS with other third-party IDP components not administered or deployed by D2L, then you might also need to adjust their configurations: D2L can likely advise on what needs to be done there (curate the target parameter on URls), but cannot adjust the configuration for you in those cases.

Automatic login

I am looking for a way to load simperium without having to present the login view after the first time the user enters his info.
This is what I get if I dont log in after the first time:
Simperium error: bucket list not loaded. Ensure Simperium is started
before any objects are fetched.
This is what I use to init Simperium:
self.simperium = [[Simperium alloc] initWithRootViewController:
Consider using OAuth.
OAuth is a system where the user can provide their credentials for a popular service like Google, Twitter, Facebook or other open ID providers.
Rather than caching the credentials on the device, which would be insecure, since getting access to these would give the user access to a large number of systems, OAuth gets the main authentication service to provide a token.
This token gets stored on the device and can be used to login automatically the next time.
The drawback is that it can be quite tricky to set up the first time, since there's quite a lot of complexity going on, not to mention that the standard is quite new so there was some evolution in the specification.
Simperium just needs user credentials to get started (the app id and username/token). The login view is a convenience to get those credentials for you, if you can already obtain them using some other means (like using HTTP auth API: then you can directly supply those without using the login view. See methods in
