Automatic login - ios

I am looking for a way to load simperium without having to present the login view after the first time the user enters his info.
This is what I get if I dont log in after the first time:
Simperium error: bucket list not loaded. Ensure Simperium is started
before any objects are fetched.
This is what I use to init Simperium:
self.simperium = [[Simperium alloc] initWithRootViewController:

Consider using OAuth.
OAuth is a system where the user can provide their credentials for a popular service like Google, Twitter, Facebook or other open ID providers.
Rather than caching the credentials on the device, which would be insecure, since getting access to these would give the user access to a large number of systems, OAuth gets the main authentication service to provide a token.
This token gets stored on the device and can be used to login automatically the next time.
The drawback is that it can be quite tricky to set up the first time, since there's quite a lot of complexity going on, not to mention that the standard is quite new so there was some evolution in the specification.

Simperium just needs user credentials to get started (the app id and username/token). The login view is a convenience to get those credentials for you, if you can already obtain them using some other means (like using HTTP auth API: then you can directly supply those without using the login view. See methods in


Typo3: FE Login with POST Request to external app server

I recently started getting into Typo3 but now I have to implement something for work and I have no clue where to start.
The requirements:
I have to add a separate page that can only be accessed by frontend
users. (so far no problem)
These frontend users should be able to login with the same password
as they got for their iOS app. (uh-oh)
The separate page should display data from the app. (less of an uh-oh
but connected to the previous point)
After talking to the developer of the app, he made a specific POST request that can be used for the webpage. I am also getting a json-file with the required data that I need to display upon successful login.
My question lies with the login. How do I go about implementing this? I use the extension felogin to provide the login form on the page.
The POST request is looking sort of like this: It needs user and password, declared as user and pwd. In the body there should be a json object with the language, e.g.:
You need to implement a SSO (SingleSignOn) as your users need to identify against the iOS-app.
This might give you a concept.
You also can look inside the code of some extension

When can ADAL tokens be shared? (iOS)

In my application, I am getting an access token via ADAL's acquireTokenSilent() for one resource, which succeeds, and then I try to get an access token for another resource and it says it was not found, and hence I have to call the API to explicitly prompt for credentials. This is a problem since then the user has to login twice with the same credentials in order to access two different resources.
I am using the same authority for each resource. Here is the message that shows there is no hit in the cache for the second resource.
May 4 13:22:37 iPad MyApp[290] : ADAL 2.4.1 iOS 10.2.1 [2017-05-04 20:22:37 - XXXX] INFO: No items were found for query: (resource https://MYRESOURCE + client + authority
So my question is, under what circumstances will tokens be shared across resources, and is there any special allowances (ways to use the APIs) which allow this?
If you are building two native clients (public clients) and you want to enable single sign on across the two, one option is to share the App ID between the apps versus passing the actual token from one service to another service.
For example lets say your company name is Contoso. You have a Calendar Mobile App, and a Document Editor App.
You can create a single Native Client Application with:
A common application name, like "Contoso Apps"
Redirect URIs for both apps
Permissions required for the sum of the two applications
Then when a user signs into either application, they will see a login screen with the generic name "Contoso Apps", and prompted to consent to permissions for both apps at the same time. Now this might be a little bit of a bad experience, since the permissions of the two will probably be more than the individual permissions required, but that could be fixed in the future with Incremental Consent.
Then assuming you are using our authentication libraries which automatically caches the access tokens, when the user opens the second application, they will not be prompted to consent because you already have a token cached for that Application ID.
This obviously is not the best solution, but one that has been used in the past for large enterprise applications.

How to use Stripe Connect in an iOS app

Has anyone had success using Stripe connect with an iOS app. I have a few questions:
I'm following the guidelines here:
Registering an Application: easy, no problem here
Then a little further down:
Send your users to Stripe: again, easy no problem here, I just have a button that opens up the link in a UIWebView. I assume having the client_id in the URL is fine? A lot of my uncertainty is what IDs/keys I should hard-code into the app
Then a little further down:
After the user connects or creates a Stripe account, we'll redirect them back to the redirect_uri you set in yourapplication settings with a code parameter or an error.
What I'm doing here is using the UIWebview's webView:shouldStartLoadWithReqest:navigationType delegate method to check for the string "code=" in the URL. If it finds that, then I'm able to grab the "code" parameter. So in reality, the redirect_uri is completely unnecessary for me. Is this the right way to handle this? Should I be doing this within my app or on my server?
After receiving the code, we are supposed to make a POST call to receive an access_token. Again, should this be done within the app or on the Server? It requires the use of a secret_key, so I'm guessing server? And how do I send credit card information along with this token if the token needs to be sent to the server? I know how to obtain the card number, exp date, and CVV. But in terms of passing it to the server (with or without the token) is something I'm not sure of.
Then when it comes to actually writing PHP, Ruby, or Python code on the server, I'm at a total loss.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You should setup a small web app to create stripe charges and storing you customers Authorization Code. Configure two routes in your web app for redirect_uri and webhook_uri and add the url in your Stripe Apps settings. The charges should be created from a server side app because it requires the secret_key / authorization_code which should not be stored in an iPad app. Otherwise they may lead to a security leak. I'm trying to describe the concept below:
Provide the stripe connect button in your app and set the link to open in Safari (not in an web view). You should add a state parameter to the url with an id which is unique to your users.
On tapping the button your user will be redirected to Stripe where s/he will be asked to authorize your application. Upon authorization stripe will hit your redirect_uri with a authorization_code and the state you previously provided. Do a post call according to Stripe Documentation with the authorization_code to get an access_token. Store the access_token mapped with the state in a database.
Define a custom url scheme in your app. Invoke the custom url from your web app. The user supposed to open the url in mobile safari. So invoking the custom url will reopen your application. You can pass an additional parameter to indicate failure / success. In your app update the view based on this parameter.
Now you are all set to create a charge on your server on behalf of the iPad user. Use stripe iOS sdk to generate a card_token from the card information. It'll require your stripe publishable_key. Then define an api in your web app which takes 3 parameters: card_token, user_id and amount. Call this api from your iPad app whenever you want to create a charge. You can also encrypt this information with a key if you're worried about security using any standard encryption method. You can easily decrypt the info in your web app as you know the key.
When this api is called from the iPad app you'll receive the user_id (which you saved as state previously), card_token and amount. Retrieve the access_token mapped to the user_id (or state). You can then made a charge on behalf of the user using the access_token, card_token and amount.
You can use ruby / php / python / node in the server as Stripe provides sdk for them. I assume other languages can be used as well as there is a REST interface.
Please note that this is just a concept. It should work like it but I haven't implemented it yet. I'll update this answer with sample code when I'm done.
You can use UIWebView. You will still need to use redirect urls and monitor the redirect using the delegate "webView:shouldStartLoadWithRequest:navigationType:"

YouTube API broken by Google. 'Authentication with Google failed. Reason: NoLinkedYouTubeAccount'

** UPDATE **
It truly seems that Google has just screwed every single person on the planet by absolutely requiring user interaction to upload a video. Of course I know, they are free. Exactly what I warned the client years ago about, so I don't need to be reminded. Thank You.
So I would like to try to take this in a different direction and just find a loophole and a workaround to still keep doing what we are doing in spite of Google's complete lack of support or caring in any way about the developers and what they have to deal with.
It would be different if you can actually call a phone number and talk to a human being about YouTube Partner access, but you can more quickly get access to the Illuminati.
OAuth 2.0 is now the only supported authentication method period. It does require user interaction.
But what about that token? Does anybody know how long the token lasts?
If I can obtain a token just once using user interaction and place it in the database, I can automate possibly hundreds or thousands of interactions afterwards.
In other words, I'm trying to turn the user interaction into a speed bump instead of a concrete wall.
If anybody has any examples of obtaining that token, caching it, and using it afterwards, that would be a godsend to me right now.
Thanks for the comments and the help. I'm not surprised that the YouTube Developers Forum just folded and said to come here instead :)
It seems that Google has completely pulled the plug on the existing dashboard.
That link is now 404'd. Tried from several different browsers on different systems.
Registered under the new Google APIs Console already, but still get the problem.
// Set the authentication URL for this connection object
$authenticationURL= '';
// Try to connect to YouTube with the channel credentials passed
try {
$httpClient =
$username = $channelfields['EMAIL_ADDRESS'],
$password = $channelfields['PASSCODE'],
$service = 'youtube',
$client = null,
$source = 'Redacted Data',
$loginToken = $channelfields['CACHED_TOKEN'],
$loginCaptcha = '',
} catch (Zend_Gdata_App_HttpException $httpException) {
$update_error['response_body'] = $httpException->getRawResponseBody();
$update_error['error'] = 1;
} catch (Zend_Gdata_App_Exception $e) {
$update_error['message'] = $e->getMessage();
$update_error['error'] = 1;
This code has worked perfectly fine before, but does not work with the older API key, or the newer one generated inside the Google APIs console.
I'm attempting a simple upload and this concerns me greatly:
"The service account flow supports server-to-server interactions that do not access user information. However, the YouTube Data API does not support this flow. Since there is no way to link a Service Account to a YouTube account, attempts to authorize requests with this flow will generate a NoLinkedYouTubeAccount error."
From all reports it seems that Google has forced YouTube uploads to become interactive in all cases precluding all possibility of platforms that automatically upload generated content from working at all.
Any help or insights into the process is appreciated.
P.S - Ohhh, it's been awhile since I looked at that system and Google shut down the YouTube Developer Forums and said "YOU" were responsible for their support now :)
OAuth2 does support the ability to avoid user interaction through the offline access type parameter (ie, using access_type=offline). Check out Google documentation for details.
The solution is really rather simple. Your app needs to use oauth to request offline access. It will be given an access cide which you convert to a refresh token, which is the thing you store in your database. This doesn't expire. Well actually it sometimes does, but that's another story. Whenever you need to access the api, use the stored refresh token to request an access token which you include in each api call.
See for details.
I don't know what you did but works perfectly fine for me. Maybe it was a temporary issue. If you want no user interaction you HAVE to use YouTube API v2 OR you have to use v3 with methods that don't require authentification OR you have to provide your own youtube account credentials which is not recommended and probably not appropriate for you situation.
Several issues to respond here, I think.
1) The older API console has not been removed, but I've noticed intermittent outages to it and to the newer API console while Google is rolling out their new "cloud console."
2) ClientLogin was officially deprecated in April of 2012, not just 48 hours ago. Jeff Posnick has detailed all the changes over the months (and related ones, such as AuthSub, Youtube Direct, etc.) at his blog (
3) You're right that, with v3 of the APIs, you cannot do automatic uploads across the board, as the oAuth2 flow requires user interaction. However, given the limited description of your use case, using refresh tokens is probably your best bet. If the content is user generated, somewhere they must be logging into your app, correct? (so that your app knows which credentials to leverage to do the uploads). At the point they're logging into your app, and you're starting the oAuth2 flow, you just have to hit the first oAuth endpoint and pass it the parameter access_type=offline (along with any other parameters). This will ensure that, when they grant that initial permission, you're returned a refresh token instead of an access token. With that refresh token, you can exchange it for multiple access tokens as needed (an access token lives for about an hour. I don't know how long a refresh token lives, but I've never had one expire before my own login cookies did, and then I just get a new one when my users re-login to my app).
Here's some more info on how to use the refresh token; note, too, that the various google api client libraries make it pretty smooth.
Also, this video tutorial from a Google Developers Live broadcast a couple of months ago might help illustrate the point: -- it's using the oAuth playground rather than a client library, but the concept is the same.
The answer is to use google-api-php-client, create an interactive auth page, and set up YouTube API v3 correctly with the new API console.
You can create a very simple page that will authenticate for the supplied channel and then store the correct token in your database. Is already working and uploading hundreds of videos on one channel. You do need to remember to fully activate yourself under the new API console and add the services required. Just keep authenticating and adding the services it says it needs. After that, the regular v3 upload process works just fine. On failure send a group an email and they can get a new token in 10 seconds.
Not the most elegant solution, but the documentation from Google is far from elegant anyways that Stack Overflow is now their front line support.
Just hang in there, a solution is always found. Don't give up!
I didn't get here by myself either, the other answers on this page helped me get all the way to this point. Thanks guys.
P.S - Don't forget the scopes

Primer on Getting Started

I'm just getting started with D2L and am running into problems.
On the "Getting Started" page, I have completed the first three steps:
1) Acquire an App Key/ID pair from D2L - I have received the App ID and App Key
2) Create a test account in your host LMS - I have created a new user account with the administrator role for testing
3) Choose a client library to work with - I am using the PHP SDK
4) Authenticate with your LMS - This is where I'm running into trouble.
When I use the Getting Started sample:
And enter my host, app ID and app key and hit on the "Authenticate" button, I get a "This application is not authorized on this LMS instance. Ask your administrator to authorize this application" error.
I am an administrator on my D2L host and I'm not sure how to authorize my own app.
I have tried the following:
Navigating to the "Manage Extensibility" page because that's where D2L says my app should be located, but it isn't there.
Enabling the API (d2l.Security.Api.EnableApi) under the "DOME" page to no avail.
What am I doing wrong?
Based on your question and comments, there were two issues here:
First is that the list of App ID/Key pairs appropriate for your LMS get regularly fetched by your LMS from the D2L KeyTool service. The schedule for this fetching is once a day; accordingly, if the scheduled task isn't set up, or if your LMS isn't identifying itself properly to the KeyTool service, or if time hasn't yet elapsed after key granting to the next scheduled run of the task, the App won't yet be in your LMS' Manage Extensibility list. It sounds like you no longer have that issue.
Second is that the Valence Learning Framework APIs' authentication process (requesting and retrieving a set of user tokens for an LMS user) requires several LMS features to be properly set up: (a) the LMS must be configured to support Deep Linking, (b) the LMS must be set up to handle the ?target= parameter on incoming client URL requests, and curate that parameter throughout the user authentication process.
In cases where your LMS is not doing the user authentication but depending upon another, third-party IDP (like Shibboleth), any ?target= parameter passed into the login process must be taken care of by the IDP and properly handed back to the LMS after user authentication. In a situation where you have multiple redirections occurring during user authentication, this can involve successive generation of a target parameter, and each generation must re-URL-encode the previous request URL in its entirety (like sticking an envelope inside another envelope, inside yet another envelope).
If your LMS is not properly configured to support these two points, which you might not notice during other operations, then client calls to the Learning Framework APIs won't work because the calling client won't be able to fetch back a set of user tokens.
To solve the second of these issues, you may have to contact D2L's Customer Support desk -- they can verify, and adjust as necessary, the LMS configuration part of this authentication chain. If you're integrating your LMS with other third-party IDP components not administered or deployed by D2L, then you might also need to adjust their configurations: D2L can likely advise on what needs to be done there (curate the target parameter on URls), but cannot adjust the configuration for you in those cases.
