NSMangedObject attributes value missing, when using more than one context simultaneously - ios

I am using three NSManagedObjectContexts (moc) as A, B, C (parent, child1, child2 respectively) for my project.
A(parent) is in private queue, only for saving after saving either of child moc saved
B(child1) is in main queue, is used for updating UI part
C(child2) is in private queue, is used for saving/updating data to core data from server response
Now my problem is when i am trying to load/populate a table with fetched data from core data using B, I miss attributes of entities. That means all attribute values becomes nil.
What I think happens is: I am saving data using context C and fetching data using B. Is it the reason for missing attributes?

I just ran into a similar situation where when trying to fetch from a child context would return the correct number of objects but all the properties would be nil. The culprit in my case was I had called
- (void)setPropertiesToFetch:(NSArray *)values
on my fetch request. Once I removed this line I got the properties populated. I was fetching NSManagedObjects and the documentation says:
This value is only used if resultType is set to NSDictionaryResultType.
So I would think it should've just been ignored, but in fact it breaks stuff. Oddly though if you leave that set properties call in and execute the fetch in the root context (the context that has no parent) then everything works normally. All this was in iOS 7.1


Why does storing a reference to an NSManagedObject prevent it from updating?

This question is poorly phased but this can be better explained in code.
We have a Core Data Stack with private and main contexts as defined by Marcus Zarra here: http://martiancraft.com/blog/2015/03/core-data-stack/
We call a separate class to do a fetch request (main context) and return an array of NSManagedObjects:
NSArray *ourManagedObjects = [[Client sharedClient].coreDataManager fetchArrayForClass:[OurObject class] sortKey:#"name" ascending:YES];
We then do some processing and store a reference:
self.ourObjects = processedManagedObjects
Our view contains a UITableView and this data is used to populate it and that works just fine.
We change the data on our CMS, pull to refresh on the UITableView to trigger a sync (private context) and then call this same function to retrieve the updated data. However, the fetch request returns the exact same data as before even though when I check the sqlite db directly it contains the new data. To get the new values to display I have to reload the app.
I have discovered that if I don't assign the processedManagedObjects to self, the fetch request does indeed return the correct data, so it looks like holding a reference to the NSManagedObject stops it from getting new data from the main context. However I have no idea why that would be.
To clarify, we're pretty sure there's nothing wrong with our Core Data Stack, even when these managed objects are not being updated, other are being updated just fine, it's only this one where we store a local reference.
It sounds like what's going on is:
Managed objects don't automatically update themselves to reflect the latest data in the persistent store when changes are made via a different managed object context.
As a result, if you keep a reference to the objects, they keep whatever data they already had.
On the other hand if you don't keep a reference but instead re-fetch them, you get the new data because there was no managed object hanging around with its old data.
You have a few options:
You could keep the reference and have your context refresh the managed objects, using either the refresh(_, mergeChanges:) method or refreshAllObjects().
If it makes sense for your app, use an NSFetchedResultsController and use its delegate methods to be notified of changes.
Don't keep the reference.
The first is probably best-- refreshAllObjects() is probably what you want. Other options might be better based on other details of your app.
Try setting the shouldRefreshRefetchedObjects property of the fetch request to true. According to the documentation:
By default when you fetch objects, they maintain their current property values, even if the values in the persistent store have changed. Invoking this method with the parameter true means that when the fetch is executed, the property values of fetched objects are updated with the current values in the persistent store.

Crash when deleting object from Core Data and toggling view controllers

I am making a NSFetchRequest for a NSManaged Object on my initial screen. I sometimes have a crash in a scenario when I :
switch to another view controller within my tab bar controller
make another fetch request with the same managed object type
delete a common managed objects which also appears in my initial VC's fetchrequest. The VC contains a table view.
save the managed context
toggle to the first VC, and reload the data
I am not using NSFetchResutltsController to manage these returned objects. The crash happens when my tableview reloads. I do make another request, and expected the deleted objects not be returned, but it does. When my cells are trying to read a property of the deleted object, it reads uninitialized and crashes. This happens about 1 out of 5 times when toggling between the 2 VCs. I am using performAndWait in all of my CoreData functions.
Is there a way to decouple the the relationship of the Managed Objects between the two screens? If not, how can I get my fetch request in the first VC, not return the objects that were deleted in the second VC, keeping them in sync?
A NSManagedObject is not like other other objects. It does not contain any information itself. It has a pointer to its context and an objectID. When you access it's properties it forwards the request to the context to get the information that it needs. So when an entity is deleted from the context the managedObject stops working and causes a crash. This is why in general I think it is a bad practice to EVER keep a pointer to a managedObject and ALWAYS access them using a fetchedResultsController even if only for one object, and only do a fetch if the managedObjects results are discards right afterwards.
There are two possible solutions, which you hinted to in your question. Either you can copy the values out of the managedObject, or you can use a fetchedResultsController. If you copy the values then it will appears as normal even after the entity is deleted. If you use a fetchedResultsController then the fetchedObjects property will be never contain deleted object, and the object will be inaccessible after it is deleted.
I would recommend using a fetchedResultsController. You don't need to be afraid of it. It is not a large overhead and it reasonable to use even if you are fetching only one object.

NSManagedObjectContext - How to associate childcontext data with parentcontext data?

I'm confused on how the a child MOC (NSPrivateQueueConcurrencyType) works with a parent MOC (NSMainQueueConcurrencyType) with respect to the following scenario. I need to has a background thread check a web server for new or updated data. When something is received, I need to save or update the parent MOC. Sounds simple enough, and I see various examples. However, I'm still confused on a couple of things.
When processing data in the background thread, I can easily save the object in the child MOC. However, in my data model, I have relationships set up as recommended. So, for example, a ConversationThread will contain an array of Messages. Each Message will have Message.parentConvoThread set in the relationship. So, whenever I'm getting new messages from the server...
How do I associate the new Message object, which is created in the child privateMOC, with the ConversationThread (currently in the parent mainMOC)?
Now, say that I'm getting updated personal info for the person who wrote the message. I see they have updated data on the server, so I need to update their data in app. In the privateMOC...
How do I get the actual object (say it's MyContact) from the mainMOC to explicitly update? or...
If I create a new MyContact in the privateMOC, how do I merge that with the currently existing MyContact in the mainMOC? ...or does it automagically happen somehow? (<- I've read a lot of older threads that say you to use NSManagedObjectDidChangeNotification and manually merge but that this isn't necessary anymore...but how/why?)
Finally, a couple of questions about searching...
Can a search against the child privateMOC return results from the parent mainMOC (say if an entity exists in the parent but not the child)?
If the answer to #1 is true, what happens if the entity exists in both but hasn't been merged?
I'm quite confused on how they work together. Any help is greatly appreciated.
NSManagedObjectContexts are in memory caches of the data from an NSPersistentStore. A fetch on a child context will be executed through the parent context on the NSPersistentStore, and the data from the objects will be retrieved from either the cache in the child context, the parent context, or all the way from the persistent store (wherever it can first find the data).
If you are fetching from a child context, the results will be retrieved through the parent context, and you can expect this fetch request to return objects as though you fetched from the parent context.
Going the other direction, as long as all the changes you have made to your child context have been saved, those changes will be reflected in the parent context, because core data automatically handles the merge from child to parent.
The only trick is if you have references to objects in the child context, and changes are saved in the background to the parent context, you will either need to re-fetch those objects on the child context to get changes from the parent, or you can manually merge the changes on the parent's NSManagedObjectContextDidSaveNotification. See this post for more information: How to keep a child NSManagedObjectContext up to date when using bindings.

iOS5 NSFetchedResultsController not getting delete updates

I have a NSFetchedResultsController tied to my main managed object context. It is in charge of keeping data for a table view in my main view.
I have an NSOperation running on a background thread that refreshes/deletes the managed objects that the fetched results controller is keeping track of. I create a child context (private concurrency type / parent = main managed object context) in the nsoperation and insert/delete objects. When it is finished, it saves its context, as well as the parent context.
What's interesting and very frustrating is that this works fine in iOS 6. When I insert or delete objects, my fetched results controller is notified of the changes and everything works as expected. However, on iOS 5, everything works except for deletes. The fetched results controller is not notified of a delete. However... if I manually refresh the fetched results controller (making it nil and refetching the same predicate) then it will show the expected result.
Also, when I register for change/save notifications on the main context, I can see that the user info dictionary contains the objects that I've deleted... even in iOS 5!
One issue that I thought it may be, but I don't think holds because I've removed the factors, is that this object is in a many to one relationship with another object. The object I am deleting/inserting is an "employee" and it has a relationship with a "department". The employee is set to nullify and the department is set to cascade.
As I said, this works fine in iOS6 but not in iOS5.
Any tips would be very helpful.
This bug is due to saving to the persistent store. This child context saves itself, then calls perform block on it's parent, the main managed object context. When the main managed object context saves, it triggers a background context to write to the persistent store. When I removed the background context save, the fetched results controller updated as expected.
Something interesting that I found that was probably causing this was that the managed object was leaking every time I tried saving to the store. Not exactly sure how to fix this yet, but it's good to know the reason for it.

NSFetchedResultsChangeInsert gets called twice for 1 insert with different object IDs

I'm losing my mind around this question.
So I have a Core Data setup in my iOS app done this way:
I then insert an object by creating a temporary MOC (as explained in the blog post) and perform saves on all 3 contexts in performBlock: methods.
In a view controller I have an NSFetchedResultsController and it gets notified that I did indeed insert a new object. The problem is that the NSFetchedResultsChangeInsert is fired twice and each time the object that is passed trough has a different objectID (it also is a different object instance in memory). What happens is that I then have 2 rows inserted in my table view but un the SQL database there is only one new. It then of course crashes when I scroll to the bottom of the table view.
If I also perform some updates on the object I get NSFetchedResultsChangeUpdate called only once and with the objectID that was passed in the second NSFetchedResultsChangeInsert call.
The first ID looks like this:
The second (and all consequent ones) like this:
What could this be? Am I missing out something obvious?
PS: I also checked if the notification comes from the same context, thread, etc. It does.
The two IDs you are seeing may very well represent one object. The difference between them is just that the first one is a temporary object ID, assigned to the object on creation, and the second one is the permanent object ID, assigned to the object when it gets stored to the managed object store (see NSManagedObjectID's isTemporaryID).
To work around this issue you could call NSManagedObjectContext's obtainPermanentIDsForObjects:error: just before you save the temporary MOC. This way the inserted object will have just one ID during the save propagation and the NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegate methods should get called just once.
