Can you use a weebly website for your apps feedback website? - ios

Question pretty much is it. Can I use a website made with weebly as my feedback website? When submitting my app?

I haven't seen anything in the Developer Guidelines that talks about the use or non-use of any particular web platform for your web presence. Having said that, only Apple is able to give you a definite answer regarding it's guidelines, and you are bound to merely get opinions here, like mine.


How websites recommend apps

I'm wondering how websites like recommend an app at the top of the page on Apple devices.
How is this done?
That is smart banners. Please check out the official documentation.
Smart App Banners vastly improve users’ browsing experience compared to other promotional methods. As banners are implemented in iOS 6, they will provide a consistent look and feel across the web that users will come to recognize.

How to add additional permissions to live iOS app in production?

My existing iOS (native) app has basic readonly permissions, and is live & in production. Now I want to add the following roles for new features that have not been developed yet: manage_pages publish_pages publish_actions
It seems like a chicken-and-egg problem to me:
In order to add the permissions, I have to supply an app to the Facebook Review team that has features working that use these permissions, so Facebook can test them
In order to publish an update to this live app with the added features, I have to have the permissions approved by Facebook
How can this be done?
I found group on with name Facebook Developer Community, what they have stated I mentioned in the below with screenshot image of there group description.
Screenshot :
Text copy of Description :
Welcome! This is a forum for developers building on the Facebook platform to interact with the Facebook team and other developers.
For documentation and latest updates, visit the Facebook for Developers site:
To report a Platform bug, please visit:
To report an app for a policy violation, please visit:
For detailed technical questions please use a programming Q&A site such as StackOverflow:
If your app was restricted or removed from Facebook - you can learn more or appeal the restriction at:
This group is not for asking questions about using Facebook or your profile, asking people to like your page or app, advertising your site, hiring or soliciting professional services, posting photos of yourself, etc. Such posts will be removed and you may be removed from the group.
Please do not send unsolicited friend requests to the group admins.
Don't hesitate to ask a question otherwise but please search first to make sure that your question haven't been answered already - let's build!
Related question :
Here is one more question which is related somehow to your app.
Hope these answers helps you. By the way before implementing wrong is better if you take consult with the facebook so that you have right path and vision.
Best of luck!
The answer turns out to be that you have to build the features into your app without the permission, ie. "simulate" it happening, record a video of your app "simulating" it, and post that video to facebook with details for the review.

iOS app waiting list for customers

I am building out a iOS & Android app. My app may not fully scale to support users and have some limited functionality out the gates. I wanted to put an invite list on the front of registration like Mailbox did a few years ago.
I was trying to read the Apple app store guidelines to creating a "waiting list / invite list" and couldn't get a clear picture. I assume Android is more flexible on this, so I figured I could start with Apple's guidelines first.
Here is what I can find.
In Apple's docs, it says under 3.2.2 "UnAcceptable"
(v) Arbitrarily restricting who may use the app, such as by location or carrier.
In this specific case, I am not blocking by location or carrier. I am just putting up a wall to use the app since some of my users can use it in a limited form, but I can't open it up to everyone on Day 1.
I understand I can run a "testflight" release, but I wanted to make our app available in the App Store for anyone to download since it will be publicly available, just not fully ready for a million people to hit it. My understanding is that the testflight release requires a bit more work based on their docs and isn't as simple as just putting it in the public app store so anyone can get to it.
Apple has the ultimate authority for approving and rejecting apps in their app store so nothing on SO can really be perfect advice. If you are really concerned about approval, you can try to contact apple developers support. Here are a few things I would advise:
Make sure in the developer notes for Apple when you submit to them you include a free account.
In the notes for the app store let the users know that it may take up to __ hours for their registration to get activated.
My understanding is you are doing this to handle the volume of users as you are launching the app. Be advised though that if you start restricting users too much you will possibly get poor reviews. Only restrict usage if absolutely required. If you run into issues make sure you are communicating with the users so they understand.
Good luck with you new app!

IOS app for a website

I'm starting making an app for a website that I own. I know some about programming with xcode but there's a lot of stuff that I don't know yet. Mostly I have almost everything figured out for the app but I need to add to the app a way to sign in and sign up to the website and also a way to pay with credit card. I don't know how to start with all that.
I have tried to look some videos but I didn't see anything similar to what I want to do. I would really appreciate if you could explain me it, or send me some kind of help.
While I can't help you with sign-up/in features, I do know that ZooZ seems to be the cheapest and easiest way to accept credit card payments on mobile apps.
Both iOS and Android compatible, ZooZ's 3 lines of code monetizes your app in minutes. Users have their choice of checking out with credit cards or PayPal.
The biggest advantages of ZooZ are that your user always stays within your app and won't have to re-enter payment details in the future, resulting in faster processing and higher conversion rates.
Of course you can always build your own credit card processing platform, but considering the challenges of security, merchant accounts, and PCI compliance, it's probably not worth the headache.
Full disclosure: I have the privilege of working at ZooZ :)
Good luck with your app!

Want to check whether certain third-party tool is accepted by apple or not?

I was just reading some stuff related to Titanium. So, i wanted to know whether Apple will accept my app or not? I think, titanium-built apps will not be facing any problems right?
Also, the MAIN thing I want to know is, suppose I am using a third-party tool. Now, I want to test whether Apple will accept it or reject my app. How can I check that?
Will I have to upload the app and then simply WAIT for 10-15 days to know the solution or is there something else which will let me know Apple's decision somewhat earlier?
Apple will accept apps made with third-part tools, like flash, mono or Titanium.
Whether you app will be rejected is up to you, if you meet all the criteria for the app store your app will not be rejected.
Check the App store Submission tips to see if your matches the requirements.
