How to get square hovering over button iOS - ios

Sorry, the question isn't really clear, but basically I want a button or a label or something like that that says "notifications" and a small red square (like Facebook) that displays the number of notifications that user has (if they have any). How would I go about doing that? I'm not too advanced with UI design in iOS yet. I'm coming from an Android background so feel free to use any comparisons if there are any.

What you are referring to is called a badge. Some native controls have them (tab bar buttons come to mind), but most do not.
If you are using a tab bar controller, you can set the badge value from the UIViewController. Something like this:
[[self tabBarItem] setBadgeValue:#"1"];
If you are looking to implement a custom one, it could be easily accomplished with a UIView and a UILabel. Add a badge view to what ever view based control you are creating, then add a label to that badge view and set its text. There are probably lots of third party ones floating around the web already though.


iOS custom error popup

I would like to add "more info" collapsible accordion into my error alert view. So it will expand with additional information about the err after user presses it. And of course it will animate the size of error alert too. How it can be done? Maybe there is already existing solution for what I need?
Thanks a lot!
The standard UIAlertView does not allow this. You'll have to make your own view that mimicks the appearance of an alert view (using a UIVisualEffectView and possibly even a UIInterpolatingMotionEffect if you really want it to look like the real thing). Takes a fair but of work, especially if you want to support older iOS versions. And of course with every new iOS version that changes the appearance of alerts, you'll have to update the code. You might be better off just going with a completely different appearance unique to your app.
Once you have made that custom view, you can add the extra field as a hidden text field. When the triangle button is pressed, you set the height of that hidden field to 0, unhide it, then animate the height of the text field and the height of the containing view to their new values.
Try this custom alert view
You can add whatever animation you want.

Place image on top of all "layers" on iOS screen

What are the constraints/alternatives to place an image that stays on top of all iOS "layers" and windows. Think of it as a lock screen but that still allows you to interact with you phone, meaning browse, answer calls, etc. The image will be displayed in a transparent way (say 40%) and will be launched by an application.
Not really sure what you are asking for but if you are looking for a way to add some code once and it shows everywhere on each of your ViewController then there really is no way to do that.
What you can do is
Use UIToolBar
add buttons to that tool bar
Add that tool bar to each ViewController in storyboard (where you need them)
Create a global function / method that you can call in from any ViewController that has the button actions in it. That way you edit the code once in one place and use it every where.
If you don't like UIToolBar then
you can add your own UIImageView and add a transparent background to it
Add your buttons on the UIImageView. (You will have to add constraints)
then show that on every ViewController
If all this seems to much work then you can use existing controls HERE and see which one fits your needs.
This maybe a good one - FCVerticalMenu

How to create an internal notification (think red circle displaying a number)

Many apps have a sort of visual indicator showing when you have "new activity" or "new messages". I am 'not' talking about push notifications (though they appear similar). To better illustrate this, if you use the FB app, the globe icon (notifications) display a red circle with a number which represents how many new messages you may have since you last visited.
I'm wondering how that might be done because the only thing I can think of is to place an image view or text field over the icon that will display a number representing the number of new messages a user may have.
You have to use a bit of hacking to achieve this because badges in iOS natively can only be added to the tabbar items. There is a custom class called MKNumberBadgeView, which allows you to add it to the Nav Bar.
You would do it in the following way:
MKNumberBadgeView *badge=[[MKNumberBadgeView alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(92, 0, 40, 40)];
[self.navigationController.navigationBar addSubview:badge];
a few points: you will have to play around with placement of the badge on the nav bar, so adjust your cgrectmake.
I would suggest making the badge a property because eventually you will want to remove it from the view. In that case, you would call self.badge removeFromSuperview.
This class uses core graphics to draw the badge, looks really nice.
You can find more about it here:

How can I get the size of the keyboard on iPhone?

I want to get the keyboard size without using NSNotification. When I press the plus button, it can replace the keyboard with a custom UIView like this:
Then the plus button is pressed and the view loaded:
How can I achieve this?
I already made same rookie mistake like you want to do here. The problem is you will write a lot only to realize you do not want to avoid standard flow provided you by iOS team. For example you will definitely have a bad time dealing with issue like this one (there is additional bar which is part of standard keyboard for Chinese locale):
I solved this by using other people's work from DAKeyboardControl project. You do not need to attach observer (or if you use DAKeyboardControl - block) directly to your bar with buttons, but to your controller and check what user is trying to do and animate this bar accordingly. In the sources you can see how to get keyboard's animation duration and timing function. It may sound more complicated than it indeed is, just give it a try.

iOS system icons and custom buttons

i'm working on my first app and the problem a have is that the application interface design is quite customised, (even though it is a tab bar based app). now in one of the view controllers i need to present the user with the print interaction controller to print images. the thing is i don't use a navigation bar or a toolbar system or otherwise. i have managed to attach a target action method to a custom button. however, apple states that the printing interface should be presented by a system button (the one that looks like an arrow, kind of). question is: is there any way of putting a system icon inside a button that is not inside a (bar)?, or would it be ok to somehow tell the user (with an overlay or something) that tapping the button i'm using (the button is a red ribbon coming down from a picture frame) they will get the printing options?
Apple says:
Although the print button can be any
custom button, it is recommended that
you use the system item-action button
shown in Figure 6-1.
I'd interpret that to mean that you can use your own button if you want to.
You might want to consider having a toolbar at the top of the view for this particular tab. Just appearing on this tab. This would make the issue moot.
You could also, have the tool bar "slide in" and "slide out" from the top to provide access to this (and other?) actions. A single or double tap could instigate such an action.
Unfortunately, Apple doesn't expose the images for the custom bar button items in any reasonable manner. If you'd like access to them, I suggest using the bug reporter system at Apple's developer site to request that.
