How to fix breakpoint showing up on memory state issue? - ios

My break points are showing up over the memory state but I want to see them within code so that I can perform debugging. See the attached image and let me know how it can be fixed?

Figured Out:
See the attached image and un-check the "Show Disassembly while Debugging"


Breakpoint stop and shows wrong window in Xcode 8

I've added breakpoint in ViewDidLoad but when code execute and stop on breakpoint then it shows wrong window (Thread Window) instead of in Code.
showing thread window
I've Xcode 8.3.3 and I think this may be some issue in setting or may be something else, kindly guide me where i did wrong ?
Looking for help. Thanks
After hit and try I finally found solution, I did wrong and mistakenly check Allow Show Disassembly.
Allow Show Disassembly should be unchecked.
Hope this will help others too.

Thread1: Breakpoint 1.4 [duplicate]

I am following the Stanford University iOS development course on iTunes U.
In one of the demos (that I have been trying to follow), there is this code that loads the property list from an NSURL and returns it as NSMutableDictionary.
-(NSMutableDictionary *) words
NSURL *wordsURL=[NSURL URLWithString:#""];
words=[[NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfURL:wordsURL] retain];
return words;
The application is successfully built, but at runtime it gives the following error and gets stuck:
I can't figure out what the problem is. Can you please help?
You're stopped at a breakpoint. That's a debugging tool, not an error. See the blue arrow/tab in the left margin, where the line numbers are? Drag that away and drop it anywhere (you'll see a "poof") to remove it, then run your project again.
You can also deactivate all breakpoints by typing ⌘-Y, the key equivalent for the menu item Debug>Deactivate Breakpoints, or you can view all your breakpoints in the Breakpoint Navigator (hit ⌘-6).
When execution stops like this, you can continue from the breakpoint, either by typing continue at the debugger prompt in the Console:
(lldb) continue
Or hitting the "Play" button in the debugger controls. You can also type Control-⌘-Y, which is the equivalent for the menu item Debug>Continue.
This isn't an error. You just set a breakpoint (probably without knowing it).
Drag the little blue Chevron in the column at the left out of the way. You will see it disappear and go poof, and then you can rebuild your app and you should see it run properly.
Now, that said, I think there are some memory management mistakes in your code, but we can return to those later. ;-)
The program is stopping because you have a breakpoint.. That's the blue arrow on the left of the code. Right-click it and delete.

Autolayout yellow warnings. Will it crash my app in run time

In storyboard , I am seeing a lot of yellow warning. Upon clicking the yellow warning , I get like update frame or update constraints. In the console it throws auto-layout warnings too. I just want to know whether it will crash my app because of this.enter image description here
Yellow warnings and auto-layout warnings in console are not related.
Yellow warnings means that what you see in IB is not what you will get at runtime according to current constraints. If you want to see what you will get you should click yellow warning and press "update frame". If you want to get at runtime what you currently see in IB you should press yellow warning and select "update constraint".
Runtime warnings in console means some constraints conflict at runtime. You should analyse the warning message to find what is the issue.
Most of the time it will not. But I suggest you to fix them all.
why not update all the frames, the difference Xcode complains about is not much, and NO it wont crash your application, BUT Xcode complains as there might be situations where your constraints wont work as per you set them.
Your Application will not crash weather it is a Yellow one or a Red one .
Xcode only means that the constrains you have kept may not work properly in different modes and resolutions .
You can simply fix it by simply clicking on update constraints,but result may not be what you expected.
So click on yellow arrow and read suggestion by xcode.

How do I delete a breakpoint marker in xcode?

So my app is 100% done, however when I compile it in xcode the app loads up normal, but when I press the button, which is the apps main function, it encounters a thread breakpoint error and I'm not sure why.
When I run the app by itself in the simulator without xcode it runs perfect, the thread error only happens when I run it in xcode.
Thanks again for any help that can be provided!
Click on that dark blue arrow next to the "Play Sound" comment, and it will turn light blue (disabled). Or right click (or option-click) on the blue arrow and you have an option to remove the breakpoint.
Or select the breakpoint navigator ("View" - "Navigators" - "Show Breakpoint Navigator") and manage your breakpoints there.
See WWDC 2012 video Debugging in Xcode.
Your app stops when running in the debugger because you have set a breakpoint at that line. Delete or disable the breakpoint. There is nothing wrong here and there is no error. The debugger is doing exactly what you told it to do.
In XCode 9 the easiest way to delete breakpoint is to just left-click and drag it.

Understanding xcode instruments for allocation

My assumption is that the red line is the culprit for why my object is still retained. Is that the case? Where can I go to find out more information about this line?
The red line is telling you that 90.4% of the memory allocated in the current method is allocated in the call to fadeOutSplash. Whether or not that line of code is causing your object to be retained can't be determined from the view in your screenshot.
If you look at the screenshot you can see an Info button next to the 90.4% listing. Clicking the button will show you the heaviest backtraces, the backtraces with the largest memory allocations. I'm not sure how much that information will help in your case, but it is additional information about that line of code.
