Simulating content offset of UIScrollView in Interface Builder - ios

I have a UIScrollView with a rather large amount of controls in it (like a long form or questionnaire).
The controls are static and can be added in IB, but the scroll view itself is not large enough for all the controls (scrolling is necessary, duh!), meaning that I can't see most of my controls in IB and have to align them "blindly".
Is there a way to simulate a scroll offset for a UIScrollView in IB?

You don't need to, just size your UIScrollView to the size that is needed (it will come off the bottom on the phone screen layout in Xcode) and place the items on it

You should check out this link, it gives a great explanation on different ways to implement the UIScrollView.
UIScrollView implementation


UIScrollView and two-way scrolling

I'm having some trouble working with UIScrollView in my current project. My intention is to have a variable-size drawable canvas which can extend beyond both sides of the screen, and whose size is determined by the user at runtime. For this purpose, I put in a UIScrollView with a Content View inside of it in my View Controller. Unfortunately, Interface Builder keeps pestering me to define the X and Y axes of my Content View as a constant sizes which isn't possible given my specifications. I've even set the ScrollView.contentSize programmatically in my viewDidLoad method and Interface builder is still giving me errors. All other tutorials I've seen have only talked about one-way scrolling with UIScrollView, so here I am. Here's some screenshots of my storyboard hierarchy as well to make things more clear:
Does anyone have any experience/workarounds for this kind of problem?
Interface builder is TRYING to be helpful and make sure that you don't have arbitrary constraints on your content view.
Remember that Interface Builder just cares about the initial state of the views it loads. It does not care what you do with them after they have been loaded.
Make IB happy by giving it some rational initial size for your content view. Then programatically after your scroll view loads you can resize the content view and set the scroll view's content size programmatically.

Custom Page Control with Paging Scrollview

Instead of the standard dots that Apple provides for a page control, I want to have something like this. However I don't want it to be in an infinite loop were you can circle around. All I care about is the scrollable text on top, not the parallax image.
Currently I have a paging scrollview that contains three view controllers so my custom page control will have only three words: Main, Today, Settings.
The way I see this being built is the following:
Subclass UIView and insert three UIButton's and evenly space them. The title of the buttons will be Main, Today, Settings.
Insert this UIView as child of scrollview (or maybe not)
Make UIView the width of the iPhone screen
Not sure about here now -> as you scroll the scrollview shift the UIView on and off the screen so that the UIButton will be centered in one of the view controllers in the scrollview.
Am I on right track or does anyone have a demo to this?
Yes. You are on right track. You can use scrollView for this exact purpose. You have to make use of scrollViewDelegate methods for this. The below link will explain you how to do that.
How to make Paging with scrollView.

Adding a UIScrollView to an existing view with lots of objects... how to easily make whole view scrollable?

I made an app that has a lot of content on its view (images, buttons, text labels, etc.) and is optimized for the iPhone 5 display. However, the part of the view that is missing when viewed on an iPhone 4 screen is just additional settings, and is perfectly acceptable to be hidden until scrolled to.
So, how do I made my entire view scrollable for iPhone 4 users? I tried just dragging and dropping a UIScrollVIew object over the top of the whole view, but it doesn't add scrolling capability.
I have worked with UIScrollView before, but it was always something I added to the view before anything else, and don't know how to go about adding it to my view now that there are already bunches of objects. Hopefully there is some easy solution that doesn't require manually addig every object as a subView, etc.
Thanks for the suggestions!
I don't know how your views are created, but the easiest thing would be to change the class of the main view from UIView to UIScrollView.
From the InterfaceBuilder you can select all your content views (images, buttons, text labels, etc.) and then select Editor > Embed in > ScrollView.
This will create a UIScrollView containing al the views selected.
WARNING: you will lose all constraints between these subviews and the superview or the layout margin. Relative constraints (from subview to subview) will remain.
This approach is very useful when you wan to make only some content scrollable.

Xcode 6.1 IOS really long form

I am quite new to xcode.
I am trying to create a contact details form for an iPhone using the storyboard. The problem is that form is longer than the display and I can't work out how to design it using the storyboard.
Any ideas?
In IB, you can set the controller's size in Simulated Metrics to Freeform, then select the view and make it as tall as you want. Then, add a scroll view to take up the whole view, and add your UIElements, and lay them out how you want. When you run the app, the view controller will still only be as big as the screen (obviously), but the scroll view will be as big as you made the view in IB (you may need to increase its contentSize even more to be able to scroll to the bottom).
Such forms are often made in storyboards using a UITableView and setting the "content" of the table to be "Static Cells." You can set any number of cells and the contents of the cell you want. The table itself is scrollable inside the storyboard/Interface Builder editor and looks much the way it would when presented to a user.
First, select the tableView on the left
Then, you can move it simply scrolling (on mac, two fingers on the trackpad, or using the mouse wheel)
You should have a look at UIScrollView, it is designed to support content larger than screen size (like you see in web browser or settings)
Basic usage is:
//Set a size which will be able to cover all form elements
[yourScrollView setContentSize:CGSizeMake()];
//Your scrollView now extends from CGPoint 0,0 to contentSize.width,contentSize.height.
//Your subviews should be positioned according to scrollview's bounds not the viewcontroller.view or any other container view.
//Add all the form elements
[yourScrollView addSubview:...];
[yourScrollView setDelegate:self]; //If you need actions after user scrolled etc.
Have a look at the developer manual for more info. Most method names are quite self explanatory.

UIScrollView - How to position controls

I am pretty confused on how to position the controls on a UIScrollView that extends beyond the associated UIView.
I have a long form that needs to be filled out which is on one long UIScrollView. I have read (but can't believe) that there is no way to use InterfaceBuilder in order to position the controls, but instead you have to hardcode X\Y coords. in code (or in IB, but they still won't show as WYSIWIG)
Do you really have to do this all with hard coded coords ?
If so what is the best approach to accomplish this ? What if certain controls can become "hidden" you then need to have code that moves the coordinates of all controls further down on the page up ?
Would a better approach be to put all the controls on different views and then add those views to the UIScrollView (at least you could then "see" them in IB...)
I hope I am missing something :-)
You do not have to do all of this in code.
You can just have an XIB file for your embedded UIView. This can be as large as you need it to be. Then have a view controller that loads this XIB, and add its view to your scroll view (setting the content size appropriately.)
As for hiding controls - XIB files probably won't help you there. But you can hide controls and adjust the coordinates of other controls in code. (And change the content size of your scroll view if necessary.) This might be a reason to have different controls in different subviews of your scroll view's content view.
In IB, you can create your UIScrollView at the top of the hierarchy and give it the height that you want. Then you can set your elements as you want, in a WYSIWYG way. Once you finished, you just set the size of your UIScrollView to the size you want and set it under the hierarchy of your ViewController's UIView, and finally in the code, you set the content size of your UIScrollView to the size it takes. Easy !
I would encourage you to read this, it's good advice if you want to design a long form, in a user friendly way :)
