which is more important, number of variables or subexpressions? - preprocessor

I presume the technique detecting shared expressions is applied on most of modern SMT solvers. The performance should be very good when it processes a sequence of similar expressions. However, I got unexpected results after I run Z3 on input1 and input2. Instead of build a long constraint A in "input1", some intermediate variables are defined to map to the sub-expressions of A in "input2". In that case, input1 has less variables, which should be solved faster than input2. I cannot find useful information from the statistic as they are exactly same except the solving time and memory consumed:
I would very much appreciate if someone can answer/explain what affects the performance of the SMT solvers more, the number of variables or number of subexpressions?

I've done some profiling, and it seems that both inputs behave exactly the same in the solver. All (check-sat) commands take exactly the same time. Note that input 2 is a file of size 255KB, but input1 is a file of size 240MB, i.e., this file is about 1000 times larger than the first one. According to my profiler, all of the additional time required to solve these queries is spent in the parser. So, it simply takes a long time to read and check the input; the actual queries are all easy.


Neo4j floating point sum different results

I am using neo4j to calculate some statistics on a data set. For that I am often using sum on a floating point value. I am getting different results depending on the circumstances. For example, a query that does this:
WITH foo
ORDER BY foo.fooId
RETURN SUM(foo.Weight)
Returns different result than the query that simply does the sum:
RETURN SUM(foo.Weight)
The differences are miniscule (293.07724195098984 vs 293.07724195099007). But it is enough to make simple equality checks fail. Another example would be a different instance of the database, loaded with the same data using the same loading process can produce the same issue (the dbs might not be 1:1, the load order of some relations might be different). I took the raw values that neo4j sums (by simply removing the SUM()) and verified that they are the same in all cases (different dbs and ordered/not ordered).
What are my options here? I don't mind losing some precision (I already tried to cut down the precision from 15 to 12 decimal places but that did not seem to work), but I need the results to match up.
Because of rounding errors, floats are not associative. (a+b)+c!=a+(b+c).
The result of every operation is rounded to fit the floats coding constraints and (a+b)+c is implemented as round(round(a+b) +c) while a+(b+c) as round(a+round(b+c)).
As an obvious illustration, consider the operation (2^-100 + 1 -1). If interpreted as a (2^-100 + 1)-1, it will return 0, as 1+2^-100 would require a precision too large for floats or double coding in IEEE754 and can only be coded as 1.0. While (2^-100 +(1-1)) correctly returns 2^-100 that can be coded by either floats or doubles.
This is a trivial example, but these rounding errors may exist after every operation and explain why floating point operations are not associative.
Databases generally do not return data in a garanteed order and depending on the actual order, operations will be done differently and that explains the behaviour that you have.
In general, for this reason, it not a good idea to do equality comparison on floats. Generally, it is advised to replace a==b by abs(a-b) is "sufficiently" small.
"sufficiently" may depend on your algorithm. float are equivalent to ~6-7 decimals and doubles to 15-16 decimals (and I think that it is what is used on your DB). Depending on the number of computations, you may have the last 1--3 decimals affected.
The best is probably to use
where relative-error must be adjusted to your problem. Probably something around 10^-13 can be correct, but you must experiment, as rounding errors depends on the number of computations, on the dispersion of the values and on what you may consider as "equal" for you problem.
Look at this site for a discussion on comparison methods. And read What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic by David Goldberg that discusses, among others, these problems.

What is the difference between loadu_ps and set_ps when using unformatted data?

I have some data that isn't stored as structure of arrays. What is the best practice for loading the data in registers?
__m128 _mm_set_ps (float e3, float e2, float e1, float e0)
// or
__m128 _mm_loadu_ps (float const* mem_addr)
With _mm_loadu_ps, I'd copy the data in a temporary stack array, vs. copying the data as values directly. Is there a difference?
It can be a tradeoff between latency and throughput, because separate stores into an array will cause a store-forwarding stall when you do a vector load. So it's high latency, but throughput could still be ok, and it doesn't compete with surrounding code for the vector shuffle execution unit. So it can be a throughput win if the surrounding code also has shuffle operations, vs. 3 shuffles to insert 3 elements into an XMM register after a scalar load of the first one. Either way it's still a lot of total uops, and that's another throughput bottleneck.
Most compilers like gcc and clang do a pretty good job with _mm_set_ps () when optimizing with -O3, whether the inputs are in memory or registers. I'd recommend it, except in some special cases.
The most common missed-optimization with _mm_set is when there's some locality between the inputs. e.g. don't do _mm_set_ps(a[i+2], a[i+3], a[i+0], a[i+1]]), because many compilers will use their regular pattern without taking advantage of the fact that 2 pairs of elements are contiguous in memory. In that case, use (the intrinsics for) movsd and movhps to load in two 64-bit chunks. (Not movlps: it merges into an existing register instead of zeroing the high elements, so it has a false dependency on the old contents while movsd zeros the high half.) Or a shufps if some reordering is needed between or within the 64-bit chunks.
The "regular pattern" that compilers use will usually be movss / insertps from memory if compiling with SSE4, or movss loads and unpcklps shuffles to combine pairs and then another unpcklps, unpcklpd, or movlhps to shuffle into one register. Or a shufps or shufpd if the compiler likes to waste code-side on immediate shuffle-control operands instead of using fixed shuffles intelligently.
See also Agner Fog's optimization guides for some handy tables of data-movement instructions to get a better idea of what the compiler has to work with, and how stuff performs. Note that Haswell and later can only do 1 shuffle per clock. Also other links in the x86 tag wiki.
There's no really cheap way for a compiler or human to do this, in the general case when you have 4 separate scalars that aren't contiguous in memory at all. Or for register inputs, where it can't optimize the way they're generated in registers in the first place to have some of them already packed together. (e.g. for function args passed in registers to a function that can't / doesn't inline.)
Anyway, it's not a big deal unless you have this inside an inner loop. In that case, definitely worry about it (and check the compiler's asm output to see if it made a mess or could do better if you program the gather yourself with intrinsics that map to single instructions like _mm_load_ss / _mm_shuffle_ps).
If possible, rearrange your data layout to make data contiguous in at least small chunks / stripes. (See https://stackoverflow.com/tags/sse/info, specifically these slides. But sometimes one part of the program needs the data one way, and the other needs another. Choose the layout that's good for the case that needs to be faster, or that runs more often, or whatever, and suck it up and do the best you can for the other part of the program. :P Possibly transpose / convert once to set up for multiple SIMD operations, but extra passes over data with no computation just suck up time and can hurt your computational intensity (how much ALU work you do for each time you load data into registers) more than they help.
And BTW, actual gather instructions (like AVX2 vgatherdps) are not very fast; even on Skylake it's probably not worth using a gather instruction for four 32-bit elements at known locations. On Broadwell / Haswell, gather is definitely not worth using for this.

Largest amount of entries in lua table

I am trying to build a Sieve of Eratosthenes in Lua and i tried several things but i see myself confronted with the following problem:
The tables of Lua are to small for this scenario. If I just want to create a table with all numbers (see example below), the table is too "small" even with only 1/8 (...) of the number (the number is pretty big I admit)...
max = 600851475143
numbers = {}
for i=1, max do
table.insert(numbers, i)
If I execute this script on my Windows machine there is an error message saying: C:\Program Files (x86)\Lua\5.1\lua.exe: not enough memory. With Lua 5.3 running on my Linux machine I tried that too, error was just killed. So it is pretty obvious that lua can´t handle the amount of entries.
I don´t really know whether it is just impossible to store that amount of entries in a lua table or there is a simple solution for this (tried it by using a long string aswell...)? And what exactly is the largest amount of entries in a Lua table?
Update: And would it be possible to manually allocate somehow more memory for the table?
Update 2 (Solution for second question): The second question is an easy one, I just tested it by running every number until the program breaks: 33.554.432 (2^25) entries fit in one one-dimensional table on my 12 GB RAM system. Why 2^25? Because 64 Bit per number * 2^25 = 2147483648 Bits which are exactly 2 GB. This seems to be the standard memory allocation size for the Lua for Windows 32 Bit compiler.
P.S. You may have noticed that this number is from the Euler Project Problem 3. Yes I am trying to accomplish that. Please don´t give specific hints (..). Thank you :)
The Sieve of Eratosthenes only requires one bit per number, representing whether the number has been marked non-prime or not.
One way to reduce memory usage would be to use bitwise math to represent multiple bits in each table entry. Current Lua implementations have intrinsic support for bitwise-or, -and etc. Depending on the underlying implementation, you should be able to represent 32 or 64 bits (number flags) per table entry.
Another option would be to use one or more very long strings instead of a table. You only need a linear array, which is really what a string is. Just have a long string with "t" or "f", or "0" or "1", at every position.
Caveat: String manipulation in Lua always involves duplication, which rapidly turns into n² or worse complexity in terms of performance. You wouldn't want one continuous string for the whole massive sequence, but you could probably break it up into blocks of a thousand, or of some power of 2. That would reduce your memory usage to 1 byte per number while minimizing the overhead.
Edit: After noticing a point made elsewhere, I realized your maximum number is so large that, even with a bit per number, your memory requirements would optimally be about 73 gigabytes, which is extremely impractical. I would recommend following the advice Piglet gave in their answer, to look at Jon Sorenson's version of the sieve, which works on segments of the space instead of the whole thing.
I'll leave my suggestion, as it still might be useful for Sorenson's sieve, but yeah, you have a bigger problem than you realize.
Lua uses double precision floats to represent numbers. That's 64bits per number.
600851475143 numbers result in almost 4.5 Terabytes of memory.
So it's not Lua's or its tables' fault. The error message even says
not enough memory
You just don't have enough RAM to allocate that much.
If you would have read the linked Wikipedia article carefully you would have found the following section:
As Sorenson notes, the problem with the sieve of Eratosthenes is not
the number of operations it performs but rather its memory
requirements.[8] For large n, the range of primes may not fit in
memory; worse, even for moderate n, its cache use is highly
suboptimal. The algorithm walks through the entire array A, exhibiting
almost no locality of reference.
A solution to these problems is offered by segmented sieves, where
only portions of the range are sieved at a time.[9] These have been
known since the 1970s, and work as follows

Measure and bound time spent in arithmetic sub-solvers

Q1: Is it possible to query the times Z3 spent in different sub-solvers?
Calling (get-info :all-statistics) gives the overall run time of Z3, but I would like to break it down into individual sub-solvers.
I am particularly interested in the time spent in arithmetic-related sub-solver, more precisely, in those that give rise to the statistics grobner and nonlinear-horner.
Q2: Furthermore, is it possible to put a timeout on sub-solver?
I could imagine something like defining a timeout per check-sat and sub-solver that bounds the time Z3 can spent in that sub-solver. Z3 would repeatedly call n different sub-solvers, and if the time bound of one of them is reached it continues, but only uses the remaining n-1 sub-solvers.
I read the tactics tutorial and got the impression that this might actually be possible by something along the lines of
(try-for <arithmetic-solvers> 500)
but I couldn't figure out which solvers to use.
For Q1: No, you'd have to add your own timers on that and I would expect this to be nontrivial as it's not clear what exactly should and shouldn't be counted.
Q2: Yes, you can build your own custom strategies/tactics. Note that par-or means parallel or, i.e., it will try to run the provided tactics in parallel.
Not everything we call a "solver" has it's own tactic, so this might require some fiddling. Note that "solver" in this context is not necessarily the same as the Z3 C++ object called "solver". Some "solvers" are also integral parts of the SMT kernel.

How to estimate time spent in SAT solving part in z3 for SMT?

I have profiled my problems, which are in (pseudo-nonlinear) integer real fragment using the profiler gprof (stats here including the call graph) and was trying to separate out the time taken into two classes:
I)The SAT solving part (including [purely] boolean propagation and [purely] boolean conflict clause detection, backjumping, any other propositional manipulation)
II)The theory solving part (including theory consistency checks, generation of theory conflict-clauses and theory propagation).
Do lines 3280-3346 in smt_context.cpp within bounded_search() constitute the top-level DPLL(X) loop?
I believe it is easier to sum-up the time in SAT solver functions (since they are fewer)
and then the rest can be considered as theory solvers's time. I am trying to figure out which functions I should consider as falling under class I above? Are they smt::context::decide(), smt::context::bcp() within smt::context::propagate()? Any others?
smt::context: resolve_conflict() seems to be mixed with calls to theory solver?
Is it correct that smt::context::propagate() seems to be mostly theory propagation (class II) except its bcp() function? Also, smt::context::final_check() seems to be purely in class II.
Any hints greatly appreciated. Thanks.
You are correct, bcp() and decide() are part of the "SAT solver".
The function final_check() is just theory reasoning. It executes procedures that Z3 "claims" to be too "expensive". The resolve_conflict() procedure is mixed: it performs lemma learning, and backtracking. To generate new lemmas, Z3 uses Boolean resolution (which is in "SAT part"). In several cases, the most expensive part of resolve_conflict is backtracking the state of the theory solvers.
