Facebook iOS SDK native login not working - ios

I've implemented facebook sdk into my project and everything is setup exactly as shown in guide https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/ios/v2.0, including info.plist file.
FacebookAppID, FacebookDisplayName and URL types are set (see image)
Everything is working when I use facebook app login, or browser login, but when I've added account into devide, so iOS native login dialog should be present, nothing happend, log only displays User cancelled every time I press Facebook login button.
I've done several projects before with facebook login implementation and I've not experienced this error. I think I'm missing something but somehow I can't figure. The appId and item 0 with prefix have the same numbers and display name is copied exactly from FB developer.
The strange issue I've noticed here is that when I first install app on device with FB account setup in settings, I can click it once...nothing happend and after second click the application is automatically disabled in Settings > Facebook.
UPDATE: I was able to login with native login dialog with older version of Facebook SDK (I've just replaced latest SDK with older one and now it works...don't forget to change permissions because latest SDK uses permissions public_profile instead of basic_profile used in older versions of SDK) why native login is not working with latest FB SDK is still a mistery :)

The answer to
'why native login is not working with latest FB SDK is still a
is here. See the upgrade guide form 3.13 > 3.14.
The default login behavior has changed from FBSessionLoginBehaviorUseSystemAccountIfPresent to FBSessionLoginBehaviorWithFallbackToWebView


Facebook Authentication: To use this URL you must add a valid native platform in your App's settings

Have a Cordova iOS app with Facebook authentication using Facebook Cordova Plugin.https://github.com/Wizcorp/phonegap-facebook-plugin
Was working fine but has suddenly authentication is failing, having not changed anything in the app that I can see. And I get a warning which I can't find on Google:
"To use this URL you must add a valid native platform in your App's settings."
The only thing I did yesterday really was add the app to iTunes Connect to use in Testflight. I have it registered as a web app still in Facebook. Could it somehow be related to that? That seems bizarre.
Well the answer was in the question. I added a native iOS app in Facebook. And it now works. Not sure why it was working and suddenly stopped, but hey that's Facebook.
I'll leave this answer here as there were zero hits on Google for that FB warning.

Facebook don't track app installs on dashboard for iOS application

I create Facebook application on developers.facebook.com.
Configure and integrate Facebook SDK in my iOS application according to facebook guide.
And now after install application to new device, and login with Facebook. I see tracked events in Analytics -> Events -> Most Recent (filter by event type "App installs").
But in dashboard page a see old date in "Last Mobile App Installs":
If clicked on "Last Mobile App Installs", i see graph with tracked installs:
Several times I validate the configuration of iOS project. I also have another project in which everything works fine. And the project settings are identical.
I checked request after iOS app installed to device: https://graph.facebook.com/v2.3/FACEBOOK_APP_ID/activities?&event=MOBILE_APP_INSTALL (i cut some informations from request).
Response "success": true
What can I try to do?
Edited (29.06.2015)
I check App Ads Helper (thank you Sleepy Panda). And what i see:
I fixed my problem.
For others, who like me will not understand what was happening. Facebook tracked organic install. In my case i took a new device (which was not used with my application earlier). Install and launched app.
Thats all! After few minutes Facebook dashboard has been updated.

Facebook Unity SDK iOS login is not using system level login but uses browser or facebook app

I have encountered an issue where a facebook user is logged in from within iOS 7.1 itself (from Settings app). My app is ignoring this system level log in, and instead is switching to the facebook app (if installed), or web browser to log in the user. From facebook developers dashboard, under iOS settings I have entered the correct bundle identifier, and also enabled Single Sign On.
Also in the Settings app, there is no switch for my app to allow it to use the facebook account.
I'm using Facebook Unity SDK 5.1 and Unity 4.3.0f4
(P.S. On Android it works fine and uses the system level login)
Any ideas?
It sounds to me like your URL scheme suffix isn't set up correctly. If you press open the Facebook menu on the top bar in unity and click edit settings it will open your Facebook settings.
Within this window put "fb" + appId e.g. fb0123456789 into the URL scheme suffix box. Then instead of hitting build and run to test, just press build so that your post processes will make this change in your plist.

Facebook ios sdk login error

I'm currently developing an iOS app that uses the Facebook sdk for login (through FBLoginView).
Everything works well except for those who have an older version of facebook.
When they press the "login with facebook" button they reach facebook's login page as intended, but once they log in they get an error message stating that the app is not well configured, here's a screenshot of the error:
subtitle: "Application not configured: the developers of this app haven't properly configured it to connect to Facebook"
As I said things fail for those who have an older version of facebook only, I can currently see 3 versions around me, the one with the dark sidebar on the left, one with 2 sidebars on both sides, and the old one with a light sidebar on the left.
Is there something special to do to have it working on all version ?
In case it happens to somebody else : I had the same error and it came from the fact that I tried to login with another login that the one I used to create the app on the facebook dashboard.
Because when your app on the facebook dashboard is in development mode, it is only visible to the account who created it...
Check whether your app is not in Sandbox mode and if it is then set testers through the developers' settings, also check and try to create a new hashkey and to input it in the developers' settings.

How to keep user logged to Facebook when switching from iOS FB to Facebook SDK?

I have app on AppStore that uses native iOS 6.0 Facebook account (in settings). Now I will release new version that is using Facebook SDK instead. There are users who logged in via native iOS framework and now I want Facebook SDK in the new version when installed to "import" those users from system without showing any login dialogs.
Is it possible and how?
Yes, you just need to go to your app on https://developers.facebook.com/apps/
And then edit it.On the basic definitions your app can be cross platform I have apps that are facebook app, mobile app and page tab. If you grant permission in one of them, the user can enter all the 3 without asking permissions again.
